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About vendetta13196

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  1. First of all, thanks for your positive notice. Always appreciated. :wink: As with the Media Player etc., I´m not even sure if it actually influences the ambient Music folders. Does the game resort to my current player or does it use something built-in when playing ambient music? And for your idea to choose the individual tracks manually, that would be a bit inconvenient, considering that I´d have to switch between dungeon, wasteland and city music constantly (with battle music in between). Though that method works well with Minecraft, where I merely use two playlists (one for cave exploration and one for everything else). I´m still guessing, that it has something to do with the way my .MP3s were converted. Otherwise why should the EVE ones work, but my own ones not? And I´ve read posts about People having over 350 custom added ambients. Maybe I´d try something different than High Quality Joint Stereo for actual in-game tracks.
  2. Hi-ho everyone, Some time ago (after I installed the EVE mod together with the Songs for EVE ambient tracks) I read, that it is possible to add your own .MP3 files to the different music folders without having to replace the default ambient music. Worked perfectly fine for me with "Songs for EVE" , however I decided afterwards to add a couple of other tracks. The strange thing is, in seemingly random situations the game minimizes itself and a black window named "ActiveMovie Window" appears. After that, I´m unable to open the game again and I have to restart it. This kind of crash happens most of the time at the beginning of a battle, when the battle music is about to play. As most of my custom music is in my Battle folder, I assume, that it has something to do with the custom tracks I´ve added. After I deleted those, it worked fine again. I read on other forums, that the ActiveMovie Window has something to do with the Windows Media Player, but I don´t know what exactly. Some points that might be of interest: I am currently using Windows 7 [64-bit], WMP [12.0.7601.18150} , the Free Youtube to MP3 Converter [v. 3.12.20 build 1230] ; also, the converted .MP3s are High Quality Joint Stereo. If anyone has any further advice or solutions, I would highly appreciate it. :psyduck:
  3. At the Meshes section of the Distant Land Setup Wizard it always says, that a fatal error occured. Any advice?
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