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Everything posted by siempre

  1. Thanks for sharing, Dark0ne! I've been using and loving the Nexus sites for years. As I've gotten older and more aware of how things work, I've come to appreciate how unbelievably unique this community is. It's all a reflection of your vision and hard work. As a side note, we cluster our servers at work, and I honestly can't imagine going back to life without. We can take down any server for patching or whatever, without having to take an outage and the best part... our end-users don't notice a thing : -)
  2. Wow, djh and maywire, you guys did awesome work on these! I love the armor in ME, and for some odd reason, it seems to "fit" the FO3 universe. I can't wait to see some of these released :D
  3. My latest play through has been hugely disappointing in the random encounters department. Some of my favorite encounters, like the guy who talks about the Survival Guide, didn't show up this time and I just read on the Vault that most random encounters are permanent? Poor Mel has been cowering outside Vault 106 for a week, doing nothing. How hard would it be to force REs to reset after say, a week in-game? I'm not unfamiliar with the GECK, if someone could just point me in the right direction to do this, I'd appreciate it!
  4. Well, I seem to have fixed it and I don't really understand how. First I peeled away all my non-essential mods (basically, anything that didn't add a perk to my character) and then slowly began adding them back in, except a few, which I removed for tidying purposes. The one I removed, Scout outfit, Carfort with quests, and Roy Philips is evil w/ mask had all been in my load order forever, so I refuse to believe one of them was really causing this bizarre problem that only just happened.... Whatever, it's working now and I'm glad. Thanks for the input, mechine, I'll be sure to try that out when this problem crops up again. Because it probably will.
  5. I have a custom companion, a modified Malcolm from the Phalanx New Followers mod. I noticed sometime after the Waters of Life quest that I could no longer issue him commands; clicking on him would yield his usual greeting response ("Hey there" or something similar) but the dialog box would immediately close after that. Later, I visited Malika of Azar's Gypsy mod, and she would do the same thing. Ditto Turner and Molly from Companion Turner, and Artu Ditu from COMM. So at this point it looks to be affecting every mod-added NPC, but I can't figure out what caused it. I hadn't added any new mods in awhile, and I don't think it has anything to do with the quest itself, since loading a previous save from before the problem (and the Waters of Life/ Take it Back) doesn't get rid of it. I have all the DLCs, running offline with GFWL and achievements disabled... patch 1.7 w/ FOMM, FOSE, and FO3 Edit + Master Update (to fix the white bodies problem still apparent in 1.7)... Please tell me someone has some ideas!
  6. Wow, I'm a big fan of this new system. I always use to hate how anything lower than a 10 was treated as a slap in the face. Good work, dark one! :)
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