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Everything posted by XxShinra

  1. lol... have you seen any wolfs walking around imperial city all friendly like? Lol what if it occasionally bit you and walked away? Lol, Anyway... I got a wolf walking around Imperial city and I thought that was strange :D hehehe!
  2. yay! http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=32062 ok now I'm gonna go watch a movie with Stone Cold Steve Austin in it... Give me a Hell yeah!!!
  3. :biggrin: sweet! your leaving me on edge though... :confused: :sad:
  4. Yes but it would make sence that you have not checked them in Oblivion data files
  5. double click Oblivion and click data files and then check the esp.
  6. Ok here is what I did I used ( originally ) the seamless male body... Then I got rid of it and it was still showing in game all out of whack! and I just got the original and made modifications where necessary. ( checked the esp. ) and still the seamless male replacer is still in my game. yay! :) Ps I unchecked all esp.s except Roberts and the OB Master file too...
  7. Do you have the Esps checked in the Oblivion Data? :rolleyes: :biggrin:
  8. Is Roberts 5 the best?... Also why is it called a Beta? Mine is all outta jack! :pinch: I used to have it working so I uninstalled reinstalled it... and nothing! So... if anyone can give me the best one out there? unless this is it? I guess I'll just look over again what Alien Slofs 5beta again and see whats going on. ty
  9. http://www.youtube.com/user/Spiderwolfcakes#p/a/u/0/eTFOCwvy78E NVM I hadn't checked my esp. as I thought I had vids removed :thumbsup:
  10. glad I could help! hopfully that works out 4 ya...
  11. Yeah that's not supposed to happen... You should be able to use your mouse even to look all over while walking... Try holding in your mouse scroll see if that works while running... You say your mouse does work otherwise though hm... that is... IDK hope I've helped any, anyway. :)
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