While this is possible to do with the toolset in every savegame, I have no idea how to permanent it. It is stated somewhere within the game that the human noble is "second only to royalty". This makes me wonder... Why on earth is the starting equipment so crappy? You start out with a rough studded leather armor or a rough leather armor(if a rogue), and two iron daggers (if a rogue) or a small round shield (seriously?! Not even any heraldy on it? Even the guards get to have heraldy on their shields! How is the human noble supposed to represent the Couslands if he doesn't even have a shield to show for it?) and an iron longsword. Further more, Ser Gilmore starts out wearing the same equipment as the guards. As second only to royalty, he should atleast be equipped as nicely as Arl Eamon's knights. And Eamon is only and Arl, which is below the human noble's fathers title of teyrn. The dwarven noble does actually get acceptable starting equipment, if you disregard the iron thingy... But leather and iron? Seriously? I was shocked, to say the least. Enough ranting, and more suggesting: As a human noble(a lord), starting out with equipment made of steel would be the very least to expect. Also, the starting armor should probably be something heavier, like full plate, that goes for both ser Gilmore and the starting character, and Fergus for that matter, who seems to plan on meeting the darkspawn in the same suit of armor that the denerim guards settle for...Further more, a change of material regarding the family sword and shield of high-ever should also be considered. The family sword surely cannot be old enough as to be have been made from iron? My suggestion is: The character starts with a silverite fullplate, unremovable, unless he is a rogue, in which case a studded leather armor of atleast better quality than rough(?) should be fine. He also starts with a silverite long sword and a highever guards shield. Ser gilmore starts with steel plate and a steel sword and guards shield. Fergus is altered to be wearing silverite heavy armor, a guards shield and a silverite longsword. Now for the interesting part. All equipment is removed when the character goes to bed, place an armor stand within the room and remove all of the silverite equipment from the inventory and made sure that the armor stand is only examinable, and it should read: "There is no time to don such a heavy armor, and you sent your sword down to the blacksmith's to be sharpened. " The character will have to loot some leather armor off the howe guards and a weapon. The shield could still be in his inventory. Now regarding the family sword and shield. Both a quite nice items, actually. Personally, I kept them through out the entire game. This is probably not the case of most people, but I still cannot think of a material better suited for both than silverite. The strength requirements would have to be altered for both items. If silverite seems to powerfull, then atleast let them be made from steel or redsteel. King Cailans armor was fashioned from redsteel. I doubt that these alterations would unbalance the game in anyway. It's only a matter of time before items made from higher tier materials start to turn up anyways. Such as the blood dragon armor. Surely, alot of people would probably not really see why this mod should be made. It does only affect the beginning of ONE particular origin story, but it would make it better I think. - ST