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About survivalist92

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    United States
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    anything by Bethesda

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  1. alright, trying it Edit: it works so far, thanks for the help
  2. every time i attack... small guns.... fist weapons... grenades.... fists.... my game freezes and forces me to exit out. I have a great PC now... 6-Core 3.4 Ghz Nvidia 550 TI 8GB RAM 64 Bit does FO3 have something against multi-cores, or is it FOSE? Edit: It doesn't seem to freeze that often with energy weapons.... but i like my Combat Rifle more than a Laser Pistol :D
  3. 392. The only game to surpass this games addictiveness is Warhammer 40k: Dawn of War II 393. you will laugh if you listen to Cage the Elephant Back Against the Wall while being chased by ferals 394. no matter how hard you try, you seem to loose every fight against a reaver while using a laser pistol... 395. having a spaceship means nothing. killing the enclave off means nothing. destroying the worlds super mutant population means nothing.... people don't seem to care, and they go on bit***** about them.
  4. ok.... that explains it. my 9800 GTX from my old PC doesn't fit in this one =(
  5. so i caved and got the GOTY non-Steam edition.... it crashes on start up 4G of RAM 6800 GTX 432GB of remaining HDD Space Windows 7 what's wrong??
  6. :dry: but robots don't give you a lot of attention, and warm your bed in the middle of the night like a dog does (all pet owners who have animals that like to sleep with them know what i mean)
  7. so i played the demo..... fun, but scared the living hell out of me :dance: :dance: :dance: :ohdear: i slept with the lights on though.... lol
  8. fortunately, i doubt a cat could knock over even a 28lb desktop xD
  9. yes!!! i found my backup tower :D.. .now to reinstall everything
  10. XD apparently he's more loyal to his stomach... i was getting him food when this happened Edit: and it was a desktop he knocked over... he's a Whippet on steroids... size of a medium greyhound, strength of... um.... small Airedale maybe?
  11. title says it all, he got the sandwich i left on top of it.. and Sh** happened.... the frame cracked, the hdd is buggy, the CPU was joggled into the corner of my video card on got cracked.... so yea.... im just gonna save more money and buy it Do i actually have to read and do schoolwork for entertainment now? Or do i see what i can do on a Laptop? Info about dog: i couldn't stay mad at him... he did his little innocent look, i yelled at him and his eyes got all big... too cute to stay mad at, even if i have nothing to do now. ;D o_O o_O :wallbash: :wallbash: ;D :ninja: :ninja: :dance: :blush: Edit: yes technically it was my own stupidity... please don't say that i know it already Edit 2: my laptop isn't that good, so i can't play anything other than pinball
  12. now if only the stupid noises out of my window would go away...... ??? http://www.cool-smileys.com/images/army7.gif http://www.cool-smileys.com/images/301.gif http://www.cool-smileys.com/images/army15.gif that should work....
  13. hope Metallica and Judas Priest work as well as Led Zeppelin xD i'll try the demo tomorrow after school, if i don't have piles of homework Edit: maybe i could try some of my computer savvy knowledge to make them look like.... something not utterly out of the mind of the creators of Silent Hill.... even if they are different, there is a resemblance... gore.... psycho's.... creepy stuff.... monsters.... gore..... puzzles... dark....gore.... oh and did i mention lots of gore?
  14. http://www.cool-smileys.com/images/107.gifhttp://www.cool-smileys.com/images/107.gifhttp://www.cool-smileys.com/images/2075.gif
  15. will i regret playing the free demo at 6 PM? and if not, is it fun? xD
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