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  1. I can see why some would like this mod, but personally I like the dirt and decay.
  2. Depends on the music and copyright. Just because there's music on youtube doesn't mean it's not copyright infringement, actually there's quite a bit of illegal music on youtube Just depends if it's been spotted yet or not. :pirate: If it's small relatively unknown bands then contact them, many will be willing to let you use their stuff as long as they are credited. Otherwise places like archive.org are good as all that stuff is old enough to be out of copyright
  3. I know what you mean about the vaults, in fallout3 and nv they have become more like giant social & psychological experiments than actual places of refuge when the bombs fell. In both fallout1&2 they where more like refuges where sometimes things just hadn't gone to plan which is to be expected considering the number of year that have pasted, the last minute evacuation to the vaults as the war went critical and the natural psychological effect of relatively small numbers of people having to live their entire lives in sealed isolation. EDIT: One of the major problems with the multiple ends in the fallout series is that the developers have to pick one set to continue onto the next game, that was one of the things that always bugged me about fallout2, probably made worse by that fact that the UK version was bugged and it was impossible to get the good ending for Shady Sands even if you completed all the quests to get it. So how exactly did the NCR get started when Shady Sands was wiped off the map by raiders? (PS shady sands was founded by the people from vault 15 so the whole NCR was the result of a good vault) In fact nether of two brotherhood of steel endings from the original fallout mesh with the brotherhood now. So somewhere between the current BoS and followers So roughly like they are now but with religious overtones and they are the major power not the NCR
  4. Ok let take this apart, what if a faction attacks them? They will lose a branch, but that's all, the followers don't have a centralised power base or a single region of control, they are split up and scattered in small groups over many territories and places within different factions areas, remember that Caesar himself was a follower and sent out as part of a group into the tribal desert of the east. Lets face it the main reason he had the other members of that branch killed was to prevent them from interfering with his plan. And their diverse setup and pacifist outlook is their defence, all most all the other factions see them as not major threat and actually helpful so allow them to setup within their territories, so to defeat the followers you don't have to fight one faction but multiple factions who will object if you just entered their area and started killing people who are helping them and being of benefit to them. Again that's because they are not out to rule or conquer and have no desire to do so."Ideologically, the Followers' principles bear some resemblance to anarchism - above all else they support pacifism and co-operation. They oppose organisations and civilizations which seek to thwart these principles" Yes they may be a bit of a bunch of hippies but their basic premis holds true and the wateland would be a far better place if everyone stopped trying to kill each other and conquer their neighbours. The may not be militarily strong but again. You didn't ask which faction was the strongest militarily. You asked which is best. (without defining the the factors) However as you seem to to have made up your mind that the legion is best and that anyone who disagrees with you is wrong I shall bid this topic adieu.
  5. The Followers are a better faction than the powder gangers or fiends who both have to hope neather the NCR or Legion wins, neather group has long term goals or plans and both will suffer at the hand of ether the NCR or Legion if one or other wins The followers again are not a physically powerful or strong faction, that doesn't mean they are bad, they don't care who rules their goal is to promote beneficial and safe technology and knowledge, secure and hide dangerous tech & knowledge and generally help mankind improve. They are very similar to the BoS in general reguard, although the BoS is focused in gathering and keeping safe dangerous tech & knowledge until mankind is again ready for it.
  6. Here's one to try, drop a pile of mini-nukes at his feet then set them off by shooting them from a distance ;) Nuke 'em till they glow, then shoot them in the dark. - Duke Nukem
  7. I have been reading fallout wiki Yes I got the legate mixed up sorry, however the various speech and barter tests show that Lanius is not pre-paired for anything other than outright conquest by war And remember that Caeser is dieing from a brain cancer. On the subject of the devotion of the legion and the longevity of Caesar's ideals So yes the rank and file believe Caesar is a near god and are very loyal and most of his trusted few are very loyal to him, very solid in the short term but a major issue in the long term because he is the focus not the ideas, they follow the ideas because he tells them too.The legion is based on the strongest having power, not just physically but also mentally strongest (eg Legate Graham losing because he was lured into a trap and failed as a commander so punished) and the strongest will fight each other for power. Another good example here from Lanius Caesar believes in conquering, defeating the NCR (which he sees as his Cathage) and then forming a empire by Pax Romana, but this isn't the way of Lanius. Again if look at the history of rome we find that Pax Romana wasn't actually that successful, it did provent many bloody civial wars from taring the empire apart but it did not stop cival war and infighting esp at the top. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pax_Romana http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Roman_emperors On the other factions I mentioned, you've asked "Which Faction is Best?" not which is strongest or which is easiest for the player to wipe out. If you want to ask "Which faction is most powerful?" then the answer is simple, which ever faction the player helps.
  8. No he hasn't he's done the very opposite, they are taking children away and teaching them them the new ways removing them from other ideas, all well and good.However we already know that Legate Graham is not as good a general as him, yet he is Ceasrers successor and that while the majority of the Legion a re believers in him as the son of mars, there is a hand picked core who know the truth and it is that hand picked core who know the truth who will seek power for them selves and tare the Legion apart from within. Also there's the big issue of conquering, again looking at the roman empire, it was at it's strongest when it was conquering and expanding, it's the war mentality and standing together against the enemy that keeps it together and focused, once the NCR is conquered he's planning to setup new vegas as a new rome, but changing a people who are devoted to war and conquest into a fixed nation without enemies to fight is a far harder task. Every nation in history that relies on a single ruler who holds undisputed power has suffered bloody internal conflict as those near the top fight and assassinate each other to gain that absolute power. The only way to go with a dictatorship is to go the Mr House root and make the dictator as close to immortal as possible so that absolute power remains fixed with one person, granted the moment that person is somehow killed the whole systems colapses, still mr house has lasted over 250years and is in no danger of dieing from natural causes any time soon. Also very odd about the way Ceaser forgoes technology, that was a big key to the roman empires success and not just in military terms, many of the tribes allied them selves with rome and accepted becoming part of the empire for the non-military befits it brought. This is not to say I think there's anything against the legion vs the other factions, the main thing I've got against them is that they are destroying more than creating, the NCR is really not any better as it's conquering in less violent means rather than building as well. Which is why I'd rate Mr house over both as he's not out to make an empire and his long term goal is get man off earth and colonise other planets. Actually the best faction is probably Marcus and the super mutants and the Bright Brotherhood (I've always liked ghouls) although they are a little too religious zelot
  9. Well put defense of the Legion, I've never liked the NCR even in fallout2, they are not nice, far from it, I think insidious would be a better word. The standard tactic is to wait for some other faction/town to become weak or get into trouble (situations often helped along by spies) Then the NCR moves in with it's offers of help and slowly takes over. And that's the big difference between the NCR and Legion, the legion's methods are quick and brutal, the NCR's methods are slow and insidious, the results are the same just the time scale differs. Just because you kill any open decent that doesn't stop dissent just pushes it underground and strengthens the individual dissenters which is a bigger danger factor later down the line. Also you have to realise that the current Legion is basically a cult of personalty dictatorship, it's lead by one man, when he dies someone else will replace him and be the new dictator, how long will it be when you have someone who's in power but no longer holds true to the original idea? The faction is heavily based off the roman empire under the Caesars (remember rome started out as a republic, ie the NCR) great while you have a strong emperor like Julius Augustus or Vespasian, but eventually you get a Nero and it breaks down into various internal factions and personalities fighting for control. As can be seen in all great dynasties and royal houses that hold power in history. Saying you can kill the Securitrons in one shot means nothing as you can do the same with legionarys and NCR troopers. Same goes for saying the Securitron army couldn't hold the area, as you never fully know how many there are or if there's also the machinery to make more, and the relatively small area of new vegas is an advantage here, while both the legion and NCR are far larger they also have larger territories to control so they cannot get their whole army in one place as they would leave the rest of their territory undefended. Having a large army of robots in a small territory means means you can field a larger force at any one battle, also new robots can be built/repaired/rebuilt faster than new soldiers can be recruited and trained, it does require power which is why the dam is important, also it allows the use of weapons that would be fatal to humans but robots would be immune, such as poison gas or radiation. If I had to pick between NCR, Legion or Mr House, I would go with Mr House simply because he's out to make New Vegas great not conquer the world and enforce his will on it.
  10. For specials you can also use the player.setav to reset the special stats to 1, then use addspecialpoints 33 This will give you 33 special point to spend in a normal style pop up window, which is what you basically have at the start.
  11. Very nice, the talking volume was an issue in eps1 but improved in eps2. You could try running a filter over the final edit, increase the contrast slightly, darken the shadows, boost the highlights. The coversion from a 16:10 (or is it 16:9?) wide screen format to a 4:3 ratio doesn't seem as bad on eps2 looks less stretched than eps1 did. (if you've not changed anything then it's probably down to better camera angles)
  12. Not read through the whole thread yet but I like the idea so far I like the idea of a twilight pardoey, but make Edward a glowing one ;) Oh and for a game, how about Duke Nukem, find a currently unused/unenterable building, and make an interia location for it, turn it into a shop which was having a "finaly released" day just when the bombs fell ;)
  13. What are you doing before it goes wonky? I have an issue which sounds simular, with both the lever action shotgun and cowboy repeater, after reloading things stop working, cannot aim, cannot open the pipboy, cannot enter vats and cannot take any action ("e" key action) so basically all I can do is move around. just have to click the left mouse button once (it doesn't fire a round) and then it returns to normal again. I don't know if it occures with other weapons as I've not had every gun to test it, just those two so far, I'm guessing it's a bug in the reload animation as they both seem to use the same one.
  14. Well in fallout1 the only truly borked weapon was the assault rifle mainly because it shared ammo with the mini-gun so they gave it a very low base damage so that the mini-gun wouldn't be overpowered. Ok the 14mm pistol was semi-borked but that was down to it only having 1 ammo type that was basically AP rounds and by the time you got far enough to find anything with enough armour to to make the 14mm AP rounds worth it you had access to far better weapons. Apart from unique weapons all the rest of the guns followed a fixed set of rules. In Fallout2 they added in a whole bunch of new weapons and ammos that didn't follow the rules setup in FO1 which lead to many unbalanced weapons, the Bozar being one of the more notable unbalanced weapons. One of the things I liked about FO3 was that Bethesda seemed to look more to FO1 for the guns with a more limited base ammo types and overall I found it fairly well balanced. (and they did fix assault rifles so they where a viable weapon) In FONV Obsidian seems to have made a bit of a hash of it, with more influence from FO2 and seem to have purposely weakened energy weapons below that of projectile weapons (in FO1 laser weapons where good but equalled by projectile weapons and plasma weapons where basically the best weapons) they've also seriously weakened fully automatic weapons and bumped up semi-automatic weapons to the point that quite a few semi-automatic weapons can now be fired far more rapidly than fully-automatic guns. The whole thing seems to be not about balance so much as flavour, Obsidian seem to have decided upon a wild west flavour and have tweaked weapons to fit it.
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