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Everything posted by cobrasa9987

  1. @fg109 Thanks for your attention and reply! :) So you think it's imposible to make this kind of mod at this time? Damn I thought it will be easier.. :confused: Maybe you know someone works with this kind of mods or scripting?
  2. Hello Here's a request maybe you can help? :) Request Please help!
  3. One more similar idea, not quite the same, but also Good one: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/655469-train-sessions-per-level-to-stack/
  4. Yes, I'm also for it! Here's some similar topics: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/647199-leveling-up-one-level-at-a-time/ http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/652017-req-levelup-once-at-the-time/
  5. It really sound interesting :thumbsup: something bit similar like Fallout NW perk "Wild Wasteland" That kind of surprises makes game much more interesting and involving
  6. Here's a guy who's looking for the same MOD: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/652017-req-levelup-once-at-the-time/ maybe he explains everything more understandable.
  7. At last someone else looking for the same thing as I am! :D http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/647199-leveling-up-one-level-at-a-time/
  8. Not bad idea :D it would be useful mod
  9. Ok I got one idea how it should look/work (its only schematic how it should work of course! Thats why it looks like that "not nice" :D) http://www4.picturepush.com/photo/a/8064087/640/Picture-Box/Skyrim-Leveled-Up.jpg So when leveled up you could choose: SKILLS - when you dont want to level up you just choose this option and going directly to your skills check them or use accumulated perks, CANCEL - choose this when all your desired perks is used or you done checking your skills and want simply quit the level up menu. (I think that this option isnt necessarily because if this mod will be working as I imagine it will be enough just push TAB or ESC (or whatewer your controls is set) button to quit this menu).
  10. If someone else would like to have this kind of option in Skyrim please share your ideas :thumbsup: maybe you're already know how this kind of MOD will work or how to make it working :smile: Because its really annoying when you becoming very high level at the begining of the game and more important loosing a lot of oopportunities to train your skills Or using troublesome "playersetlevel" console comands (witch ruins fun and interesting of the game), or furiously trying to type quickly to escape from levelup menu and expect not to rise more than one level :mad: http://skyrimforums.org/threads/leveling-up-once-at-a-time.696/#post-9221 http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20111112083438AAmTbZ6
  11. Example: Im level 5 and I have enough experience to level up to level 12, but I want to level up only to level 6. Then being level 6 I use all 5 training points for level 6 and then leveling to level 7, again Im going to train 5 times and proceed to level 8 and so on.. Problem is that, being 5 level with enough xp to level up to level 12 I instantly becoming level 12 but losing 30 training points (witch could add +30 skill points of any skill).
  12. I have about three or four levels saved up while been playing, adventuring around. But I want to train my skills FOR EACH LEVEL, but cannot because the screen forcing me to take all levels at once taking me to (highest - accumulated) level. Is there a way to make an option (or mod) in this game to level up one level at a time??? LIke in Oblivion - after sleeping you can rise only 1 level out of 10 - for example how much times you sleep the same nuber of levels you rise up. Or another example: Is it possible to make an option when entered SKILLS (LEVEL UP) menu, choosing to level up ONLY ONE level (choose any atribute or use accumulated perks) and after that simply quit back leaving other levels untouched (with their atributes and untouched perks) for next time (for example when you are used train limits for that current level and have saved enough gold for other level training)? :) It looks simple enough (fix me if im wrong :whistling: ), But unfortunattely, I dont know how to make it :ermm: Thanks for your attention! :)
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