I had a mod idea, again! Welp, heres my idea: during the Main Quest mission Light the Dragonfires!, while you are outside and all of the daedra are flooding into the Temple District, when you walk a bit out off the stairs, a journal entry appears and tells you that (if you have completed the quest Retaking the Fringe) portals to Sheogorath's domain, the Shivering Isles, have opened in the Temple District, and Golden Saints and Dark Seducers have begun to fight along side the Imperial Guard against the Dremora! The sky will change color from the Oblivion Storm to 'Summoning Storm' (weather code: 452b5). Inside the Temple of the One, you will find an unlikely visitor- Haskill! He has come to inform you of why the Seducers and the Saints have arrived in Cyrodiil (no real dialogue- just text.). Apparently, as a token of graditute from the Mad God for saving the Fringe from Jyggalag's forces, Sheogorath has sent a part of his enforcers to Cyrodiil to assist in the defeat of Mehrunes Dagon. (But Haskill tells you that Sheogorath's reason for helping you is because he hates Dagon as well for being to destructive and unimaginative and creative with the ways he carries out his plans) During the moment Martin enters the Temple of the One with you, Haskill will remain for a moment. Then, when Martin gets ready to become a dragon, before Dagon busts open the roof, Haskill vanishes. If you are already the Prince of Madness, Haskill will tell you that he send the Seducers and Saints in for you, for he feels that you shoulden't be bothered to. I hope this mod is a good one, and hope it is made in the future! :)