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Posts posted by TerraEx

  1. The reason the eye shadow is blue is because under <eyes_makeup_colors> in the chargen.xml, "t1_mue_bl1" is the first file listed (which roughly translates to t1_makeup(eye)_blue1). If I flag some of these out, so that (for example) "t1_mue_or1" is the first one on the list, all male characters have brilliant orange makeup instead. I can get rid of the problem completely by not having an <eyes_makeup_colors> branch in the chargen.xml file, but that means I can't set custom eye makeup in the chargen for females either (part of the whole point of of what I'm trying to do in the first place).


    The solution is quite simple, you've removed the blank entries from your chargen.xml file.


    <beards>, <eyes_makeup_colors>,<blush_makeup_colors>, <lip_makeup_colors>

    are supposed to have one empty resource tag, which allows the user to opt to have no beard or no makeup, etc. a blank tag looks like this:


    <resource name=""/>


    Put that at the top of the respective chargen sections listed above and the problem should be resolved. The default chargen.xml file comes with the blank resources so I expect you've removed them yourself without understanding their purpose. And though its been a while since I used the compiler myself, I'm pretty sure I coded it to retain the blank resource entries.

  2. So, uh, hi, me again. *timid wave*


    My problem is that for some reason none of dialogue in Awakenings is appearing for me. When anyone is supposed to be talking all that happens is that I find me and my character watching a show of charades. All the sound effects work fine (incl. my warden's snarky voiced comments), as does background music, but it's just the dialogue that has seemingly upped and dissapeared. There are no subtitles telling me what they're 'supposed' to be saying and their mouths don't even move. =( I also have no choices in making responses either. I tried loading a save of an earlier playthrough and an unknown conversation with Ohren ended with a mysterious -1 approval.


    Also I've noticed that my lovely companions have lost their names and are now being refered to by the game as something very similar to gh124_female_companion or go103_anders on top of their character models.


    I've just imported a warden from Origins, which had been working absolutely fine despite my numerous mods, but I think something has to be conflicting with Awakenings files. Steam has told me there are no game files missing.


    So, uh, this time my question is. What sort of files/mods are most likely to cause this issue? I've tried disabling everything I could in the in-game DLC menu but that has had zero effect.

    iirc, this occurs when a mod overrides one or more of the talk tables used by the game (or if you yourself have been experimenting with the toolset). I can't recall the exact name of the file but I think it's something like "core-en-us.tlk" which is the core resources talk table file which stores all the game strings for object names, text etc. The single player and awakening campaigns also have their own talk tables but again I can't recall their names offhand.


    Check your override directory for any core/single player.tlk files and remove them (I don't recall what the talk table for awakening is called, do a wildcard search for "*.tlk").

  3. Thandal, locate any MOP reference listed inside your one of chargenmorph.xml files. Any chargenmorph.xml will do. Then find those MOP file and delete it. Then compile your chargenmorph.xml again. Start your game. Go to character creation and browse your preset. If you don't crash then compiler works. Else, it does not check what MOP/TNT/DDS/MMH files you actual have.


    Actually the latest version of the program does offer that exact functionality, dubbed "scanning for bad references". It looks through all override directories and ERF files to see if it can locate a resource and allows the user to remove it from the chargenmorphcfg file if it isn't found.

  4. If the morrigan res patch is installed correctly and is not conflicting with anything else then Flemeth's Grimoire (the real one) should be in your plot items and you'll get a new scene when returning to camp. If you're getting a conversation loop or no new scene cwhen returning to camp then you've got a conflicting mod installed that is screwing up Morrigan's dialogue files - probably morrigan_main.dlg but to be safe I would remove any other mods that alter Morrigan's files. Use the manual installation version of the mod and ensure there are no conflicts to be sure that MRP's changes are given precedence. There's more info on this buried in the comments page of the mod but I don't want to go searching for it atm.
  5. The only stages used in Jowan's dialogue (in the Mage Origin) are:







    So, check for any mods that are altering those files, or bhm100_jowan.dlg. Those would be the likely culprits, but strange stuff does sometimes happen in DA... The other possibility might be an altered area file for the circle tower itself, since the staging might not match up with the original layout, don't have much experience of that myself though.

  6. In and of itself, the WH ending is not unsatisfactory (for a romancing warden, as far as being a conclusive end for all wardens - no, I don't think it was but then it was never meant as such), but for me if I were to learn, say via codex in DA3 that the warden had died in some handwavey way it somewhat weakens the ending in my view. As I believe I've said to Thandal before, personally for my Morrigan-romancing wardens, I can't consider that chapter finitely closed until Morri's story is done with. This doesn't necessarily mean that the warden has to be the PC again, but if the warden made a choice to entangle their fate with Morrigan's I view that as a pretty significant choice and think it would be pretty awesome seeing that reflected in a future title. The gift and warning that Morrigan left behind are somewhat ambiguous and could possibly tie in the warden to future events but I'll keep this focused on the WH endings.


    The end-state itself is fine, however there are examples in the past (BioWare's own titles) when the reaction to choices such as this were handled in a displeasing manner, for example in Neverwinter Nights, Aribeth is a romanceable character (iirc written by Gaider), she dies irrespective of your choice and in an expansion pack (Where you're playing a new PC) she's romanceable once again. The major problem with this is that Aribeth in the expansion has no reactivity whatsoever to the initial PC's relationship with her, I don't think I can state just how strongly I'd hate it if a similar thing were to happen with Morrigan (and this applies to friendly and hostile relations as well), so while BioWare may be masters at crafting stories, they don't always get it right. I also believe that the potential for a disconnection regarding what you the player know, and what any new PC we end up controlling is supposed to know can quickly muddle the situation when we frequently jump between protagonists and interact with previous companions. Much of Morrigan's development and revelations are dealt with solely between her and the warden, her general indifference and hostility towards the other companions remains largely unchanged, which is why it can be difficult for me to envision a satisfactory conclusion to Morrigan's arc that both retains her depth of character and doesn't feature the warden character in some capacity without it seeming contrived. It puts me in a difficult position with regards to RPing my characters. While I agree they shouldn't be joined at the hip or anything depending on the endgame state there are advantages and investment on the part of the player in seeing the warden being involved in the finale of her story.


    What I'm getting at is I get that BioWare wants Morrigan's story to have scope and a sense of scale, I really do, but if they provide a choice such as that in WH I expect something to come of it beyond the warden disappearing into obscurity by way of the Eluvian. Since the warden is entangled in the Morrigan/Flemeth arc regardless and the DR being one of the largest decisions in DA:O, for me it provides the most satisfactory conclusion if my existing PC is dealing with the consequences of that choice, having say a new PC wrap up potentially major plot threads is a tad disappointing for me personally (and that's built upon a long gaming career) - perhaps it's expecting too much, but my expectations (now significantly tempered, I assure you :biggrin: ) were certainly influenced by the in-game events. I've no problem playing as Hawke in DA2 (though I loathe the voiced protagonist and paraphrasing) though as far as I can see Morrigan likely won't be in DA2, (Gaider and Laidlaw all but confirmed it a while back) so with regards to that plot thread, I'm looking to DA2 to further the Flemeth side of things and am assuming the Morrigan arc will conclude in DA3.


    As I said though, if BioWare wishes to proceed onwards with different PCs, that's fine I guess, no point trying to fit a square peg in a round hole, I get both sides of the argument but my point remains the same - a warden that follows Morrigan is a viable end-state and depending on how DA3 shapes up there should be some accountance for it. The revolving door approach doesn't work as well for me as say something like Baldurs Gate, where you have several titles with the same PC that work toward an ending for that arc, so when I see that DA2 is following a similar path to NWN, yes I certainly have my concerns regarding it. I'll close by saying, there was some closure but it could be invalidated (at least for me) depending on how Morrigan's return is handled. While my preference is certainly to reprise the role of the warden in the future, yes they can conclude it in other ways. My concern, as always, is that the warden isn't dealt with in a cheap way. I like the notion that all our different Thedas' can have variance and supposed divergance, how BioWare approach that with regards to Morrigan/Warden/OGB is important to me as it's one of my favourite aspects of the original game. How the Flemeth/Morrigan thing plays out is of great interest to me, however I identify with it a lot more through the character that I created rather than a more Bioware-defined PC, such as Hawke.


    I *really* don't want to go into more depth than that as I've posted veritable essays on this subject, so there it is, hopefully that clarifies my feelings on the matter somewhat and gives them some context.


    As for DLC, meh, I'd probably prefer no DLCs tbh and BioWare just focused on maybe one cohesive expansion pack, but we all know that won't happen.

  7. @brokenergy

    Depends, the answer is different for each warden and player. Is it mandatory - no. Could a living warden play a part in a future story - possibly. Should the warden play a part in Morrigan's future story - in certain circumstances I'd say the warden should at least be present or at least have a damn good explanation for not being there, my reasons are numerous but I expect you've seen them on the BW forums so I'll be brief. Not sure if I know you by another name on the BW forums, brokenergy as we may have already discussed this but anyways:


    Morri would never be reduced to a romantic sap regardless as the relationship is about equality, while she might show a different side to a romantically involved warden, the public facing Morrigan would retain much of her current persona (though this should be affected by your interactions with her in Origins). My view on the subject however is that for a warden that romanced Morrigan and went through the mirror there should be some reactivity to that choice. I know Gaider stated that WH is about closure but for me and many others it does not provide anything close for either those that romanced her and those that didn't. If Morrigan was never seen again, fine it's closure, but we know she will be, so some players will expect to see their choice reflected in some way in a future game.


    The situation is fraught with difficulties but for those that entered the mirror to just disappear or some other Jack Bauer going dark-esque scenario strikes me as an incredibly weak way to end their involvement with Morrigan when you consider her last words and essentially handwaves the player's final choice in WH. For a romantically involved warden, it's not even about furthering the romance per se, the relationship is what it is at the end of WH. It simply comes down to respecting and reflecting the individual player's choices in the game world, which is supposedly a key element of DA. Like if I put Alistair on the throne, I'd expect him to be there were we to revisit Ferelden, it's a choice, just like any other. There are other ways to approach it that relegate the warden to offscreen/dead but that could retroactively harm a player's Origins experience depending on how its executed.


    It's a touchy subject since Morrigan is a popular companion and LI but I guarantee you that were one of the other LI's earmarked as a major player in a future title, the affected fanbase's apprehension regarding how that would affect their story/ending would be just the same. Perhaps the question should the warden return as the PC to further Morrigan's story is more appropriate, but again you'll get mixed answers. I'm gonna stop there lest this turns into a ridiculously long post.


    Gah, still ended up being a lengthy soliloquy - my apologies :sweat:

  8. @Thandal

    Ah, no problem then :thumbsup: I was concerned that I'd missed something the devs had posted but it's good to know that's not the case. I'd given thought to restoring the scene in question myself some months back but decided against due to lack of VO, I personally dislike editing speech together since the resultant dialogue feels unnatural (another reason I wish BioWare wouldn't obsess over voiceovers so much, far better in the days of BG2 where new non-voiced conversations/banters could be easily slotted in, but that's getting off-topic.) As an aside, I'd have happily paid BioWare to put in some of the stuff they cut instead of wasting time producing treats like Feastday & DS Chrons (maybe even do what CD Projekt did with the Enhanced Edition of Witcher and fix & polish those rough edges) but yeah I'll end there lest I start ranting :happy:

  9. Well, as per Gaider, the original plan was for Morrigan to make that offer to the PC in camp on the night before the big battle, so had she scarpered then the "betrayal" aspect would have a bit more gravitas.


    Add to this that the line why did you betray me isn't specific to a player who romanced her (nor one who romances alistair). She does go on to explain that the perceived "betrayal" was merely her leaving, as per your agreement which ties in with her leaving at the end of the game regardless of your choice, thus tying the notion of betrayal to her leaving. I quite often see people on BW social forums posting about how Morrigan "betrayed" them at the end of Origins. I personally think betray is a bit of a misnomer in that context, but apparently many players feel she betrayed them. That's what I took from it anyway.


    All in all, the whole climax of the game after the landsmeet is a bit slapdash - the deleted scene for example should have been in the game as the way it stands Morrigan comes off in a highly negative light by offering the DR out of the blue without that scene being in the game. For me, as far as Morrigan goes, everything DR onwards is BioWare making the best of what they've got as there are inconsistencies and wtf moments because of unfortunate cuts made during development.


    But to come back to the Morrigan sleeping with Alistair regardless issue because it's news to me- since this issue has never been broached on the Morri thread on the BW boards (And we have dissected pretty much every dev post relating to Morrigan at some point) I find it odd that we'd be unaware of something like this for so long. We've known about the revelation comic naturally. As I understood it based on the discussion that came up in Morri thread on the official forums when Aimo/Gaider put the revelation comic out there, the idea behind the scene was to allow the player to relate to Morrigan a bit more before her offer, and its the first I've heard of it leading to her sleeping with alistair regardless. It's something I'd certainly want to bring up on the official boards tbh (if you're sure that's what they originally planned) and possibly PM Gaider for clarification since it's an area of interest to me.

  10. The whole "Morrigan finds a way to sleep with Alistair and the PC doesn't know it" was in the original game, but was cut for any (or all) of the reasons one can imagine. Evidence of this plot thread still exists if one peeks "under the covers" using the Toolset.


    I wasn't even aware of the "Betrayal" stuff, and so was confused when that line appeared in WH. "What's THAT about?" I thought to myself, "Does this refer to her leaving after I refused the DR?" Then I learned about this "other path". :sick: :yucky: :sad:


    Thandal, have you got a link or any examples of this? I do vaguely recall something along these lines, but iirc it was Gaider stating on the BW forums that they (BioWare) could have enforced the ritual as canon (by having *someone else* do the ritual) if they'd wanted to. I just can't recall any examples from the devs where they state that the DR was ever going to be canon (by way of Morrigan doing it with Alistair/Loghain anyway). This all kicked off around the time DA2 was announced when there was concern from Ultimate Sacrifice players that the DR was going to be canon.


    Though I'm hazy on the issue, by my recollection Aimo & Gaider's work on the revelation comic was only ever to foreshadow the DR being proposed to the player, sort of steeling herself before making the offer to the player.


    I always thought the "you denied me the ritual" branches applied to Alistair/Loghain dying playthroughs, where the DR didn't happen but the PC lived. (that is the set of flags that branch depends upon in WH.)

  11. While you can certainly bypass this issue using the console, he'll still be playing the game with two mods conflicting (which is inadvisable), thus likely missing out on the fixes and potentially causing further issues later in the game. My advice is to find whichever one is causing the issue now to save yourself heacaches in the future.
  12. Some other mod is conflicting with the Morrigan Restoration Patch. Can't say which (maybe one in your override directory). Solutions are either to find and remove the offending mod (which will be modifying morrigan_main.dlg and/or other morrigan-related files) or try using the manual version of MRP (make sure that there are no other mods affecting Morrigan's dialogue in your override directory to ensure that the MRP fixes take precedance). There's a bunch of information on the MRP comments page (link in my sig) but this situation only occurs when a conflicting mod is installed. And yes, as you surmise you will have been missing out on the fixed content as a result of the conflict. Sadly, I don't have the time to go into more detail atm as I'm pressed for time but between Thandal & the comments page I'm sure you'll find the solution.
  13. Yeah, this happened to me fairly recently, iirc the game creates an invisible wall when you get swarmed by the pack of wolves at the bottom of that slope, it's supposed to get removed once the attackers are all defeated but sometimes it doesn't fire properly when you kill the last enemy. Either reload a prior save and try again (I found waiting till all the enemies are pretty close to the area in question before engaging them works... more often) or just try to teleport past it using the console.
  14. For me personally, I just feel it's important for those that put in the intial legwork to discover what was cut to be credited, perhaps I should have been clearer in my original post. If for example Kung Fu Man were to release a mod that is based in part off a list of cut content that several users compiled as part of an earlier work, they should be credited in any resultant mods, no? To me it's the same as using someone elses research without citing your source. That's just my opinion though. :thumbsup:
  15. Are you talking about replicating work that various modders have already done to restore said cut content? I'm not sure of the Nexus' stance on it but I doubt modders would be impressed if this is what you intend to do - the information on the wiki only exists today because of those involved in the creation of these mods spent a great deal of time and effort looking through various files so people like myself could restore it. The vast majority of stuff that was cut has already been restored to the game across several mods (mine being one of them) to my knowledge. Shale probably was meant to be included but was separated into a DLC due to publisher requirement.
  16. Someone will have a Dazip file for us to use and get it.... not really worried, however the fact I DID sign up for the emails and didn't get my code annoys me very much.

    You probably did sign up for it, I know for a fact I did since the sign up boxes disappear when you succesfully sign up. All I'm saying is it's not a promising start in light of DA:O's rampant bugs if BioWare's web designers can't even manage to code a simple signup page. I've still had nothing and despite clearing cookies and resigning up once again, I have to say I'm expecting nothing. Perhaps you have to sit in the DA2 forums singing bioware's praises in order to receive the code.

  17. From what I read on the forums a lot of people who signed up early haven't received their codes. On the subscription management list Thandal linked, there is only a "Dragon Age" newsletter, which I assume covers everything under the dragon age brand.


    Those of us who signed up early are concerned Bioware have screwed something up since there are people who signed up later who are already receiving their codes. A dev stated that there are still a good number of codes to be sent out but knowing BioWare I wouldn't be surprised if there was some kind of screw up.

  18. Yeah, I got the same as Thandal - subscribed way back before all of Bioware's events showcasing the game yet no code received yet...


    The subscription management page stated I was subscribed to the bioware newsletter but not the dragon age one...

  19. To get him to stop moving I changed his variable values to 0, then also made his interactivity from true to false. I think that last bit is where I lost the icon, but when I turn it back to true he starts cracking his neck again, so there is something there that is missing or he is set as something completely different. I have played with him as placeable creature, item, and also as human dying ambient. None of these made noticeable changes in his behavior, so there must be something designer created for him in the RtO utc that we cannot see.


    EDIT: I also lose or regain the icon when I change the base conversation. The current test run has comversation set to none, and thus no icon to trigger any lines. I tried to use Alistair main, and get party camp dialogue, so it also has to be a designer created dialogue in RtO that we also cannot see. :wallbash:

    Dan, the following files are the conversation files for RTO:


    These are the dialog files used in RTO-








    Try using one of them as the base conversation and it *may* resolve your problem.

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