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About zanai

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  1. So I just installed oblivion, have patch it, but my title screen music isn't working. I haven't actually played the game yet, as I have been collecting addons (none installed yet). The files are in their rightful place as well. EDIT: I found out that, even after deleting the entire Oblivion folder, saves are not deleted. This makes me think that the addons I had prior to deletion and re-installation might still be having an effect on my game. However, the folder and all files I had have been deleted. So how can I truly wipe my system clean of oblivion save files and what not?
  2. Well I checked the files, and they're still in there. played them in media player too. It's got to do something with the scripting, as I had deactivated the mod before I uninstalled it. Oh, and sorry mods. didnt see a rules thread in these forums.
  3. bump (am I even allowed to do this?)
  4. Is there a script command to start music playback? There was a mod I had that sometimes turned off the music when it was activated, but I have since gotten rid of it and my music has been permanently disabled.
  5. The CS? Construction Set Oh, is that an addon? Sorry, im not well versed in this kind of stuff It's a development tool for Oblivion. You can download it here. http://www.elderscrolls.com/downloads/updates_utilities.htm Ah i see. So how do I make a class with this and put it into the selectable ones ingame?
  6. The CS? Construction Set Oh, is that an addon? Sorry, im not well versed in this kind of stuff
  7. Is there a mod that allows me to use more than 10 characters in a custom class' name? For instance, I can't be a "Nightbringer" or a "Death Knight", because they're more than 10 characters long.
  8. Oblivion just crashes upon start when I have it loaded. In OBMM it loads last just like the readme states, and I have OBSE. My load order goes like this: Oblivion Custom Race Fix Shivering Isles Roberts Male Body Replacer Roberts Female Body Replacer Active Inventory Vexend Race DMC Dantes Cloths Druid class Devil May Cry Weapons Druid Tomb (puts druid armor in the imperial city) Slof's Snow Leopard Race Dante's Scythe Deadly Reflex As far as I know, all files are in their designated directory. I've tried disabling all other mods, and still nothing.
  9. I was really wanting something Native American looking, like robes with the feathers and all that good stuff. I did see some of that 'shaman armor', but it looks way too skimpy and airy to be on a male character. However, I managed to find something relatively shaman like with a druid pack, but I feel that there's better out there.
  10. Does anyone know of a mod that makes something of the sort? Preferably light or cloth armor. I can't seem to find any on tesnexus.
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