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About wesmoore35

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    United States
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    New vegas
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  1. Let me Explain my goal better 1.I need a script that allows me to load a Skyrim save 2. it will only load your items and stats 3. it will load the BSA files 4.it will load your character of course 5.it is just an arena and a small area to trade items and battle your friends to see who made the best charicter 6.this is a separate program from SkyrimI am not building a new engine i am using unity 3d They should treat it as a mod.....>People have found ways to load the saves for face gen so this is doable
  2. I want to make a facegen convertor for skyrim how did they do it for oblivion
  3. Heres a few more ideas 1.Armors effect the damage you can take. so if some one is wearing no armor they should die in one or two hits 2.Hypothermia so if your wearing no armor or clothes you will get sick 3.the alchemy affects of food onley come out if you use an alchemy kit so they wont have the magic effects with out extracting them via an alchemy station. I like your plan really good ideas
  4. MY pc has 6gb of ram intel core 2 quad q8200 @ 2.33ghz 2.24ghz nvidea geforce 9600 gso graphics card 64bit operating system Those are my specs i did try removing the mod and it still did it
  5. Help please is the game supposed to crash every 40 to 60 mins some times sooner [X] FalloutNV.esm [X] HonestHearts.esm [X] OWNB - Open World.esm [X] Advanced Recon Tech.esm [X] AWorldOfPain(Preview).esm [X] Project Nevada - Core.esm [X] Project Nevada - Equipment.esm [X] iHUD.esm [X] OWNB - Red Canyon Overhaul.esp [X] Project Nevada - Cyberware.esp [X] Advanced Recon Gear.esp [X] Advanced Recon Tech.esp [X] Advanced Recon Gear-Locations Doc Mitchell.esp [X] Advanced Recon Armor.esp [X] Advanced Recon Armor-Location Doc Mitchell.esp [X] Advanced Recon Gear - Project Nevada.esp [X] Project Nevada - Rebalance.esp [X] AK47 with mods (Scope).esp
  6. MY Idea First off i need a team<br> 1-Health system over hull note the goal is to make it so the health bar is out and replace it with a blood pressure meter <br> 2-The BPD is The health note head shots will kill you instantly... chest shots may kill you instantly-----leg and arm shots will not kill you alone they make you bleed out over so many seconds<br> 3-if your leg or arm get blown off you will not die right away note some one will come and find you and install prosthetic limbs the first time for free after that it will cost also you can upgrade to cyberbotic parts <br> 4-You can only carry 2 guns with you at a time----Unless you have a gun satchel----also you need a belt to carry a canteen and a backpack to carry every thing else Well if any one wants to help let me know :) because i suck at scripting i really need a scripter ..... i am working on adding generators to each town because i think its not at all realistic that the towns have power without power lines so my plan is to make it so if ya blow up the towns generator the power is knocked out for three days and by that time the towns tech will have fix it also fixing the stores so that they make more sense.....<br> so i need a Scriptwriter and a 3d modeler and well ideas and any one that wants to help i plan on makeing quest and new areas to which i know how to do
  7. How do you Create a master file i cant seem to figure it out in the geck
  8. I think i found a way to do it you all remaber oblivion if some one could get the gate door and port it into fnv then make a gun model well u get it :)
  9. well this helped me to ..... purge cell buffers and stutter remover and 4g loader these did it' + removeing thgamestabilizer thhing i had and iws now i can play for 3 to 4 hrs agin i mean went one hr without issue
  10. i have had that issue to i have been tryin for a while i never thought to do that i will try it thanks...... :) ya the fast travel thing happens every so offten or when i rest then wake up and soon as i draw my wepon to snipe crash lol
  11. Google FRAPS... download it... install it. Thank you Works great appropriate it
  12. OK I am having an issue with the game crashing on exit. "and after dieing 3 to 4 times in a row" "haven't had this issue at all to day the but i didn't try to die ether but it seemed to be when i was running AWOP but got ride of it" . these are the mods i am using....... Help please ps also have an open world mod which is above Advanced recon gear also have honest hearts Also i do use boss
  13. Google FRAPS... download it... install it. Thank you
  14. Ok dumb qustion but i want to record me playing fallout nv with the fnv4gb and nvse
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