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About RuincrafterMage

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  1. Which mod are you installing? Are you manually installing? I use a mod installer and most mods are located in C:\Users\Username\AppData\Local\Larian Studios\Baldur's Gate 3\Mods Its recommended to use Laughing Leader's BG3 mod manager for many mods.
  2. Hopefully there is an easier way, but the fact that the game has been in early access since 2020 and no modder has done this yet makes me think it's complicated. Pathfinder WOR had a Gestalt mod released pretty shortly after its release. Yeah and what about attributes? How do you decide if your spells use intelligence or charisma if you do a wizard/sorcerer combination? Not to mention someone who wants to gestalt 2 subclasses of the same class or something.
  3. So if someone made a mod to make Minthara light-skinned, would that solve the problem? Or do you just not want evil characters?
  4. Yeah, you could do it that way. You could create a custom class that combines the features of the gestalt classes you want. Gycicada released a class template mod today, so we might see some gestalt mods using that method in the future. The problem with this method I imagine is it would be hard to make classes with different spellbooks work together if they are now one superclass. In tabletop gestalt you keep track of your class features and spellbooks seperately even though you level both. Also, you would have to create a new custom class every time you want to try a new gestalt combination. With 12 classes in the game, thats alot of combinations to individually code.
  5. I have been trying to figure out a way to do this with the current published mod tools/cheat engine tables, but there are some hiccups. If you use the "level 20 multiclass" mod, you can level up multiple classes as long as none of them exceed level 12, extending the level cap. (You can edit the files to make the level cap whatever you want) You would just need to cheat exp so you can level multiple classes at once. However, there are a few problems with doing it this way: Cantrip damage scales with total level at certain intervals, making them too powerful too earlySame with proficiency bonuses (affecting things like attack rolls and skill checks)You would need to adjust HP back to normal every time you level, since you get hit dice for each class level.Certain things in the game are confirmed to scale with your total level, like vendor inventories.You get spell slots too early if you multi-class caster classesTo combat these issues you would need to make a mod that lets you level up a class without it counting towards your total level, discount its hit dice, and not count it towards your spellcaster level.
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