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Posts posted by Yourking777

  1. I need help renaming a mod for personal reasons, and I tried everything but once I rename it I cannot get it to load voices, and I tried checking in the creation kit but the creation kit wont load the scripts, though when in game I trudged through some empty dialogue and got my companion to follow me, so I am fairly certain the scripts were loading in game just not the ck, but I am not 100% sure of that. The mod i am trying to rename is the noraspouse companion mod.

  2. I would like to propose an idea that hopefully someone has the skills to make. I would like a mod that adds an option to the terminal in the room to the left of Mr Bradburton's head, and I would like that option to say something like shut off auxiliary power, then a few lights would go out and the vault would unlock, but Bradburton would still be alive. That way you can get the nuka nuke launcher without pissing off sierra and still get the suit ect. and it would be great if you could activate and deactivate the power as many times as you want with the terminal.


    If anyone is interested enough and make this for me I would appreciate it. I am a programmer and I have messed around with the GECK for New Vegas a long time ago so what I am asking I think should be a reasonable request, I just do not have time to do any of this myself.

  3. It would be better to just give her full companion wheel support.


    The author hasn't responded to me for permission so this mod and a few others will remain unconverted until such time (hopefully with F4 arrival) that they become active on the forums again and read their messages.

    Yeah I hate it when that happens, I was just gonna make it for myself and then ask for permission to post it, and if that failed which it sounds like it would have I was gonna post a guide on how to fix it or something. I am not trying to steal anyones work here, just trying to enjoy my game.

  4. You need to unset her from being player teammate when you fire her.

    AmataRef.SetPlayerteammate 0

    Then everything should be fine. (event with special TTW scripts which hide her companion menu)

    Thanks for the help, I will take another look at it. Where would I actually put that line though?

    Also I like your profile picture

  5. I am not too sure how well this will look in the forum but it is a follower script for ttw that was converted from fo3, it is not my work but after the follower has been fired they teleport to the player whenever you leave or enter a new world space. I am looking at it but I am not very good and any help would be appreciated, also if anyone could add a companion wheel to this that would be great.

    scn AmataSCRIPT

    short waiting
    short CombatStyleRanged
    short CombatStyleMelee
    short IsFollowingDefault
    short IsFollowingShort
    short IsFollowingLong
    short FollowerSwitchAggressive

    short TeammateSwapped

    begin ONACTIVATE
    if isactionref player && AmataREF.GetPlayerTeammate == 1
    set TeammateSwapped to 1
    SetPlayerTeammate 0

    begin GAMEMODE
    if teammateswapped == 1
    set TeammateSwapped to 0
    SetPlayerTeammate 1

    begin OnDeath
    if getStage MS16 > 10 && getstage MS16 < 100
    set MS16.AmataKilled to 1
    if getDeadCount Overseer == 0
    setStage MS16 160
    elseif getDeadCount Vault101Security01 == 0
    setStage MS16 162
    elseif getDeadCount AllenMack == 0
    setStage MS16 164

    ;If player was reporting to her about stopping the Overseer and kills her, fail MS16
    if getStage MS16 == 140
    setStage MS16 200

    BEGIN OnCombatEND

    if ( GetPlayerTeammate == 1 )
    restoreav perceptioncondition 100
    restoreav endurancecondition 100
    restoreav leftattackcondition 100
    restoreav leftmobilitycondition 100
    restoreav rightattackcondition 100
    restoreav rightmobilitycondition 100


    BEGIN OnDeath

    if ( FollowerAmata.AmataHired == 1 )
    set FollowerAmata.AmataHired to 0
    ShowMessage FollowerDeadAmata


  6. but that is not the exact replica I wanted, I am asking for a quality bag end not just a typical hobbit hole.

    sure: http://naturalbuildingblogcom.c.presscdn.com/wp-content/uploads/Bag-End-floor-plan.jpg


    If you would liek a better qaulity one or if something is wrong with it just google search "Bag end floor plans"


    here: https://www.google.com/search?q=bag+end+floor+plans&espv=2&biw=755&bih=742&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0CAYQ_AUoAWoVChMInerVwpe0yAIVhs6ACh0lgw1L#imgrc=_

  7. I would like to know if anyone can help me make a slightly bigger scale model for skyrim of bag end, I would like you to use the movies as a reference and there are floor plans online you can use, I would like several models for interior and one for the exterior, if at all possible it would be amazing if you could make it all one model with see through window. I want to make bag end in skyrim and that would be awesome if someone could do that and include realistic textures. I am no where near skilled enough to pull this off.

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