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Posts posted by vitreolum

  1. Sorry if this has been asked before, but I couldn't find any info.


    I've been toying around with using multiple body types for a wider range of outfits and managed it by installing the main one I want to use and creating additional folders in the texture folder, where I added the textures for the other body types. Then I just set the skin bits in nifskope to use the correct textures and rename the skin texturing property.


    So far so good, works great with 1 piece outfits, but the (expected) issue remains - the head still uses the main textures and there's a slight skin color difference. Is there a way to fix this part? Or is there a better way to do this?


    The only thing I can think of is if someone made "skin clothes" with the body proportions of one mod, while using the textures of another, then simply add the outfits over. (If it's unclear what I wrote there, think making a hgec outfit that would simply be a skin suit with the proportion of zkec for example, thus using hgec textures and would fit zkec outfits). Are there such mods around?


    I have no experience with modding, it's all trial and error for me, so any help would be appreciated.

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