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Everything posted by xerxes1cross

  1. Argonia? well, Argonians were always a mystery...if it's true I guess it'll be cool to play :)
  2. yup it's a game, but I've been gaming since Atari...20 and some years man...finished school, college, got a job, made money, got a house, etc, etc.... back in the days, graphics were....graphics?....what graphics?...while back no one gave a damn about graphics and HD, we were imaginative, and gameplay had to be amazing for us to really notice the game...so the games were better, storylines, quests. Back then when first TES came around it was unbelievable, I mean, a game where you can do whatever you want to do?, that was something of an unthinkable dream, but it came finally...GTA too, but GTA was more of an arcade game back then....then a few yrs latter a true revolution in gaming, Morrowind and some other games that are not related to this, so then graphics became better, stories were at their best, then came Oblivion in '05, graphics even better, story amazing, Skyrim 6 yrs latter, graphics also amazing, story too.. But what is my point....TES was a pioneer, so was GTA, and in some way they are still at the top, focusing on good graphics and amazing gameplay and storyline, and that is their selling point, see for one I'd rather stick a bottle in my behind than spend 60$ on Battlefield or alike, (CoD really has good stories, can't complain, I mean it had good stories, then they've started flying to space)....if the graphics are so good that I can see an eyelash falling in HD and HQ 4kp and other stuff, but the story is kill this, kill that, plot twist, kill this, kill that, then f that game... Storylines and gameplays are getting worse and worse, in every 2-3 years we get a great game, with a great story, and the other games are just loosing it (AC for an example) Assassins Creed was one of my fav, when the first one came out I was blown almost as much as when GTA3 came out.... Assassins Creed II was even better, story, graphics, everything.... but then they've started firing out new games on the shelves so much that we have a joke when we see someone buying the latest edition - "Don't buy it, go run a lap around the mall, the new edition will be out by then" And then AC was dead for me....yes I agree they make pretty amazing graphics and games, but, yeah, when it came down to same old gameplay in more HD that's when I gave up.... My point here, new games = suck, old games = suck less, so Skyrim really is a jewel of games :)
  3. well, I have to ask you, but what the hell dude?...I mean, buying the game not to play it?!....Brynjolf is essential since he is needed for the main quest, and you can't avoid the Flagon since you need to pass there in order to get to Esbern...and why do you play the game? what, you go around exploring for 1000s of hrs?...If your goal is to go out and kill without triggering any quests, then just don't buy the game since IT IS MADE TO PLAY THE QUESTS...sure you have to trigger one or two of them in order to complete the third, but I don't know what annoys you there?...just don't go to quest log and ignore it...and it is very much immersive and close to real life situations...when you do one job good, you'll be proposed to do another one, and level up in that organization...if you've (example) killed Grelod or whatever, then it is only natural that the DB will contact you since YOU ARE A KILLER, and what will you do from there, it's up to you...to get through the main quest you have to trigger the TG questline, and do 1 quest for Brynjolf, and after that he doesn't say "DUDE YOU ABSOLUTELY HAVE TO JOIN US OR WE WILL HUNT YOU IN YOUR DREAMS" - no, he only mentions that his organization could use someone like you, and that if you'd like to find out more, you should come to Flagon....and that's it....I mean why miss out everything, sure, I had my bunch of playthroughs with like a warrior guy that only does Companions quests, or a mage that does only College quests, and ignore the other questlines, but if I happen to trigger one, I don't go in blind rage, I simply ignore it and turn it off in my quest journal... That would be like living a life in which you only go from house to house and do nothing, you don't make friends and you pass opportunitys, and simply ignore the whole idea itself....unless your idea of ideal Skyrim is to run around killing and stealing and wasting time , then you should try Minecraft out...but yeah, don't get mad when you find out you have to build :P as for the other stuff, there are different types of players out there, and some of them just run around killing and levelling and stuff...but for me that is not the point of the game and to me none of that makes sense....and if you think that you don't have a freedom of choice and you get annoyed by things they are "forcing" you to do, then I have only 1 suggestion - do not ever, in your right mind and clear conscience play anything older or lesser than Minecraft....since yeah, if I say Skyrim has a freedom, and you say it does not, and that you are forced to do something, then what do you think when I say that for an example CoD does not have freedom, and it forces you to do something....but I get it, CoD is all about killing stuff and blowing it up (not that I don't like it), but again, that's what kids like this days...not many enjoy the lore and history of Tamriel and try to live just one small part of it through the game, and than god we have not one but, 5 of them to choose from, so if you don't like that Skyrim "forces" you to do what you don't want, then pump up ENB and re-install Oblivion or Morrowind, and there you go...
  4. well you can kill them, just use the mod that lets you kill essential NPCs :D But nothing changes in the game. I didn't say that the game is perfect, but again none is.. :/ I like it the way it is, sure it has some obsolete and absurd contradictions in it, but I can look past them :) but I get your point, I agree
  5. well you can kill them, just use the mod that lets you kill essential NPCs :D
  6. as for the DB DLC, well if someone sent assassins to hunt you down in real life, would you ignore them? xD
  7. not that I'm aware of so far :) well yes, there are certain aspects of Skyrim you can't ignore forever, however, you are not forced to complete them, sure, you have to complete 1 quest for that (Brynjolf was it? O.o ) TG member, and you have to enter the collage, also complete the Graybeards first 2 quests in order to obtain Ro and Dah, but still, it's made so after those quests you don't feel forced to enter any of those guilds (like when you complete that quest for Brynjolf, he just says that if you want more coin, TG could use you, but he does not force you to enter, he just proposes a business deal (just like in real life, you do something good, and you get a bunch of job proposals, but you are not obliged to accept them), same goes out to other guilds as I recall... :)
  8. Pa pricaj lepo srpski da te ceo svet razume :D
  9. Tolkien on some heavy, heavy drugs maybe... Have you read the 36 Sermons yet? :D You mean 36 lessons of Vivec from TES III or something else? :) how do you mean a bit forced?....you mean you can't ignore it in hopes that it will never come up again?
  10. It was not meant to be played as a child :P TCL works but ONLY for you and if it's not targeted... now I don't see how your scale/height would interfere with the doors, since the puzzles are puzzles, and that means either you need to spin the rocks to match the symbols, but I don't recall that type of puzzles in JWs tomb...you just need to sprint through the 3 collars that light up when you pass next to them, and use the shout just as you are about to hit the doorway, and you should sprint through with no problems...and that is it.... rly, I don't know that anyone had problems while playing as a child, and those types of problems are not individual...if a problem occurs that means that you are not the first to have it, trust me, I've played TES almost 20 yrs, and since the arena it had many bugs and glitches.... watch the YT walkthroughs and try to repeate them in-game...it's simple as that :)
  11. I don't play it to kill, or admire the sunset in HD (but I do love that none the less), I think that I've read almost every book in the game....in the last few yrs, Skyrim just became an fancy librery to learn about that world....it sounds geeky, but I'm no geek at all, just got caught up in it so much, and realized that Oblivion Crisis and Dragon Crisis were nothing compared to some other events from the yrs passed.... TES series is truly an work of art, and a legacy of the Michael Kirkbride (the guy who wrote the stories and lore)...he is the new Tolkin.... :D
  12. well, as the main storyline writer said, they try to keep the focus at absolute freedom...that means you do what you want to do, adding all that would just narrow the story and make you play how they want you to......they make their games easy to mod, and that is a smart move...2 months ago vanilla Skyrim bored me so much I couldn't stand playing it one more day....but then I started moding and when I started a new playthrough it was a whole new game.... For me, everything is perfect, and I don't care that much about my characters, since I have 10 or so (lol)...what attracts me to the Skyrim is the lore of whole Tamriel...I'd give my kidney if it meant that TES 6 would relive the Night Of Tears, Nords conquering the Skyrim and shifting their colonies from Atmora, then the Battle of the Red Mountain, or the secret of how the Dwemer dissapired from the Tamriel....I love it's history, not it's graphics or gameplay.... if you ask me, Tamriel has more lore and events in history than Star Wars and LoTR....and that's what I love, so I'll love whatever they make as long as it is on Nirn and about Tamriel...other stuff does not intrigue me so much :D
  13. That is a normal pop-up that usually tells you if the mod you're trying to install requires another mod to work, or simply to ask if you want to endorse mods you've already installed... The one that popped up was probably the one that tells you what does mod require, and there you need to click "proceed with download", as for the second pop-up, you need not click anything else because the mod will download regardless of the pop-up.... First run NMM as an administrator, then try to turn antivirus/firewall off, since I know there are some people that had problems caused by security... Also we need more info, what mod, is it your first time moding, and do you have admin privileges, all of this can cause NMM not to function as it should, Also, did you try to restart the browser and try to DL again, do you have AdBlocker or something that may interfere with pop-ups (I have AdBlocker but it doesn't interfere)...?? Try downloading some other mod just to see if the problem consists....and report back and if we can't help, there is always NMM support forum
  14. well, Mass Effect series are happening in span of a decade or two, and it's been 200 years since the Oblivion crisis, so he is pretty much dead (unless he's a vampire, or Sheogorath)...but I see your point, that option would come in handy for players that like to keep their characters...but i doubt that it will happen :(
  15. did you read the whole post? :) cuz' I said that I USED TO have this problem, but it looks like that RLO and Prefs.ini tweak solved it :D
  16. [spoiler again] well, they give you the freedom to be whoever you want to be, but still, they had something in mind when creating the game, it's like Skyrim, in Skyrim you're supposed to be a Nord, since you become the Dragonborn, and fight the CW, in TES lore, no one but the Nords and Imperials had Dragonbourns, nor did other races knew how to shout :smile: So in Oblivion, you're supposed to be an Imperial, and as such, when you become Sheogorath, and show up in Skyrim, they've made him so he's an Imperial, as it was intended by the game makers...
  17. nope, I did that while searching for a way to make shadows better, and on ENBoost page I found this (the .ini tweak), there are many threads about this tweak...I don't know what you mean by "speed up script"...I just did this to enhance shadows, but it looks like it had some other pros and I don't need to make a fresh .ini, I've got a backup of the original, and I've played with this settings for years, they rly help out a lot
  18. @Boombro [spoiler ALERT] Hero of Kvatch is not tossed aside at the end, if you've played Shivering Isles DLC, you'll know that he became a Daedra, Sheogorath, and who do you meet in the side quest in Solitude?!...so he was not tossed aside, he just became a god :D :D
  19. well, making of Skyrim took 6 years, and it's been only 3 years since TESV was released...so I think that we'll be playing Skyrim for a while... Also, I noticed that there is no bad game that was made by Bethesda....srsly, there are bugs in all of them, but looking from the story side of the game, they are all amazing, I mean, TES series, Call of C'thulhu, Fallout, Star Trek, Rage, Dishonoured, Doom series, last release of Wolfenstein...etc,etc.... Whatever will TESVI look like, I know I'll like it, and it will be worth waiting for, just like Skyrim was....
  20. Hi guys, first of all, I hope I've posted in the proper thread, if not I am sorry :( So, few years back, on my first Skyrim playthrough, while playing through civil war quest, I've (as many others) encountered a glitch that makes the frames drop to 0 :( so, then I searched everywhere hoping to find a solution, with no luck finding it.... Anyway, I've completed the siege quests simply by using "tgm" and "tcl" to make my way up to the towns gate (it took me almost an hour to reach WR) but as soon as I've entered the town, my frames climbed to a steady 60fps as usual.... Since in that time it looked like it's the only solution I didin't bother playing the civil war again....BUT few days ago, I decided to install Civil War Overhaul and war armoury pack, so I can enjoy having big battles without triggering the quest, but as time passed I joined one side thinking that if the FPS drops again, I'll just do what I did before.... The thing is, there were no FPS drops this time, ok, there were, like 10 frames, no biggie, and so upon completing I've decided to investigate and search through my mods hoping to find some link with this, and I think I did..... So....I think that Realistic Lightning Overhaul and 1 tweak in SkyrimPrefs.ini helped this....since the cause is poor programming, and it is only this that effects this frame loss, I've found that RLO does something to enhance not only light system but the frames itself, now I don't run an high end rig, I can play Skyrim on high - barely....and I say barely because I had to tweak ini file to lower the shadows beneath minimum while still keeping them smooth (you would not believe how much frames can you get simply by doing this), so I just did this: [Display] iBlurDeferredShadowMask =2fInteriorShadowDistance =2000.0000fShadowDistance =2500.0000iShadowMapResolutionSecondary = 128iShadowMapResolutionPrimary = 128iShadowSplitCount = 2iMaxAnisotropy =1 now I know, since the minimum is 512, some may say that this is unstable, but trust me, I've played with this setting for over 2 years (and it does not conflict with anything).....so this tweak + RLO will boost your game enormously and give it a little more realistic feel.... please post your experiences with this glitch and my fix, and also ask if you want, I'll do my best to help... (Again I apologise if this is not in the proper thread, this is the first time I write on forums so forgive me) All the best
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