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Everything posted by se7enraven
Are you looking for models/retextures, how to set up custom flora, etc? Do you have a specific item/s you are looking for?
Electric Chainlink Fence (Or Chainlink with Trigger Zone)
se7enraven replied to Zorkaz's topic in Fallout 4's Mod Ideas
What style of electric fence? Do you have any visual references? -
I may be wrong, but I believe it is the price of the mod. I cannot remember if it is the object mod price, or the misc object mod price.
Script to remove key on Door Unlock
se7enraven replied to se7enraven's topic in Fallout 4's Creation Kit and Modders
Everything works well except two "keys" are still removed. I'm not sure if it matters, but the other door does not have the script on it and is located outside the playable area of the cell. I really do appreciate the help and your patience. Thank You! -
Script to remove key on Door Unlock
se7enraven replied to se7enraven's topic in Fallout 4's Creation Kit and Modders
This script works, but the message still posts (Upper left in hud) when teleporting, and all the keys for that type are removed. I would like only a single key to be removed, as the player an purchase multiple keys ("metro pass"). And while I do appreciate the ease of not having to link the same message for every set up, I do like how default messages post in the enter of the screen as opposed to the upper left. Thank you! -
Script to remove key on Door Unlock
se7enraven replied to se7enraven's topic in Fallout 4's Creation Kit and Modders
Does this version remove the key? I'm not seeing a function (name?) for it? -
Script to remove key on Door Unlock
se7enraven replied to se7enraven's topic in Fallout 4's Creation Kit and Modders
Awesome! I think that did it. It's a little buggy, as sometimes the message still posts, but I can use it. Thank you Zorkaz and LarannKiar for the good work! When the mod is released, I will make sure to add you to the credits. This is what the final script looks like: Scriptname FXM:FXMscriptMetroTainDoor02 extends ObjectReference Key Property TheKey Auto Message Property NoKeyMsg Auto Event OnActivate (ObjectReference AkActionRef) If AkActionRef == Game.Getplayer() RegisterForPlayerTeleport() ; Add this line to your script If Game.Getplayer().getitemcount (TheKey) > 0 Game.Getplayer().RemoveItem(TheKey, 1, abSilent = True) Else NoKeyMsg.show() Endif Endif EndEvent Event onPlayerTeleport() ObjectReference DoorRef = (Self as ObjectReference) DoorRef.Lock() DoorRef.SetLockLevel(254) ; so it will require its Key UnregisterForPlayerTeleport() EndEvent -
Script to remove key on Door Unlock
se7enraven replied to se7enraven's topic in Fallout 4's Creation Kit and Modders
So, the message posts when no key is in inventory, which is good. When the key IS in the inventory, the message still posts, but the door opens and works anyway. The only other problem is, the door does not lock again. I am wondering if maybe I should attack this problem in a different way? The idea was to have a metro train system, and the key (metro pass) is required to access the trains to move from station to station. I am starting to wonder if maybe I should have the train "door" just be an activator, and teleports the player to a marker in another cell? Being that you are an expert at this (I have "The Wilderness" and "Marshlands" installed and playing them) what do you think I should do? I Thank you for your help! -
Script to remove key on Door Unlock
se7enraven replied to se7enraven's topic in Fallout 4's Creation Kit and Modders
Hey guys! Thanks for the reply! I tried using the script: Scriptname FXMscriptMEtroTrainTeleport extends ObjectReference Key Property TheKey Auto Message Property NoKeyMsg Auto Event OnActivate (ObjectReference AkActionRef) If AkActionRef == Game.Getplayer() If Game.Getplayer().geitemcount (TheKey) > 0 StartTimer (5, 10) Game.Getplayer().removeitem (TheKey,1) Else NoKeyMsg.show() Endif Endif EndEvent Event OnTimer (Int AiTimerID) If AiTimerID == 5 Self.lock() Endif EndEvent I get these errors: Compiling "FXMscriptMEtroTrainTeleport"... C:\Users\se7enraven\AppData\Local\Temp\PapyrusTemp\FXMscriptMEtroTrainTeleport.psc(8,20): geitemcount is not a function or does not exist C:\Users\se7enraven\AppData\Local\Temp\PapyrusTemp\FXMscriptMEtroTrainTeleport.psc(8,41): cannot compare a void to a int (cast missing or types unrelated) No output generated for FXMscriptMEtroTrainTeleport, compilation failed. Batch compile of 1 files finished. 0 succeeded, 1 failed. Failed on FXMscriptMEtroTrainTeleport Thank you for your time! -
Hello! I am requesting a script which removes the key used to unlock it, or posts a message. So basically it is a regular door, but removes the key when opened or posts a specific message if the player does not have the key. I am working with the following conditions: -"DoorA" is an animated door load door. It is locked and requires "KeyA" to unlock. -If the player does not have "KeyA", door will remained locked and post "MessageNoGo". -if the player has "KeyA", "DoorA" will unlock and remove "KeyA" from the player's inventory. Once open, player will transport to linked cell. -"DoorA" will lock again after player transport, and requires another "KeyA" to unlock. Other info: -This script must be applied to different doors. ("DoorA", "DoorB", etc.) -Each door requires a different key. ("KeyA", "KeyB", etc.) I thank you for your time and reading this, and if the script is used, I promise to credit the script author on my mod release. -Peace!
I have uploaded a resource including a shovel to be used as a weapon. It would be a great opportunity to learn to mod! -Peace!
I just uploaded a file here: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/23990. Not usre if it's what your looking for but I hope it helps-Peace!
So, for anyone who has played the "Far Harbor" DLC & knows about Eliza Gibbons: I have two questions. 1. What do you believe happened to Eliza Gibbons? 2. Let's say Eliza Gibbons survived. Let's also say, Eliza was rescued from Far Harbor (before the bombs fell). She could be anywhere, but safe. Let's even say she could be in any time/dimension (even ours). What would Eliza be doing today? What would be her occupation/ demeanor? I'm interested in your thoughts. Thank you.
Working on something like this. Slow going and probably never see release, but I work on it when I can. Also worked on here: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/images/92613
Alpha channel .dds assist?
se7enraven replied to Deleted42958470User's topic in Fallout 4's Creation Kit and Modders
I could probably take a stab at it. What do you need done? -
In the render window, the world space ground textures are invisible? I have extracted the landscape textures and they appear in the Landscape Editor window preview, but not on the landscape itself. I was unsure I even had land (as all I could see was water) but with collision geometry selected in the view window, all I see is a yellow Wireframe representing the ground. How do I get the textures to show on the land? http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b234/se7enraven/FO4%20Fallout%20Ex%20Machina_FXM/Landscape%20editing_zpsiow3xklf.jpg
se7enraven replied to Deleted7548940User's topic in Fallout 4's Creation Kit and Modders
I may be late, but "moveableStatic" should have the items your looking for. Once you select an item, look at "edit destruction data" button in object window. -
Inventory Based Workbench?
se7enraven replied to se7enraven's topic in Fallout 4's Creation Kit and Modders
It works! I just tested it ingame and used an earlier save. Thank you so much, I really, REALLY appreciate it! I can do simple models and textures, if you ever need anything, please let me know! -Peace! -
Inventory Based Workbench?
se7enraven replied to se7enraven's topic in Fallout 4's Creation Kit and Modders
Thank you for your help! I tried the last script you posted, and it saved fine and I was able to add the potion item, message and workbench in the fields. When I test it out in game, the potion item is consumed and nothing else happens. Does the potion item need another script to link to the quest itself or should it perform automatically on consumption? I worked on it for awhile and do not understand what I am missing. On a side note, I was able to make a simple script which returns the potion item consumed, but still need to figure out how to activate the workbench. -Peace! -
Inventory Based Workbench?
se7enraven replied to se7enraven's topic in Fallout 4's Creation Kit and Modders
Thank you! I'll have to mess around with it and see how it works. Is this a single script saved as a magic effect? -
I was wondering if there is such a thing as an inventory based workbench and/or if it is possible to make one? I'm really rusty on scripting, so please bear with me: In FONV, I had made a consumable item (Potion/Food), attached a script to enter a given workbench crafting screen once consumed, and upon exiting the crafting screen, replenish the used consumable item. This in effect, would would simulate an inventory item which serves as a workbench. Can anyone point me in the right direction with making this? Currently, I am able to create the following: -A new workbench, with custom recipes for said workbench. But I can only achieve this with furniture items, not consumables. -I am able use a "magic effect" to return an "MiscObject" via the "NukaColaBottleCapAdderSCRIPT", but this doesn't apply to "potion" (consumable) type objects. -I have also made a mobile crafting station by linking a mine weapon to spawn a crafting bench on explosion. The crafting bench itself is a "Prop" model so it can be picked up/moved. Ultimately I wish to make a crafting bench that is used in the inventory only, without having to drop it outside of the players inventory. Thank you for your time and any help would be greatly appreciated!
The scariest scenario I can think of is Blender and Nifskope not being capable of producing armor/weapon/havoc models for Fallout 4. But, I also know that a lot of talented individuals and teams are working on making sure that doesn't happen, so no worries!