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About mhahn123

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    United States
  • Currently Playing
    Currently playing through Stardew Valley again. With mods this time around.
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    Hard to choose just one. I grew up in the era when Video Games were being invented. So I've played a lot.

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  1. Just lurking here but I tend to go mostly vanilla also using Darnified as well (Dark UI I believe it is). The vanilla faces are what they are. I've lived with them from day one so they are familiar. My real reason for posting though is that word "kludge"...I like that word and intend to use it as often as possible. :laugh:
  2. In CSE, when you select multiple objects at the same time, you should have a black shaded editor box pop up. Mine is over in the upper right corner by default. Tick the little circle labeled global. Then use your mouse pointer to click and hold on the x, y, or z rotation buttons in that box, while moving. In this way you can rotate multiple objects around a single axis.
  3. What is, and where to find, the most recent version? Again I'm trying to update some of my old compatibility patches for OOO. Goes without saying I want whichever is the most up to date. From what I can tell that is the version last updated by Walker In Shadows (v1.5.12 or some such). Please correct me if there is something newer.
  4. Thanks folks. I did find them on Confrerie, Sita has my Settlements series over there also. Some other community members have since forwarded English copies as well. All good on this end and many thanks!
  5. Mods that have been removed I should say. It seems like every time I take a break and come back something big changes. This time it's Nexus' collections system. And I don't want to start anyone ranting anew about that. We all have our opinions. Now some very good mods have been removed. Which is the topic of discussion. I recently had an old PC bite the dust. I was able to archive everything that I thought I couldn't replace. Unfortunately some things which I didn't archive are no longer here to download. In particular the two listed below. Probably will discover more as I go through my old lists. If anyone knows of a download site for these please point me in the right direction. If anyone knows other mods which have been removed, and places they can be found, feel free to add a comment. I'm sure people may find that helpful as well. Looking for: ----------------- Shezries Towns (v3.1 was the last I know of) Dark Brotherhood Chronicles
  6. Well as you've already said it's an undertaking to create a new texture for even one model. That is most likely why there is a lack of mods for uniques in this game. Also the fact that any such endeavor is highly subject to personal taste. Can never please everyone. You could do what myself and others have done, compile resources and make your own mod for personal use. It takes a bit of browsing but between FO3 and FNV Nexus I found more than enough material. New skins and/or models for all unique armors and weapons. Restored almost all of the cut content items as well. Including unused robot models and texture upgrades for all of the major faction armors. Even found custom pip boy icons for all of the weaps and some armors. And by merging other small mods into my own I was able to get a number of other cut items such as holotapes in the bargain. I had to dig in and produce some content on my own, but more than 95% was just lying around on these sites ready to use.
  7. There are several things you will need to edit. Can't say for sure about mod added energy weapons, how things are set up will depend on the mod author who designed it. But things should follow a similar structure to the vanilla game energy weapons. For the standard laser pistol as an example you would edit: 1. Projectile - BeamLaserProjectile 2. Muzzle Flash - Tied in with the above 3. Impact Data - EnergyImpactDataSet 4. Critical Disintegration Effect (Optional since it's a bit more extensive) - LaserDisintegrationFXSpell The Projectile in the GECK is found in category: Special Effects / Projectile / BeamLaserProjectile. Opening this allows you to change the projectile, muzzle flash, and the light emitted by the muzzle flash. meshes/projectiles/testlaserbeamsteady.nif, meshes/effects/muzzleflashes/laserriflemuzzleflash.nif. The light portion, MuzzleLaserRed300, if you want to edit that also is found in category: World Objects/Light. Opening MuzzleLaserRed300 allows you to edit the color directly through the GECK. There is no associated .nif for this portion. Impact Data in the GECK is also found in category: Special Effects / Impact Data Set / Energy Impact Data Set. This set uses "EnergyimpactRed" by default, which is contained in the category "Impact Data". Opening up Energy Impact Red allows you to change the impact effect. meshes/effects/impactenergybase01.nif For all of the .nif items which need to be edited you can change the color using nifskope. Example TestLaserBeamSteady.nif. Load it into nifskope and expand the NiBillboardNode. This gives you two NiTriStrips labeled Laser Geometry. Open each and edit the Vertex Colors on the NiTriStripsdata. For the ImpactEnergyBase01.nif it's a bit different as there are no vertex colors used. Instead you will need to edit the color on the NiMaterialProperty. Do this by expanding the 7 NiNode branch and then the 11 NiTriStrips branch. I won't go into the Crit Disintegration because there are a number of steps involved including editing a script. Hopefully all of this helps get you on the right path. Best of luck in your modding!
  8. I would be interested in the solution if you want to share. Either here or via PM. The Molotov is something I wanted to add to my personal mod but passed on because I thought it may be problematic. Apparently I guessed correctly on the potential problem factor.
  9. Just use FO3Edit to remove the edits to that cell(s) completely from the mod. This will revert it to full vanilla state as your mod no longer makes any changes there. Then start over making changes if you want to do something there. Or not.
  10. So basically I've a made a mod for personal use that reskins all of the unique weaps and armor in the game. Also restores most of the cut content armor and weaps. I call it Truly Unique btw. This was built years ago using a mix of community resources and personally created resources to get what I considered the best look for each item at the time. Doubt I could share because of permission issues and all that. In any case, as part of the process I changed colors for some of the energy weapons effects. Muzzle flash, projectiles, impact data. The only thing I didn't get around to was the crit disintegration. So now years later I'm wanting to reinstall and do another FO3 playthrough and decided to update the mod a bit. However, I'm also having to give myself a refresher on the GECK workings. So, to the question at hand. What precisely is involved in modding the on death Critical Disintegration effect? I've identified the following components listed below. I know how to edit them and point things to edited resources. 1. Actor Effect - LaserDisintegrationFXSpell 2. Base Effect - LaserDisintegrationEffect 3. Effect Shader - LaserCritGlowFXShader 4. Effect Shader - effectLaserDisintegration 5. Script - LaserDisintegrationEffectScript (this calls both effect shaders in two portions of the script) Would need to create a duplicate script with new ID and rename the shaders in the script to reflect whatever the new edited shaders are. What, if anything, am I missing? From what I can see this should do the trick. But I am admittedly very rusty. Appreciate any feedback
  11. Yeah no help to be found there. I've read through a number of times. Google and you tube haven't turned up anything either. Frustrating because I know people have to have done retextures for the protectrons and sentrybots by now. Somebody has an answer for this. Guess I'll have to search retex mods and reach out to authors.
  12. So it's been a long while since I did any modding of the Fallout games. Forever working on Oblivion stuff. Recently cracked open some textures in GIMP and can't remember how to view them properly so they can be worked with. Example: Protectron texture (and many others) have some kind of overlay that obscures view of the actual texture. The protectron rusty texture does not have it by comparison. Any one out there able to give me a brief run down on how to handle this?
  13. Happy to say this issue is put to bed. KatKat finally replied to my PM and sent me a fresh copy. Thank you to anyone who read this and didn't make it sound like I was trying to commit a crime.
  14. The first option is by far easier and safer. Using the old method of bit flipping as Striker describes, you have to be careful and ensure the files are in the correct state before loading in-game or in the CS. Making a mistake can result in file corruption and loss of work. That method gets even more tricky when working on files (ex compatibility patches) with multiple masters. Much safer to go with CSE.
  15. Nice! I'm curious here as i've seen all sorts of things tied to water appearance issues. So what was the problem?
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