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  1. Think i've spent about 250 to 300 and thats counting fallout 3 as well ( not vegas ) i think it's a lot personally, but to each his own i guess.
  2. oh my, you haven't even preordered it? AND you're gonna wait for reviews? BEGONE BLASPHEMER! Jokes aside, the waiting has become quite unbearable, i feel like a freaking kid on christmas eve waiting on that package, i've been snooping around a couple of days looking and feeling upon, usually i get hyped about games i really like, but never like this. It really is quite pathetic that a grown ass man can't think of anything but skyrim... geez
  3. lmao, but yeah no, none of us really know how it will be, marriages, and it isnt something i personally look forward to either, we will just have to wait and see on the 11th.
  4. Mass Effect 3 and Syndicate will bring me away from Skyrim, maybe even swtor at the end of december.
  5. lol i can see the whole scenario for it - mindless zombie-like fans muttering words like - skyrim, dovahkin etc. - and you being swarmed when you exit the store. Anyway, don't fret or be worried, im sure you'll be fine.
  6. dude its 3 days, have a backbone and wait this s*** out, it IS still just a game when it all comes down to it... jeeez
  7. i take it back, seems there are so many threads made now that it seemed like days ago/ This was however posted yesterday on another thread http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/454845-skyrim-rap/ 3 pages long.
  8. This has already been posted almost a week ago...
  9. wauv, that dragon scene was really horrible lol..
  10. what is so hard for these stores to understand? it gets released the 11th you morons ( many online stores as well as physical seems to be pissing game release order dates, as if it didn't matter at all matter at all ) , whats the point in having a copy just stare at you..
  11. lol elvinkun, i feel sorry for you, it sucks, and i know it all to well. I clearly remember when i bought DAO 6 months before release, then got close to the same message as you, i was sooo frustrated, cancelled my collectors edition and went out and bought it in a shop ( i hardly EVER buy in stores anymore, always cheaper online. ) so yeah, keep your head up mate.
  12. I'll have to agree with akin12, even though i'm not a big pc wiz and hardly know anything then what i need to play games lol, if you can play the witcher 2 with no flaws on the highest settings, then i'd say you're good to go. I actually upgraded my computer ( it was really s*** since i mostly played games on my console ) to play the witcher 2, and i spent close to 8k danish kroner which is about 1 thousand euro. I got a pretty nice gaming rig, at least good enough to let me run some of the newest games the next 2 or more years, was it it worth it? hell yes :thumbsup:
  13. Bethesda word of mouth - They will never make a elder scrolls mmo, that's to say you can never say never, BUT, it is HIGHLY unlikely that the will EVER make an elders scrolls mmo, hope that clears it up.. HOWEVER they did hire a firm to make a fallout mmo, but the guys that were making the fallout mmo under them, weren't really allowed much creativity or any of the trademark things that make fallout, fallout, and are sueing them for not keeping up their end of the deal. It may seem a bit messy, but you can always google it. :biggrin:
  14. lol nice a patch on the 11th, also makes me grin even more over those who are dl'ing it right now, hope it is something lot bigger than just minor bugs.
  15. 'Gratulations with the 21, welcome to the legal age of drinking and whoring, see you on the other side :thumbsup:
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