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  1. I removed all DLC mods, restarted the mission and still no second wave of brutes... I also have a lot of new textures installed, but I don't think it could cause that? Either way, looks like I broke the game somehow. Reinstalling all of this would take a day again, with no guarantee I'll fix it :sad:
  2. I've got several mods installed: - Back Off with patches, - Thane Mod with patches, - Enhanced Galaxy with the patch, - MEHEM, - M3 Recalibrated - Restored Anderson conversation - Restored Zaeed conversation - Restored Ken & Gabby recruitment - Citadel Epilogue - Alliance Armour - N7 Armours, - Better Cabin Music - Bonus Powers Pack - Carnifex in cutscenes - No Splash Screen I'll give it a shot with disabling them one by one, but won't that mean problems further on?
  3. Hey, I've recently reinstalled Mass Effect 3 for another run, this time with mods, but I've ran into a problem during Priority: Palaven. On Menae, when I approach Vistus' camp, there's no second wave of brutes spawning, which means I can't advance. I've tried earlier saves and that didn't help. Then I tried to restart the mission (twice) and it still didn't work. Any idea how to fix this? I'd hate to start over only to find out the bug's still there...
  4. No, you're just projecting ;) Sorry, but no. The characters are mostly ugly, there's no balance struck here. Bethesda has just always been terrible at this (and animations).
  5. Pretty nice, doesn't look like a Nord though ;)
  6. Okay, finally managed to create a decent character : http://img707.imageshack.us/img707/8759/screenshot9ii.jpg
  7. Trust me, this is the best I could get out of it : http://img39.imageshack.us/img39/9857/screenshot6a.jpg
  8. Trust me, it's impossible to make a decent looking character :) And yeah, guess so. I just hope people won't go overboard with those.
  9. So, I've been fiddling with the character creator for a long time now and I haven't been able to create even one decent looking character. They all look old & raggedy. Anyone had any luck with that?
  10. Hello! Most of the stock Dragon Age weapons have a "generic fantasy" look to them, so I've been wondering whether anyone would like to try to make this model : Schiavona http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Basket-hilted_sword http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/0/02/Schiavona2-Morges.jpg/600px-Schiavona2-Morges.jpg More reference material: http://swordforum.com/articles/ams/the-schiavona.php http://www.arco-iris.com/George/images/schiavona.jpg http://swordforum.com/articles/ams/the-schiavona-hilt.jpg
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