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Everything posted by Galacticruler

  1. had another thought recently actually to give a purpose to Lox, why not let us milk them and make cheese? Yeah they're lizards, but we've also got ice dragons, sea serpents, and a flat world with an edge...so realism is tentative at best Lox Cheese I feel would probably be akin to Queen's Jam on its own, for stats, but could be paired with Cooked Meat, Bread, and either Turnip or Carrot for a sandwich that is slightly better than Lox Meat Pie, for a shorter time
  2. Just some ideas floating around that I'd love but am far too stupid to code: Half-Width Wood Walls, Triangular Roof corners, Curved Stone/Wood & Roof.Less Infuriating Stone Arch (Less prone to collapse when holding up stone if touching another arch)Something to stop Axes from resetting their animation state on Trees, slowing them down (IE: Stop hitting with the first animation only, continue to the second). Unrealistic but would improve wood harvesting imo.More Food! Generally just more food to cookMagic Weapons? (Wands/Staves/Books) High Spirit Damage + Elemental damages but no/minimal physical damage types. Maybe ranged even, for high stamina cost.Something to calm deer down after a duration without seeing the player.Bigger Input Storage on Kiln/Smelter/Blast FurnaceChitin Armor?Oak & Birch Seeds, For gods sake, pleaseTrophies -> Relevant Drops From Mobs Via New StationCustom Music Mod (Allow custom file load from folder?)That's about it for now, I guess
  3. As the title asks, is it possible for someone to make a mod that increases the color options for armor, hair, eyes, skin, etc? I always found the low selection of all of those and the garish color combos for armor to be a bit...bad.
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