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  1. Oh, I just realised: you've not designed the page elements to appropriately scale as users zoom in to increase text size. The proportion of the page wasted when at default zoom is far lower than when at a 133–150% zoom. So it's also an accessibility issue. Cool, cool.
  2. Hi. The new website layout is completely awful. Front page has awful redundancy between the navigation ribbon telling us the game we're on, the breadcrumb showing us the game we're on, and then yet another mention of the game (we know already, twice). The third game mention also gives us useless information about number of mods, collections, and media, which nobody cares about — anyone who's there to browse for mods for the first time will look at the top mods of all time. The layout also wastes so much space it's unreal. The section before actual trending mods takes up nearly half the page, and I can't even see all the trending mods when I land, only the top two. Even scrolling down, each mod takes up far too much space. This is painful to navigate, and commits the cardinal sin of both being frustrating to read and slow to navigate. Look, UI team: roll this back and start again. Utility of use, meaning availability of information, is more important for a site like this than whatever nonsense design paradigm you're chasing. Are you trying to create parity between the desktop site and some mobile design? Don't waste your time. They're entirely different use cases, and most people who mod use desktop (because they actually download mods to install on desktop), not mobile. To whoever the actual owners and investors are: this looks like a shitty "multimedia content platform" redesign that won't actually improve your bottom line. You understand that your business is hosting mods, right? That the utility is giving people a means to upload and manage mods that's efficient, and to browse and download them that's easy? Everything else is secondary to this core function, and if you neglect it to try to put emphasis on other elements, you're leaving the door open to a competitor. Nobody is actually using the Nexus for articles or screenshots first and foremost, they're just additions to your core product. I used to click through and browse every day, even if I don't have time to download or upload content right now. If this stays, I won't. Go back to the old design, and give it a gentle, modernising reskin. The wheel is shaped like a wheel for a reason, don't try to reinvent it.
  3. Yeah so the following text is getting added to the Crash Log Analyser at my suggestion: You should be aware that Skyrim interacts very strangely with the Windows page file, and makes large demands on it even when memory usage is well within physical memory limits. If the page file is too small, Skyrim will crash, either closing without a log or spitting out a log that highlights tbbmalloc.dll as a possible culprit. This is because tbbmalloc.dll cannot allocate memory for use if the page file is too small, even if graphics card memory and system memory are readily available. So long as you have space on your hard drive to accommodate it, try increasing your page file size to two or three times the size of your system memory. This may prevent unexplained crashes, and may also improve your overall performance. TBH 40 GB should be enough if you're on 16-32 GB of RAM. Working a charm for me!
  4. Yeah, it turns out it was the low page file size. Everything runs perfectly now that I've increased it. Thank you everyone.
  5. Here's the testing process: Alternate Start in Bannered Mare. Exit, loop around active NPC scenes. Enter Belethor's General Goods. Enter Arcadia's Cauldron. Enter Temple of Kynareth. Enter Companion's Hall. Enter Dragonsreach.Testing results: Disabling all ENB - still crashing Disabling all animations - still crashing Disabling all NPC appearance mods - still crashing Disabling all JK's mods - crashing gone!Do we have a culprit? Re-enabling ENB - crashing gone! Re-enabling all animations - crashing gone! Re-enabling child appearance mods - crashing gone! Re-enabling all JK's mods except for dragonsreach - crash in Arcadia's Cauldron.Okay so JK's mods are either responsible for something or exposing something. Disabling all JK's mods except for Arcadia's Cauldron - crash in Dragonsreach.At this point I'm thinking the problem can't be JK's Skyrim - it's got to be that it's loading assets in its interiors that are somehow causing crashes. Disabling all JK's mods again. Do the testing process with no crashes, then leave Whiterun, go to Honningbrew Meader, then from there visit White River Watch. Walking right back outside, heading right toward the standing stone - crash in worldspace!And I have a crash log this time! Raw crash log: https://pastebin.com/8kC1R9Kc Report from Crash Log Analyser: https://pastebin.com/cvU8VwY3 So RuinsDragonStatue01.dds keeps coming up. A look in Mod Organiser 2 says it's Skyland AIO that provides this file. Disabling Skyland AIO - crash in worldspace at exactly the same spot. No crash log. Guess it wasn't that. Retry, this time making a beeline for that place - no immediate crash. Went into White River Watch, back out to same place, no crash. Waited around (as in stood there, not wait function) overlooking river, no crash. Went along to the toll road stop, down the hill on the other side - total freeze, have to kill it in task manager.At this point I'm seriously reconsidering my life choices. In a last ditch effort, disabled all model and texture changes apart from Static Mesh Imprvement Mod, SMIM Quality Addon, SMIM Improvement Mod, CBBE/HIMBO/Character stuff, Mandragorasprouts' shrines and their patches, landscapes, grass and trees, and plants and flora, snow and ice, and water. No crashes, to the point I went through Whiterun, then did the interiors in reverse, then did White River Watch, then made it all the way to Windhelm on foot and hit up interiors there, then all the way to Riften on foot and hit up interiors there.This suggests it's definitely an asset being loaded in that's causing the problem, right? Deep breath, reinstall all JK's mods. Repeat the above, and make it all the way to Windhelm before crashing on the bridge. Restart, this time in Candlehearth Hall. Head outside, no crash.Carriage travel to Whiterun then run back on foot, no crash. Enter some interiors, absolutely fine, until I enter the Palace of Kings, at which point I crash so hard the monitors flicker and go black and I have to hard power off my machine.What was that? I dig out the windows' logs, and here's where this gets interesting: tons of warnings and then errors corresponding to the Skyrim crashes. Warning at 7:21:13 "Windows successfully diagnosed a low virtual memory condition. The following programs consumed the most virtual memory: SkyrimSE.exe (6812) consumed 11266576384 bytes, steamwebhelper.exe (14036) consumed 419979264 bytes, and ModOrganizer.exe (2196) consumed 402673664 bytes." Error at 7:25:32 "Faulting application name: SkyrimSE.exe, version: 1.6.640.0, time stamp: 0x63237ea6 Faulting module name: ucrtbase.dll, version: 10.0.19041.789, time stamp: 0x2bd748bf Exception code: 0xc0000409 Fault offset: 0x000000000007286e Faulting process ID: 0x1330 Faulting application start time: 0x01d9c052c4446ea1 Faulting application path: F:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\SkyrimSE.exe Faulting module path: C:\WINDOWS\System32\ucrtbase.dll Report ID: 82a049f8-892d-4d7d-8a24-9ee93de7b0c9 Faulting package full name: Faulting package-relative application ID:" These more or less repeat until we get to an error at 9:17:05, where we get something really interesting: "Unable to initialise the filter host process. Terminating. Details: The paging file is too small for this operation to complete. (HRESULT : 0x800705af) (0x800705af)" This led me down a rabbithole of discovery. Turns out that Skyrim needs a large page file for stability? I had a 4 GB page file. So, setting my page file to 40 GB, let's give it another shot. I went through Whiterun, then did the interiors in reverse, then did White River Watch, then made it all the way to Windhelm on foot and hit up interiors there, then all the way to Riften on foot and hit up interiors there. Not just rock solid, but fast loading, with buttery smooth FPS that had only minor dips in a few areas (like JK's Whiterun Outskirts). It felt more stable than ever before. I'm now seriously wondering whether the crashing has been due to the weird way Windows and Skyrim interact with the page file, putting excessive demand on it despite having enough physical resources. I'm going to re-enable all the mesh and texture mods and run some more tests. It may well be that there's some mesh errors somewhere, but I am wondering if actually the problem has been memory allocation due to page file size being too low. Will report back later!
  6. I forgot to say, but yes, I checked SKSE logs and they're all 100% good. No errors, no failures to load, nothing. For looking in SSEdit, any things in particular I should look for in terms of conflicts? Interesting. I'm going to sit down and examine this very carefully. And thank you for the suggestion - I know remote debugging is awful, and I deeply appreciate the support! Transition into and out of Whiterun is totally fine. Together with the above, I'm beginning to think it must be NPC related. Will investigate and report back. Also, regarding the script logs: my understanding is that those are from mods attempting to run compatibility checks, rather than catastrophic failures. All XMPSE settings at default, I don't even use the MCM (I only have it as a prerequisite for CBBE 3BA). I'll investigate Mu Joint Fix. Thank you to everyone who has volunteered suggestions so far, I deeply appreciate you all.
  7. I'm at my wit's end. I've tried everything I can think of, and nothing works. And the worst part? The crash logger doesn't seem to work. Whatever crash I'm getting is not catchable. I'm on Skyrim AE latest patch, and I'm getting intermittent crashes, usually but not always when transitioning to a new interior, with no consistency in where or when the crash happens. The log generator only generates a log very rarely: most often the crashes leave no log, and the rare few logs I have managed to get have nothing useful in them (they blame skyrim.exe or tbbmalloc.dll). I'm running it all via Mod Organiser 2, and I'm using LOOT. I have an ENB installed - The Truth ENB, using the latest ENB binaries. The crash occurs even with ENB and its dependent mods disabled. In case it matters, I'm using 2K textures for everything, and I'm on an nVidia GTX 1070 with 8 GB dedicated GPU memory and another 8 GB Shared GPU memory. CPU is an Intel Core i5-6600K @ 3.5 Ghz. 16 GB Memory at 2133 Mhz. The game's running from an SSD. To give more detail, I can consistently trigger a crash by starting in the Banner Mare, going into Arcadia's Cauldron, going into Belethor's General Goods, going into the Companions' Hall, and then going into Dragonsreach. It will crash on one of the later ones. Not always the same one, and honestly seems to crash if I enter enough other buildings - Dragonsreach is just the most consistent trigger. Here's the plugin load order as a text file: https://pastebin.com/2awcVJkM The installation deploy order in MO2: https://pastebin.com/SP6mZ0uD The last Papyrus log: https://pastebin.com/tja1s1Ue Please help!
  8. Hello all, I've modded in the past a long time ago, but I'm not familiar with modern papyrus or SKSE's extensions. Is there a way to get the real-time modified cost of a spell (i.e. its actual cost when cast by a player) when that spell is cast? For why: I'm thinking of making a mod that converts magicka cost to health cost, but rather than using fixed health costs (like Path of Sorcery does with its Blood Mage perk) I'm looking to scale it based on what the adjusted cost would be in magicka. My thinking is if the cost can be grabbed on spell cast then an equivalent health value can be calculated and subtracted while the magicka value is refunded. This would maximise compatibility with other magic mods. This would also pair nicely with a script effect to set maximum magicka to maximum health (with appropriate balancing adjustments), which would allow me to script a toggle for lethal casting on/off. My guess is that the way existing alternative casting mods handle this is by discounting magicka costs to zero, hence Path of Sorcery's fixed costs, and I'd like to avoid that if possible so that cost-adjusting enchantments can still be worthwhile. Many thanks!
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