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Everything posted by ShadowRanger787

  1. Oh, that's what I'm currently doing and it's working great! The problem comes when say I have a rifle that has a stock then attach a pistol grip that does not have the Stock AP Keyword in the OMOD because I don't want it to be able to attach a stock and then I attach a pistol grip that DOES have the Stock keyword and the stock mod slot has a null attachment in it. What I'm looking for is a way so that whenever that Stock AP Slot is active for the first time after it was removed that the stock slot is filled with a placeholder attachment until the player attaches a different stock.
  2. Does anyone know if it is possible to force remove certain weapon mods from a players weapon without unequiping it? I could swear I remember seeing a post that said you had to unequip the weapon before you could change any mods on it which segways into my main topic. Hypothetically speaking if there was a way to force change weapon mods whilst the player was holding it could I make a magazine have 30 child nodes for bullets and then one by one change them from a "filled" slot with a bullet to an "empty" slot with a null child mod and then use a script with F4SE to keep track of how many rounds were fired and make that many rounds visible? Imagine something akin to Metro 2033's AK magazines with the cut-outs in the side that allow you to see how many rounds you have, that's what I'm trying to emulate. Thanks for the input!
  3. Hmmmm, that might work for me! I'll probably just have to have a script running all the time seeing if the value for a mod slot is null and then forcing in a basic mod. Essentially I just don't want them to change the receiver and suddenly have no barrel or anything else attached as the mod slots sometimes have different names. I.E. SG_Barrel instead of Barrel for a shotgun receiver. Thanks for the reply!
  4. Hello, I was wondering if anyone knew a way to automatically attach a mod to a weapon mod slot that isn't rooted to the base gun .nif ? The example I'm using is I have a grip that attaches to the base receiver, that grip has the parent node for the stock to attach to it. Not all of my grips have that parental node for the stock to attach to as some act as both a grip and a stock. The problem I'm having is figuring out how to put a default or null mod into the stock category whenever that particular grip is replaced by one that has the parental node. Another example would be receivers that can have specific mags and barrels. Is there a way to attach the default/null mods to their slots so that I'm not left with a janky-looking receiver that's missing a barrel and a magazine until you go to the mod slot and put one there? Thanks in advance for any help!
  5. Hello all, I've resumed working on my mod, the Handmade Rifle Extension and have pretty much gotten it to the state I want it except for one small thing. That small thing is the fact that I have multiple receivers in various calibers and styles that I want to restrict which mods can be attached to them, Ex: A shotgun receiver will only allow special shotgun magazines, barrels, muzzles, etc that have a special keyword i.e. Mark_kw_isshotgun etc etc. Any and all help would be greatly appreciated.
  6. Just making this thread as a place I can post WIP parts and get ideas from all of you lovely people on what I should add in my Handmade Rifle Extension mod. What is this mod?? This mod adds a lot of different weapon mods/re-textures for the Handmade Rifle that come from many real world variants of the Kalashnikov-style rifles. I made this mod because I'm an avid fallout player and I personally own an AK-74 and just really wanted some more variety when it came to what I consider the best weapon in the game. Keep in mind this mod is not meant to be a "Highly polished" mod and is just my take on what I think various Kalashnikov variants would look like in the Fallout universe. Link > https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/31807/?tab=description Gallery of current and wip weapons: https://imgur.com/a/Qd4gS2q WIP Parts: STG 940 Barrel, Stock, and Mag Vepr-12 Barrel, Mags Classic Steel AKM Mag RPK-74 Barrel and Muzzle Future WIP Parts: Redo "Handmade Rifle Triangle Stock" so it looks more like an actual side-folder Fix "Low Recoil Long Barrel" and "Enhanced Long Barrel" Hand-guards so they have the iconic palm-swells Quad-stacked 60 round magazine PBS-4 suppressor Polymer Furniture sets: (Hand-guards,stocks (folding 74M style and fixed), and pistol grips) in plum and black AK-100 series barrels Saiga barrels and receivers Galil/Norinco Hunter style Receivers,Stocks, and Barrels (7.62 and 5.56) Currently released parts: Muzzles: DTK - (AK-74 style muzzle break) Slant Brake - (AKM style muzzle brake) Krink Booster - (AKS-74u "Krinkov" style muzzle booster) Receivers: Special Krink Receiver - (AKS-74u receiver with the special sights) Barrels: Low Recoil Long Barrel - (AK-74 style barrel and gas-block) Enhanced Long Barrel - (Standard Long barrel with new wood hand-guard set) Krink Barrel - (Shorten AKS-74u style barrel and gas-block) Handmade LMG Barrel - (RPK Style barrel with stowed bipod and modified hand-guard set) Magazines: 7.62x39 (AK/AKM) style: Large Bakelite Magazine - (30 round Bakelite magazine) Bakelite Banana Magazine (40 round Bakelite RPK magazine) Banana Mag (40 round Slab-side Steel RPK magazine) 5.45x39 (AK-74) style: Large Improved Bakelite Magazine - (30 round Bakelite magazine) Large Improved Black Polymer Magazine - (30 Round Black Polymer magazine) Large Improved Plum Polymer Magazine - (30 Round Plum Polymer magazine) Extended Improved Bakelite Magazine - (40 round Bakelite RPK magazine) Stocks: Handmade Rifle Triangle Stock (Triangle side-folding style stock) Handmade Rifle Underfolding Stock (AKS style under-folding stock and pivots) Handmade LMG Stock (Heavy wooden stock based on that of the RPK) Feel free to leave suggestions and feedback, I'm pretty open when it comes to requests so feel free to fire away and I hope if you download you'll enjoy my mod!
  7. So, I've been having this strange water glitch where the water in fallout 4 is often a very low resolution, even when you get close to it. This only occurs in the large bodies of water, not small areas like around Sanctuary. Also equally as strange, whenever I step in the water it loads in a small square of normal resolution water textures (see ref image). I am running quite a few mods, but my efforts to combat this bug by selectively turning off mods has failed, I am also using ENBoost, and I've tried fiddling with various setting in the configs of that too. Any and all help is greatly appreciated!
  8. Finally figured it out, it was Common Wealth Surplus, duh :P Mod please delete this thread!
  9. Hey all, I've recently had to wipe my entire Fallout 4 game and NMM folders, largely due to the large clutter of unused mods and various crashes, and in that process I deleted a mod which I simply cannot find the name of anywhere. The mod in question adds a large number of military fatigues in various camos, however I do not believe it to be All Camo Uniforms by CDante because this mod added it's different fatigues, helmets, bandanas, etc to the leveled list of Fallout 4. I distinctly remember being able to loot items from the mod off of raiders and such and also finding them in various buildings. I know you could not craft these uniforms and that it contained a number of strange camouflage patterns that All Camo Uniforms does not contain, such as a British Berlin style "box" camo, the name of which I cannot remember. Another reason why I don't think it is All Camo Uniforms is because, as I mentioned earlier, it adds them to the leveled list, something I distinctly remember All Camo Uniforms not having. Whilst I may be wrong about it not being All Camo Uniforms, I really think it's something different. When I was looking through an old plugin list that I had saved I did find an PCE.esp that I could not account for, and that is not in my newly re-downloaded mods, so I'm thinking that this might be the plugin that the mod in question used, but again I am unable to identify it. Thank you all for your help in advance, and I hope someone here knows what mod I'm talking about.
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