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Everything posted by jerichob10

  1. wow it looks pretty cool dude i will defenitly get it :D
  2. i know exactly why the reason she wont talk is because u have bad karma and need to raise it, if u keep on being evil she will turn hostile of leave u so if i were u i would try and raise ur karma
  3. i really liked dead money so nobody should talk s*** aout it it has awsome content and i really liked the whole thing, the only thing that i didnt like was that once u left u couldnt go back. but i would also have to admit that it was very enclosed, but i still liked the main idea of it, i do think that bethesda is capable of way better dlc's though
  4. the anwser to your question is an mutated wolf i forget what it is called but it is a wolf mixed with a rattle snake i hear it all the time when i am near them so it is nothing to worry about, just look around the area for them, u can kill them and then the noises will stop tell me if i was any help, good luck! :D
  5. i like playing in a lot of different ways, i just finished a playthrough where i was just going around and killing anything i see it actually worked out pretty good and it was decently fun, now i just started a new acount and i decided the i was going to be good this time. I am pretty sure i have done a total of 6 playthroughs for fallout new vegas. I really enjoy collecting anything i can and trying to get any good weaponds or armor or anything that looks like it is important i like trying to get as many quests done as possible. I also love a lot of the perks, some that i think are cool are: jury rigging, life giver, explorer, grim reapers sprint and quite a lot more that i just dont want to list lol. i carry as many weaponds with me as i can and if a weapond that i have i want it to be at full condition so i can kill at maximum damage.
  6. yeah i think it would be cool to see your husbands mods as well, fallout is a very intense game, i have beat the game a lot of time already and i am still loving it, enjoy it as muc as u can!
  7. i dont know tons about mods but i know for a fact for how many mods i have is that you either have to get the GECK or you have to look up a mod on the internet that will let you get a maid or something like that you dont have to move a maid from your megaton house
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