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Everything posted by CarlCorey

  1. I think what Papadopoulos is suggesting is to allow them to respawn at their death locations but change a setting in the Creature record (not the AI package) that allows them to roam in their sandbox whether you're in the area or not so that they wander away from their death location (making your fast travel result less pre-determined). Most all Super Mutants are based on a template though and that's the level it would need to be changed at. I haven't experimented with this to see if it would work or not or how much extra processing strain it would introduce but I will.
  2. Steam doesn't bother me that much but I don't play Fallout 4 because I'm not very excited about it as a game. Maybe, now that the Creation Kit is released, the modding community can put some RPG back into the game.
  3. Create a folder called C:\Cube (you could use anything as long as it's not where FO3 is installed) Execute Cube Experimental Setup English Version 1_0_4-6270.exe On the second page of the dialog, "Select Destination Location" change the folder to C:\Cube. It'll try to add Fallout3 to the path, Just remove that On the 3rd page, DON'T select "Create desktop icon" On the 4th page, click install After installation, un-check "Run Cube Experimental now" and click Finish If you're using a mod manager like Mod Organizer, or FOMM or NMM you'll want to click into the Data directory, select CubeExperimental (EN).esm, the Music folder and the Sound folder and add them to a new archive file of whatever name you want. This archive can be imported into your mod manager. If you don't know how to use 7-zip, go to http://www.7-zip.org/ where you can learn and download a free copy. If you're not using a mod manager, just drag and drop the Data folder here into your Fallout 3 folder where the game is installed. This Data folder will be merged into the data folder of the game. Enable the CubeExperimental (EN).esm file the way you usually enable mods. I'd order it pretty low in the list of esm files. Test to make sure it's working in the game. Back in Windows, go back to the C:\Cube folder and execute unins000.exe and uninstall the files. This will clean up the stuff that was installed into Windows and not affect the files you installed into the game. Remove the C:\Cube folder and its contents when you're done.You could have asked this in the existing thread BTW.
  4. Necro thread awakening! But, coincidentally, I was just trying to install this a couple weeks ago too. LIke nisen says, just install it to an empty location and then use 7-zip or WinRAR to make an archive that has CubeExperimental (EN).esm plus the Music and Sound directories in the root. You should be able to import that using any mod manager you prefer. Afterwards, you probably want to uninstall what the installer laid down to clean up your disk and Windows registry.
  5. I always start with the Darnified UI. It's not on the Nexus but you can get it the Bethesda forums. After that, http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout3/mods/top/? is the best place to start looking. The first 25 or so in that list cover everything you've listed.
  6. I pile the teddy bears up on the bed too but someone comes in while I'm away and throws a bunch of them on the floor.
  7. Instead of trying to maintain a script variable, "InCombat", actors have an "isInCombat" flag. Your first script could look like this: SCN PinkT51bLimbRepair Script BEGIN GameMode if (player.GetEquipped ArmorPowerT51bPink && !player.isInCombat) player.restoreav perceptioncondition 100 player.restoreav endurancecondition 100 player.restoreav leftattackcondition 100 player.restoreav leftmobilitycondition 100 player.restoreav rightattackcondition 100 player.restoreav rightmobilitycondition 100 endif END
  8. Or you could just not use the wait function. I personally don't like fast travel so I just forgot about. Havn't been bothered by it since. :)
  9. There must be something else going on. I just created both an armor and a weapon and attached that three line script to each. It worked fine in both cases. Does your script work with other NPC refids?
  10. First saved game or latest saved game that loads without CTD? I'm around 1000 hours and 7000 saves on this play-though. :smile:
  11. For a long time, since I restarted playing FO3 last year, certain situations have led to (what I thought were) corrupted save files. Ever since I was doing the Survival Guide quest if I got too close to Scrapyard I'd start to get CTDs loading from save files created afterwards. I learned to not go near Scrapyard. Entering Rivet City and exiting from the Marketplace seems to generate save files that can't be loaded without CTD ... but going though the ship and exiting from the other exit doesn't seem to have this problem. For a while, if I traded with Protector Casdin, it would happen too but it doesn't happen any more! (So Casdin might be a different issue.) None of this seems to be mod related -- I've turned off mods and gone back to older saves and the strangeness still happens. But tonight I discovered that, in at least one case, if I go back to the last save that doesn't CDT, when I load it I can then go on to load the following save, and it doesn't crash. And most of the time I can keep loading the next save after that until I get back to the latest save ... but each of those saves crash when I try to load them from scratch! So this is less of a call for tech support than it is a sanity check. What could cause this?
  12. So, I'm still trying to find a way to keep NPCs who haven't had Power Armor training from putting the stuff on. My latest thought was to put a script on the armor with OnAdd and OnDrop blocks that use the FOSE GetHealth and SetHealth functions to effectively break the armor when its added to the wrong NPC and restore it on the way out. I figured that would be one way to keep someone from wearing it. This code just checks for any container that isn't the player but I figured I could refine that once I verified that it works. Well, it doesn't. I give a suit of Power Armor to the NPC. The printc reports 1000 health but the NPC puts it on and showinventory on the NPC reports this: "Power Armor (00014e13) (0,100%)". So even with 0 HP it's still at 100% health. :confused: I can't see any other script function that might address this. SetDestroyed only works on items that don't actually have health and Disable/Enable did nothing either. If anyone knows a way to make it so that the PA is always unequipable, please let me know.
  13. Do you need to mark the parent ESP as a master to avoid problems? I created a dummy ESP that overrode another ESP to test out what I ended up posting above. I later forgot to disable the test ESP and suddenly I was getting a CTD every time I tried to save after loading a save that included that dummy. It might have been an issue with it loading after an FO3Edit generated merged patch (which I hadn't rebuilt) though. Eliminating my test ESP fixed the problem.
  14. You can't just override things in another plug-in (esp) file. If I want to fix something for myself in a downloaded mod, and I'm pretty sure the original author is done with it, I'll just edit the esp file itself. I have a backup in the downloaded archive file and I make notes to myself to remind me of what I've done (you're not the only one getting old). Another thing you can do is to create a blank esp file in GECK. Exit GECK, load the file and the file you want to override plus any masters that the other file needs into FO3Edit. Add the esp file you want to override as a master for your file (right click the file name and "Add masters..."), Go back to GECK and do your edits. Now GECK will do what you're expecting and override the record in the other file instead of creating a duplicate behind your back. When you save it GECK will throw away the master record for the other esp but now, if you put your file later in the load order, it will now win the conflict. "Yes to all." Most of the warnings that you are saying "Yes to all" to are because GECK isn't finding textures and other artifacts for game content on the file system. They're in the BSA files so all is good; GECK just doesn't understand BSA files. I just click "Yes to all" without worry any more. Wild edits. Usually if I find a modified wasteland cell in my mod I can remember "Oh, yeah, I looked at that cell for some reason, I must have moved something a millimeter when I clicked on the render window." And I just use FO3edit to remove the record. If you haven't clicked on the render window, I'm not sure why that's happening.
  15. The sound file to replace is data\sound\fx\mus\mus_death.wav. Convert the mp3 file to a mono wav file (Audacity works well for this), name the file accordingly and put it in the indicated directory location. Make sure archiveinvalidation is enabled for Fallout - Sound.bsa. There's an example of someone doing this here.
  16. Ah. The script on the item is just iterating though the MISC items in the cell and checking for their presence in the list. Stimpaks are consumables and .32 pistols are Weapons. So just being in the list isn't enough. To make it work for other item types, you would need to edit the script attached to the JunkOMatic to have a GetFirstRef/GetNextRef loop just like the one for MISC (Type 31) objects for each object type you want. Hmm... then for weapons and armor, you'd want to get the health of the found item so you can set the health of the item it puts in the box in your house. It could get complicated quickly.
  17. For adding one or two items to that list, the mod author correctly decided that FO3Edit would be the quickest method with the lowest learning curve. I think what you want to do would be much easier in the GECK. Load that file into the GECK and double-clock that FormList to edit it. Show the Misc Items in the Object Window. You can select multiple items using the standard Shift-click and Ctrl-click methods. Drag the ones you want into the formlist and save the file when you're done. No backup file will be made; you need to do that yourself if you want a backup. I think the datestamp will be updated so you'll need to reassign its position it in your load order when you're done.
  18. If anyone wants to test this I have the first 15 episodes set up. You're not supposed to put beta tests on the Nexus so I put it here: http://www.mediafire.com/download/6mw950b07gsiqij/RadioKrypton.rar Doing a sequential play like this is a little different than a radio that plays random tracks. Each story spans multiple episodes so I made a play list for each story arc. I did split story #4 into two parts since the whole thing spanned 6 episodes. It'll start playing at the beginning and automatically move to the next playlist but there's also a selection menu so you can pick which story to listen to. My thought is that it's a strange transceiver-like device that attaches to your Pip-Boy. It shows up under Apparel as "Radio Krypton Tuner". It looks like a holodisk and it's in a postal box behind the reception desk at Hubris Comics. It's a quest item so you can't drop it once you pick it up.
  19. That's the problem, it usually fails silently. I usually use the FOSE specific PrintToConsole (or printc) to dump debug info to the console.
  20. I'm assuming you're running those commands in the console? GetNumLoadedMods doesn't seem to print anything to the console for me but IsModLoaded seems to work. You shouldn't have to edit any ini files (not sure what custom.ini is). Go get FO3Edit, put it in the main fallout folder and run it. It'll come up with a list of all mods in the Data directory and indicate which ones are enabled. If you're using the quest technique a runtime error can cause it to look like it's not installed. You can check if your quest is running with GetQuestRunning questID.
  21. 1. Create a quest, attach your script as the quest script and mark the quest Active at Game Start (I think that's the wording). You can put your "begin gamemode" block or other block in that script. You don't have to make the quest do anything but other scripts in the same mod can access its variables with questName.varName. 2. UI mod is mainly about editing XML files. I did a very small mod for someone a while back to hide the rad meter on the pip boy display and it took me a while to wrap my head around the meta-language used but it does start to make sense after a while. I don't know of any documentation or other resources. I just studied the menu files extracted from Fallout - Misc.bsa. There's a tool for working with bsa files here.
  22. Thanks for the heads-up. I had indeed been using FOSE 1.2. Unfortunately, MessageEx and MessageBoxEx do not seem to have been back ported in 1.3 and "%n" still crashes the game when used with ShowMessage. I found a thread from a couple years ago on this very same topic. "%a" also doesn't work in exactly the same manner as discussed in that thread. The ShowMessage documentation must have been written by a NVSE user who just assumed that it worked the same in FOSE. It looks like my options are down to having a different version of the Message for each variation with the value hardcoded. How very elegant. At least I only have 16 variations in this version.
  23. Is there any way to get a string into a message? I'm using FOSE and I tried to use "%n" in the message and passing in an object ref to an object whose name is the value I want to display. The script compiles fine but it crashes and burns when I try to run it. To clarify what I tried: Created several Misc Objects with their names set to the values I want Created a FormList and put those objects in it Created a Message with the message "name is %n" In the script I get an object ref using "set nameRef to ListGetNthForm nameList nameIndex" and then" ShowMessage myMsg nameRef" printc "name is %n" nameRef prints the expected string to the console but the ShowMessage crashes the game So that clearly doesn't work. I haven't seen anything else that's likely to work so I despair that it may be impossible.
  24. Yes. http://www.xbox.com/en-IE/Live/PC/DownloadClient The important part is to get that xlive.dll file into the correct place. On my system it's in c:\Windows\SysWOW64.
  25. My first thought is that there is a certain character at a certain fort (this is not the spoilers forum so I need to be careful) who takes items and pays you for them with, amongst a couple other things, stimpaks. He'd need to be rescripted and probably have his stimpaks replaced with something of similar value. Maybe another type of ammo in addition the type he already awards. There might be other things like that but I can't think of any right at the moment.
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