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  1. I use Vortex, so I can't say anything about the mod manager in this case. But I can say there's no problem (related to steam or windows) running multiple versions of the game. The only 'risk' is one version overwrite .ini files and plugins.txt of the other. I have a "main" version (1.6.640), and sometimes I use other 3 to develop and test mods, so before I have to rename directories (in documents and %localappdata%) to keep my main version intact then rename directories back when I finish. The reason I separated my game installation is to avoid steam update breaking my game. Only my 1.6.1130 is inside steam library, all other 3 are outside the steam library.
  2. I never saw this error. The Skyrim.esm looks normal ? The size of this esm on 1.6.640 is 249.753.351 bytes.
  3. You should have the CC mods there if the download was successful. I think you can check if _ResourcePack.esl is there (delete or disable if it is), and try to disable the mod FarmCo.
  4. Did you downgraded your game just copying the .exe from 1.6.640 ? If you did so, you might have the _ResourcePack.esl (only present in 1.6.1130), that would cause 1.6.640 to crash. The other .esp and .esl with header version 1.71 also crashes 1.6.640.
  5. I think this thread may have some information you can use to make your 1.6.640 to work again:
  6. The mov is just an ASM instruction that moves data from one register to another in the CPU, there's no way to indicate a "mov rcx, [rax+0x28]" is related to animations, body physics or any other in game activity. With just this call stack, it's not easy to tell why it is crashing. CrashLogger usually give hints, like the FasterSMP in this case. See the full crashlog if there's any other information that might help, like an esp record reference.
  7. Very nice, Arlodon!! Good work! Now you can enjoy the game. The resource pack shouldn't be there on 1.6.640. You can delete it if you successfully downgraded. I think that is just because when you used the steam console, both versions was mixed... Anyway the ESL extended support is nice to have. Just for you to know, depot downloader doesn't need installation, it's just copy it to a empty folder and run from command prompt or PowerShell. Maybe next time.
  8. There will be an update (maybe in january?), but I think the only thing they will repair will be the DRM. All the SKSE mods will break again. I will stay with 1.6.640.
  9. I don't you will need to keep two "%localappdata%\Skyrim Special Edition" or "Documents\My Games\Skyrim Special Edition". My suggestion to rename, it's just to not loose any data from your ini or save game. After you test, put back your current folders and delete those created during the test. To rename, just open Windows Explorer and select the rename. If you really follow this plan to keep two installations, just keep the 1.6.640 as your main. Then you can follow the mods until they are updated. At some point, all the mods should be updated, then you simply upgrade your 1.6.640 to 1.6.1130. In the mean time, if you want to test the 1.6.1130, I recommend you to really rename the folders to preserve the inis. I have a "Documents\My Games\Skyrim Special Edition" and a "Documents\My Games\Skyrim Special Edition-test". I also have a "%localappdata%\Skyrim Special Edition" and a "%localappdata%\Skyrim Special Edition-test". When I need to test 1.6.1130, I rename the current folder to .bkp, then the -test to the name the game uses. When I undo my tests, I rename them back, so 1.6.640 finds my inis. But in your case, you will only need this if you want to run 1.6.1130. Just stick with 1.6.640 until all mods are updated. I don't use CK, so I didn't test much. But last week I installed the CK for 1.6.640 and I was able to run it using this mods, it started and I was able to select the esps from my 1.6.640: Unofficial Creation Kit Patch Creation Kit Platform Extended
  10. If you use the LE game folder, there's a chance steam still mess with it. Everything will be confused... The paths "Documents\My Games\Skyrim Special Edition" and "%localappdata%\Skyrim Special Edition" will never change, they are hardcoded in SkyrimSE.exe, and all versions uses the same (except GOG). I don't recommend put a game inside another game's folder. Everything Steam does is download the game and keep it updated, and backup savegames if you enable cloud sync. Vortex would need to be configured to point to the new directory anyway. Steam doesn't manage any of this. I think you make a test, to see it working... Download 1.6.640 with DepotDownloader to a different directory, then rename the folders: "%localappdata%\Skyrim Special Edition" to "%localappdata%\Skyrim Special Edition.bkp" "Documents\My Games\Skyrim Special Edition" to "Documents\My Games\Skyrim Special Edition.bkp" DELETE SkyrimSELauncher.exe from the 1.6.640. And launch the game in that folder using SkyrimSE.exe. It should work. Then rename the folders back to its original names when you don't want to test this 1.6.640 anymore. You might want to make a zip of each folder before start this. Knowing everything about hardlinks, vortex files, game folders, etc, I think there's another option. I've never done this way, but I think it might work: - Purge the game on vortex - Check for any important files left in the game folder and copy them - Uninstall the game on steam. At this point, I think the registry key will be missing, I don't think it will be a problem. - Download 1.6.640 with DepotDownloader to another folder outside steam library - Change the game folder on Vortex (using the option "Manually Set Location") - Deploy This way you will have just one Skyrim installation, not managed by Steam, just manually by you. I don't remember if Steam tracks time and achievements of "uninstalled" games.
  11. If you put the 1.6.640 in a folder named MySkyrim, you will have to set manually the game folder in Vortex to that folder (it's better to purge before change the game folder). The staging folder is where Vortex unpacks each of the 7z and zips from the mods you download when you click install. When you deploy a mod, Vortex works by creating a hardlinks (like a shortcut on the windows filesystem) of the files from the staging folder to your game directory. Hardlinks are like if the file is in two places at the same time, but only have one unique content pointed by that two places. When you go to Vortex and click on Purge, it will unlink the files from the game directory (will delete the hardlinks, effectively removing the "files" from the game folder), so your mods installation will stay inside the staging folder, but your game directory will be clean. All your mod files are stored inside the staging folder, in a ideal scenario when you purge, you shouldn't loose anything, but if you for any reason copied manually a file to the game folder that file will not be linked by Vortex, so you have to look at the game folder when you purge and plan to move the game to anywhere else. You have to be careful to keep the Vortex configuration (stored in AppData\Roaming\Vortex) in sync with your staging folder. Don't move your staging folder if you don't need to. You can see the links and understand it better going to any file inside Data in your Skyrim folder, going to properties, and clicking on "Link Properties". When you disable a mod and deploy, Vortex will remove all the hardlinks from game folder, and keep the mods files in your staging folder. If you run the game outside the Steam library (in your MySkyrim folder) by double clicking on the SkyrimSE.exe or skyrim64loader, it will work and Steam will detect the game because of the steam apis. Let's consider you already downgraded successfully. When you have two game installations and run the game from Steam, that Steam installation is the 1.6.1130, the game will modify your .ini, will modify the plugins.txt inside "AppData\Local\Skyrim Special Edition". You don't want that, you want only 1.6.640 modify your inis, savegames, etc, so you will never use Steam to launch to avoid 1.6.1130 to mess your files. In my case I use Vortex, or a shortcut pointing to skse64 loader. I set the launch option in steam so it never launch the game, just a cmd, so my "Documents/My Games/Skyrim Special Edition" files keep untouched by an accidental steam launch. The Skyrim installation have the following: folder "%localappdata%\Skyrim Special Edition" is the directory where the plugins.txt is stored, managed by the game and Vortex. Paste %localappdata%\Skyrim Special Edition in your windows explorer location bar, it works folder "Documents\My Games\Skyrim Special Edition" your savegames and ini registry key "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\bethesda softworks\Skyrim Special Edition" This registry key have a value "installed path", the content is the Skyrim directory installation. In my case it points to my Skyrim 1.6.1130 installation that Steam keeps updated. This value is generated when the SkyrimSELauncher.exe is run from the folder where Steam installed your game. game folder (only the game folder and its files are managed by Steam, the documents and localappdata are managed by the game and the tools you use, Steam don't touch them) When you run SkyrimSE.exe, the game simply reads the files in the folder of the .exe you just clicked, so that registry key is used by Steam and other tools to detect the game without ask you like Vortex, SSEEdit, etc... As you can see, there's no hidden things. It's files and folders, and one registry key. In my case, I have 4 Skyrim installations. The one I play (1.6.640), another 1.6.640 for development, the steam official 1.6.1130, and one GOG version for development). When I run any of the development installations, I have to rename the "%localappdata%\Skyrim Special Edition" and "Documents\My Games\Skyrim Special Edition" to keep my ini and all the files intact. But this renaming is just to this case of development. For you, you just block steam changing the launch option to guarantee your ini and other files will be modified only by the installation you want. In any case, you can backup the folders I listed above. If you need a full backup, you need to backup your whole vortex staging folder and "%appdata%\Vortex" Remember to be very careful with your Vortex and its staging folder. If you mess with it, you might be forced to reinstall all mods. The purge feature is very easy to use, you should not have any problem. As an example, Vortex always purge the game folder when you switch between profiles if you use them. Use the purge all the time, but try to never move your vortex staging folder.
  12. Using steam console is more convenient for the average user, but you will download inside the steam library. I prefer to use DepotDownloader because it's easy to use and I can do what I want with the files. Obviously you can also use the steam console and then move/copy the files before it starts to update it again. At the end of the day, what matters is to have the files of 1.6.640.
  13. If this CTD is happening when loading a savegame, you can try to set DoublePerkApply to false in EngineFixes.toml. If this configuration changes anything for you, try to look for any SKSE mods that might conflict with EngineFixes. This DoublePerkApply is working fine for me on 1.6.1130.
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