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  1. Thank you all, that was it what i want to know. At the end one question: Are the clothings modeled with the bodyparts together? Like in Oblivion/F3/NV? The NPC Face Animation/Mimic was in NV good to, bad that they don't made a idle-animation/mimic for the PC. I don't understand Bethesda. They know that her game will be released in other countrys too. Why they don't make a localization-system for the engine. I mean, better was english game and modifications... and if they will release the game in other countrys (like germany) they add a localization-folder where the files can be added who change language specific things. (language, race names etc.)
  2. Hello, i don't played Skyrim yet. I want to wait for a better machine to max the settings out. (for more View and Atmosphere) But i really interested what all has changed or not-changed in Skyrim. (Improvements) The most things like to different Weapon/Spell possibilities I already read about. (news, previews, reviews on the Internet) At the moment i playing Fallout 3 NV and Oblivion, and see there stuff what is annoying. Emotionless PC-Face One of the strange things in Oblivion and Fallout was the PC Face. In Oblivion a character smilies to every NPC like a junkie, what messed often the character look really up. In Fallout 3 Bethesda learned (at least they believe that) and don't used this future anymore. (or I don't saw it) When i see my character, mimic, idles, movements and all this personally stuff... it's like i watching on a emotionless doll. Only plugins can help to improve the Idle and Movement-Animations. But i never saw a mod improvement for the character-mimic. Only NPCs in Fallout 3 and NV has better face mimics. EDIT: Sorry, I found mod based character-mimic-improvements for the character, but not for the idle, movement or such thing. Only for sex-animations. :confused: Let's crash together Are there any improvements in the modding-engine from skyrim, or is this only a extended version of the Oblivion/Fallout engine? I really hate it, that this game don't have a logging feature to trace the CTDs, Bugs and other things back. Are there such feature(s) now in Skyrim available? And what is with the localization? Do they have now localization files, or do we have the strange old problem again. (with the different game languages and modification-localizations) Hidden Walls and exploration Can we reach really all positions on the map, or are there such logical clipping issues like Fallout 3/NV where we don't never ever climping over a mountain. I really hate the New Vegas invisible walls and Jumping-behaivor. In Oblivion most places was explorable, many mountains was accessible. Where instead in Fallout 3 New Vegas... you never ever don't have to climp on mountains or canyons. That kills the free-to-explore immersion and feels like a single-player linear action-adventure game. I don't talk about the hidden walls from the map border/barrier. I hope you all can read my text, and satisfy my curiosity. Note: Please don't spoiler any story related game-content.
  3. I really hate the AI from Fallout 3. In NV it seems a little bit better and i like this little robot Ed-E really... but i hate it that the attacking enemy without my order or something else. I often sneaking, i don't need a companion who attacking the enemys before i attacks them. Is there a way to fix this behaivor? I want a really working passive mode. I wish that my companions only attacking the enemy if: They attacked from enemys. I'm attacked from enemys. I'm attacking enemys. Nothing other conditions. I really hate it, that they attacking often before i saw my enemys by myself.
  4. Is there a way to disable the automated smiling form the Player-Character, when he/she looks to a NPC? I really don't like it... it's uggly!
  5. I download on Premium Servers with 20-40kb/s. Yes... it's slower then the most free servers. Strange.
  6. One year ago i used a Fallout3-Modification, who makes the weight and movement from dead objects easier and realistic. It was a litte improvment, but i liked it. But now i can't find this mod anywhere. I only found Realistic Death Ragdoll Physic, but this is not for what i looking/searching. Anyone knows the mod i mean?
  7. Sorry, my fault. The Gore-Mods don't have to do with the problem. I found out if i bind a key and leave the Pipboy my character unbinding this hotkey. If i wearing other armor or was naked and bind then, then the key was bind. But after one pipboy watch again, the hotkey unbind when the pipboy was closed. I tryed to deactivate all my mods, but this doesn't helped. I tryed a new vanilla savegame, but the problem happening there too. But i found a solution. Not perfect, but i can play. (Link) Thanks for your help.
  8. I found out how to fix this problem. If i deactivate "Less Gore" then it works again. But i need "Less Gore" because i don't like this overstatement of violence. I tested it with Gore Tweaks as alternative, but the same problem appears there again. So how to fix this? And why a gore mod can make such strange behaivour?
  9. Fallout 3 hat the possibilities to bind items to a quickkey. But now i can't binding armors to my quickkeys. If i do it, it doesn't happend or the binding appears after some minutes gameplay (1-2 min) so i've to reconfigure it. I hate this, it is really anoying. With other stuff i don't have this problem, only with armors. Anyone knows this bug?
  10. Yes, the powerarmors really to fat and big for female bodies. I hope anywhere are powerarmor replacer for female characters.
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