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    Dragon Age: Origins

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  1. has anyone had any success with the DA Cloth modifier is Eshme's 3ds max importer/exporter?
  2. Hey Everyone, I'd like to try and add clothing physics to the game. I know that there are 3DSmax options with Eshme's script but I have yet to see any mods that take advantage of it. I've searched this forum but haven't come across and topics related to this. Has anyone tried adding cloth material/physics to anything in the game? have they been successful? Or is the game unable to handle cloth material. Before I go jumping into this I'd like to know if it's possible at all. If anyone has any helpful tutorials/information it would be appreciated. Thanks, boodrl
  3. I'm 99.9% sure DA:O doesn't have the option of turning off hoods. They added that feature in DA2 probably because the players asked for it. You just have to avoid added helmets and stuff to morrigan. Or if you want the hood removed just unequip her gloves ( I believe that's how tmp did it). Edit: Actually now that I think about it....I think there may have been a no-helmet mod created for DA:O. It's somewhere buried in the DA nexus. Type helmet in the search and maybe you'll find it.
  4. I've encounter this before. You need to combine all these textures on to one image file. Then create your own normal, spec and alpha map (it's not that hard). But then the next issue is that the uv maps of the mesh will be messed up (google/youtube uv maps and find a tut) so then is simply remapping the faces to lay over the correct stands of hair. When you open dragonblender to windows pop up on the right hand side. Each of these windows has a button on the top left corner and if you click it you should get a drop down list of things to choose from uv mapping should be one of them. It'll be frustrating at first i'll admit but you get the hang of it i'm sure. You seem like a real keener to me :thumbsup:. Once you've selected the uv mapping from the drop down list select your mesh and select ALL the vertices in edit mode. Then open up the texture with that uv mapper winder. What will should pop up then is your texture that you've added all the strands too and a lot of triangles all over the place. (Don't panic) know that your mesh and texture are 'connected' select one strand of the hair (eg the bangs or something...) What I do is click on one face, then use and hold down the + key. this will select all the faces in one strand of hair. You'll see you selection pop up over the texture. then in that uv map window select all those triangles (The same hotkeys you used with the meshes can be applied here) and you can resize/ move it over the desired hair. export you model and your uv map will be saved! yey! This will make more sense as you work on it yourself. Good luck.....now I will disappear and go back to my studies which is consuming all my time :down:
  5. Hello all, So I have an small idea for a mod. Just a simple aesthetic mod. I'd like to know how the game knows when to remove clothing during cutscenes. Like the times the warden wakes up in Flemeth's house or when they are kidnapped and thrown in Fort Draken. Are the triggers somewhere in the player's .utc files? Is it possible to edit these triggers so the Warden wears something else? Thanks for reading, boodrl
  6. Have you tried posting you question on BSN? Maybe someone that created DA toolset can help you out. Good luck with this mod! :thumbsup:
  7. Hello everyone, I'm having an issue editing the weight paint in blender. I select the gradient of the weight and then I apply it to the area I want edited. I export the mesh but when I import the same mesh my editing isn't saved! I have no clue what I am missing or doing wrong. I have been able to edit weight paint before but I have no clue what I've done wrong. I'm using Blender 2.49b with DragonAge MSHI/0 versoin .11 Tool
  8. have you tried searching for the addins.xml file? Maybe it's been misplaced in another folder withing dragonage. If you have well then you may have to reinstall your game : ( You can also try using the dragon age installer that dragon age has provided it's called daupdater and it is found in C:\Program Files (x86)\Dragon Age\bin_ship Maybe if you try this method the game might recreate you addns.xml file. If it doesn't then you'll need to reinstall the game I believe.
  9. Hello everyone, I'm trying to add long hairs to dragonage origins and awakening. -I use dragonblender version .11 (Not the newest version but I'm comfortable working with it) in blender 2.49b for the mesh editing -Gimp for textures -toolset for editing the .mmh files My biggest hurdle is 'rigging' or 'bones' (I don't know the technical jargon) for the hair. It's the part of how the an object is grounded and moves with the body. If I have long hair flowing down the back I need to know the 'bones' of the back so the hair can mimic the back movements. What I've done thus far is setting up a full model with a full length dress...reviewing all the 'bones' in blender. checking the corresponding .mmh file with that dress and then adding that specific 'bone' to the hair mesh and it's .mmh file. It's a lot of guessing and then I have to enter the game to see if my guesswork was successful. So my question is....Is there an easier way? :S Am I able to view animations of characters in blender? Is there an easier way to 'rigg' or add 'bones' to the hair mesh. I am aware of the rig-copying tutorial found on the help page of this site but that only works for armours....since the vanilla hairs don't go past the shoulders I don't consider it much of a help.
  10. Excellent!!!!! :D thanks for the info I'll check these folders (the override, addins, and modmanager) out and back up the files.
  11. Hello everyone, I'd like to back up my mods in Dragon Age without having to reinstall them again. Looking for each individual mod on the nexus and BSN would take a lot of time. If I can just simply copy and past the necessary folders into the reinstalled game that would be great. I know the majority of the mods are placed in the override folder found in Documents but what about the other mods that require the mod manager or Dazip installer? What files and folders should I copy to include those mods?
  12. I have a mod that is using a rose mesh in the texture. The rose has about 14000 vertices :ermm: When I load the rose in the game only one side of the petals actually shows up in the game. I know about adjusting normals so you can chose which side the texture shows up on. I want both sides of the petals to have visible textures. I've tried duplicating the petal meshes which raises the vertex count even higher. When I load it in dragon age the mesh is obscured so I don't think DA:O can handle that many verticies Does anyone know how I can get both sides of the petal mesh to show the texture? EDIT--Annnd I just realized a second too late that I posted this in the wrong section.... :wallbash: Soorry moderators :unsure:
  13. I'm actually talking about Merril in the Dalish origins story. I'd like her to have the same tattoo in both DA:O and DA2. I have her tattoo but I don't know where to alter her headmorph file to change it. Sorry about the ambiguity of my post Thandal
  14. Hello everyone, I'm trying to add a tattoo to merrill but I don't know where I should be editing her .mor file.....any suggestions? Am I looking in the wrong place?
  15. This mod requires to alter texture files. Maybe you should look into finding the textures you want to change and editing them with photoshop or gimp. As long as you don't change the name of the file you might be okay. However, I don't have a lot of expertise when it comes to armour mods and such. And what I say may be more difficult than it sounds but try starting on the textures
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