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Nexus Mods Profile

About MikoYork

  1. And I'd like to have dialog option to arm friendly NPCs..
  2. I'd like to ask to make or teach me to create new cooking recipes beside boiled meat. Like soups and roasts. Usaing existing icons or new one. Thank you!
  3. Sort items with mouse drug-n-drop or autosort items, putting modules first, then quest items, and then materials. Thank you!
  4. Could someone please fix the dog Barbas, so it stops to push player character. It comes too close to player, and pushes him/her. Its very annoying, and often - deadly dangerous. It dont let you to walk back, hide, etc. If barbas could follow player with a same distance as other companions - that would be great. Thank you!
  5. This mod already exists: http://www.skyrimnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=1947
  6. I tohugh someone could just copy content of Alister, for example, change dialogs and replace 3d model in scenes >_>
  7. Please =) Is it possbile to create one? I saw mod with new NPC with romance dialogs and scenes included. Is it possible to add such dialogs and scenes to Sten? Thank you anyway!
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