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Everything posted by joltmajor

  1. Suggestion: Make translation versions of mods nested under the original primary version of the mod in some way, so when you run a search for a mod you dont get 10 different versions of the same mod in different translations
  2. Could anyone help me determine what the cause for the crashes are? I had a whole lot of errors related to the Unofficial Patch, but even with it removed I still crash almost as soon as I approach the fort. It's also notable that I wasn't able to walk to the Cell where the quest was taking place. I had to use the Command 'cow tamriel 22,-5' otherwise I'd CTD. Any help would be appreciated. For example as you will see in my attached log, something called firefly.psc is causing lots of errors, but I have no idea what that is a part of... Thanks! Log attached.
  3. Your specs are really bad, so you are mostly out of luck... you COULD give HialgoBoost a shot, but that's really for people who are bottlenecked by their GPU, but both your gpu and cpu are relatively weak.
  4. When I exit Dragonsreach for the Battle For Whiterun quest (imperial), I enter the town and see it under seige so I run to the city entrance and try to exit. However, that load screen hangs forever (left my computer for a while came back and still found it stuck at the load screen). I have Dovahkiin Hideout installed so one thing I tried was to exit whiterun through there, and return to the city from the outside, but doing that auto completed the quest, which I guess is a workaround but the main issue is that in a repeatable manner I'm unable to exit the city by normal means. Has anyone else encountered this problem? Is there any work around that would actually let me play the quest? (ie some Console commands that could take me directly the the battlegrounds outside whiterun? I'd guess it's probably a mod conflict somewhere, but I don't know where to start looking since I've been consistently running 70-90 mods from the start of my playthrough (mostly visual stuff, but some actual game altering things). I had WARZONES installed for a while but I uninstalled that since I was getting too many CTDs as a result of it, but I was far enough through my game that I don't have a workable save that hasnt been affected by it in some way. Thanks for any help.
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