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Everything posted by Gaiden15

  1. A walkman would be great and could be stuck anywhere on the character for added realism. if there is a way link it to some folder that would contain the music the player would choose.
  2. A bar for sleep would be great! They have the other bars so it would add a great survival mechanic. And given the Kojima references in the game a shower would be fun too since our character does get bloody and dirty. Maybe just put showers in the bunkers? I dunno.
  3. that would be great to have access to the shotgun when on the bike which might require some kind of button prompt needing icons but those icons are all in the game so shouldnt be too much of a big deal I would think, this would be sorta like in red dead redemption you can access weapons from the horse.
  4. Days gone seems great but is missing that post apocalyptic feel which feels trashed on PC at least when bringing up the menu. The bright white clean menus are very immersion breaking and seem unfinished like place holders by the devs since they clash with the game itself. I mean even the font is grayish on white making it hard to see from a distance. Just wondering if the intro screen and the in game menus could be have a beige filter implemented via the UE4 engine? Or would it have to be a .pak where the image are remade? If the menus are from UE4 would the color code of the white just be hexadecimal where we could change it, I dont know I am not a modder sadly. If its easy as a QOL update maybe some kind of beige or sand filter to give it that run down post apocalyptic look we see in the game.
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