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  1. Radial blur isn't the same as DoF. This has been in every Beth game since Skyrim and controls screen effects like hit effects and part of the underwater effects. bScreenSpaceBokeh is the rapid flickering focus DoF effect for close up objects and its f*#@ing obnoxious and idk how Bethesda playtested with it and didn't find it completely awful. bDoDepthOfField is the distant DoF that doesn't really impact gameplay because it really just blurs distant terrain and objects. I think that one's more a matter of taste because it didn't really disrupt gameplay for me, I just found it kind of ugly.
  2. You can open up .pak files with any archive program, like 7zip. If any of those mods change the same file, they aren't compatible and you'll have to merge the changes.
  3. I believe during that last bit it's actually loading. I've been waiting 1 extra hour and then just cancelling at the last bit but that just makes it take longer to load.
  4. Here you go. Option C removes master strikes from both you and the AI.
  5. No. The mods just flat out don't load. You can opt back out and play with mods, but that's a 500mb download every time you want to switch (though you could just find out what files are being changed and back them up).
  6. Yeah I replaced those two after I posted my load order with the MMM diverse runeskulls for OOO and took a quick trip to Elenglynn. Lo and behold, one of the chests had a runeskull in it! Thanks for the help, so far I've been pretty lucky with FCOM thanks to a combination of BOSS and Google, so this is the first real problem I've had with it.
  7. I use BOSS so I don't see how it could be my load order, and yes I do have the MMM 3.7b3 Here's my load order Also, I used a new save for FCOM and then added Runeskulls later after going to the testinghall and waiting about 5 or 6 days (I was reading at the time and figured I might as well wait a few more days just to be sure) and then updated NPC levels.
  8. Title is the issue. I'm using FCOM and Exnem's Runeskulls (yes I'm using the FCOM runeskulls esp too) and for some reason I'm not finding a single rune skull. I've even been through quite a few dungeons (at level 10+) and even a couple of necromancer dungeons and still no runeskulls anywhere.
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