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  1. Same problem. My theory is that its either related to the custom follower, the follower AI mod and/or the room you're in at the time. For me, I only crash in certain cells. Like that old man sharing bed with that kid-cell, I had to tell my 3 followers to wait outside, and that worked great, no crash then.
  2. I tried this, but it didnt work. This is clearly a programmed feature that EFF has more excessively than AFT.
  3. Hey guys, Ive been using AFT for a good while without these problems, but has since started using EFF due to dependency with another mod I started using (BBLS). Basically my followers go up in my face all the time when I stand still, if its either for a quest dialogue or its a cinematic sequence. They talk like Im focusing on them, the "recognizing attention"-thing that followers have, it spams 24/7. Its so frustrating and it ruins my gameplay so much. I made a short video demonstrating this bug here: Annoying, right? Does anyone know how to fix this?` Im going back to AFT in the meanwhile, hopefully this wont conflict too much with my BB Luxury Suite.
  4. Hey all. Trying to find 2 mods for skyrim, can u help me? #A (This one I think is called Faye? Not sure, I wonder what mods and textures I need altogether to replicate this inside my Skyrim game-setup) #B (This one I know is posted by Kraken 973, I found this picture at this mod location on this site: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/14322/?, but how do I duplicate this??) The thing is, regarding picture #B, Ive been trying to replicate this in my setup now for 6 hours straight... but with no avail. What hair texturepack, eyebrow texturepack, gear texturepack, face and body texture pack, he is using I have 0 idea. He says something about using a bodyskin by Navetsea, and Ive tried the ones he's linked here and on another forum, but I just cant get it anywhere near this. I see him using this model for so many screens on different sites, i.e. like the screen under here. so, if anyone could tell me with the mods used, the textures and all that, so I can replicate this fully in my skyrim, I would deeply appreciate it! Ive been at it now for many many hours, and I feel rather frustrated, I really want this girl as my player character, as a sneaky little archer thief :3
  5. Hey all. Started with Fallout 3 mods 2 days ago, and have been playing around with it tons since. I gotta say I really love how well some of these mods works, and none the least how great this game is in general. But, I've had some issues since I began. Maybe you can help me. Im using the GOTY edition of Fallout 3, whereas the 1.7 update patch crashes in the end, with the error "Ordinal 5360 could not be located in the dynamic link library xlive.dll". I dont care much for Xbox Live for Windows Games, so I used the program "Games for Windows LIVE Disabler" to disable live after a clean reinstall of Fallout 3. The patch updater has never worked for me, so been playing on the clean GOTY install. Ive used Fallout Mod Manager to handle my mods, and this has been my list so far: Fallout3.esm T6M Equipment Replacer.esm Hairpack.esm RRCompanionVault.esm Shojo Race.esm EnchancedChildren.esm AliciasCuteShop.esm arianaberriebrooke.esm Herculine's Shojo Companions.esm Sharing and Caring Companions.esm RR5MoreMales.esm RR5MoreFemales.esm RRGuards.esm Childhood Beginning.esp SlavePoses.esp hair_add_npc.esp KillableKidsNormalHealthOptional.esp Wasteland Mercs 2.0 - no child left behind....esp T6M Lingerie.esp T_R_A_S_C_H.esp RRWastelandPosters.esp Shojo Companions.esp RR Companions 300 Follow Distance.esp RR Companions 250 Follow Distance.esp RR Companions 200 Follow Distance.esp RR Companions 100 Follow Distance.esp FacialExpressions.esp Alpha.C.E.v.esp JIP Fast-Travel Anywhere.esp Look Poses FO3.esp AliciasCuteShopDoorOverride.esp I havent gotten FOSE to work, since its not updated, because the 1.7 patcher doesnt work. So I guess this is the root to some of my problems. Should I not use FOMM? Instead go for that other one? I noticed several of these mods overwrite files in eachother when I install them, even though some of them are dependant on the others, maybe this is the reason I get texture bugs? Ive used the program "ArchiveInvalidation Invalidated.exe" to try and sort this, but to no avail. If I try and use the function in FOMM it just crashes. Oh and Fallout 3 is installed in Program Files folder on OS-disk, is this bad when modding? Main problems Ive been having are these: 1) ShowRaceMenu bugs with rendering, either its completely dark, or its very dark with a glimpse of some eyes staring back at me in the void. if I try to scroll or zoom in or out it goes completely black. Is there any way to fix this? I like to experiment with looks during this testing phase with mods, without having to make a new game everytime. Is this possible? 2) Sometimes texture on females are bugged when I do "RemoveAllItems", or when I remove my own clothes as a female race, the breasts seems to be mixed up with 2 different textures, and the lower half has the "magic marker" texture censorship thing over it. Even when I got the mods for perfect naked bodies. Ive tried Invalidate and Validate, but to no avail. I got seperate textures for young girls (like Alicia/Cute) and grown women RR/T6M. And Ive learned to use Gimp to open the .dds files to actually see them outside the game. Very fascinating. But does anyone here know why this problem occurs? Im gonna do a new install and carefully boot up the game after each mod with its own dependancies, and try and find out when the problem occurs, but Im far too new at this to be able to fix this without help. See screenshot added here: 3) When I want more of the same companions, Ive managed to find the Base_ID for the one, and copy it, but the companion-role bugs out on the "clones". They talk to me as if we were companions, but they wont let me see their inventory or other things. And like if I push "Control" to duck, I see only the original companion does it, not the "clones". Ive tried using TRASCH to fix the attributes, but that only made them go agressive for no good reason starting to kill eachother. Anyone know how I can successfully make several copies of the same companion? And have it work like a charm? 4) Regarding looks on different companions. Is it possible to take the textures of any NPC and make that a companion with the AI from one of the vanilla companions like Butch, Cross or Jericho? Is this possible without extensive knowledge into hex coding and programming with GECK? I realize SCC somehow does this, but without FOSE it has not worked for me. 5) lets say I have 3 companions, and I wanna change the way they look, can I use an ingame "racemenu" for that or easily rename some files in the mods to copy the look from others? Or is the only option to manually edit through GECK/FO3edit and tons of work? Appreciate any and all help you guys! I really love this site and this forum, all these wonderful mods at work in Fallout 3 making it an even more fun and exciting game !! :D Best regards, Tom
  6. Thanks ALOT! :) some more, 10) I just saw an female NPC take a shower, and talking with other NPC's, so would there be a command list for activating certain NPC actions like that too? Or do I need groovatron or idle animations mods like u talked about? 11) My biggest problem so far has been with showracemenu bugging. Where the picture is extremely dark/next to black, I can see small lights where their eyes are, but everything else is black. Is this corruption bug or something? Do you know how I can fix this? Oh and I think you misunderstood me, I wasnt talking about nude children :P Maybe I misunderstood some mods. I just wanted to play a nude female char without texture bugs ^^
  7. Hey guys, I need help. Just started with mods for Fallout 3, and I have some basic questions maybe you can answer: 1) Ive installed several mods so far, and I wanna see them in action, texture mods for females and children in the game, but it seem the textures doesnt actually work. Is there a way to see if the mod is working other than the successful start of FOMM and 0 mod conflicts? 2) How do I find a list over all items and npc's a mod brings? Ive understood how to spawn items, and that I need the FormID's. Ive tried googling how to list them inside a mod, and the only way Ive found is through GECK, but geck always crashes for me when I try to open the specific mod (it tries to open the entire fallout package it seems). 3) Also is there a way to find the FormID from an reference ID? Because the code I see ingame when I click things while console is open doesnt work with spawning. 4) is it possible to have endless companions? If so, how do you make more than 1 companion loyal to you? I tried the Alicia companion, and I spawned 8 versions of her, the first one works, but the other ones act ilke Ive already gotten them as companions, but when I click "See inventory" she just tells me to go f**k off :tongue: So I guess they arent actually registered as companions yet, though the chat suggests otherwise. 5) Are there built in reaction/moves into NPC's? And if so, how do I make a certain NPC act a certain way? Other than ofcourse "hostile". Like dance, laugh, clap, jump, spread her legs etc :tongue: If its not built in, are there mods for that? 6) Is there a way to manipulate and move certain limbs of NPC's? Move them to a certain spot and make them sit, lie down, etc. 7) If I add a location mod, with a weapon room, or similar, how can I find the CoC code for that specific location if its not stated in the mod info? So I can teleport there with the coc-command?. 8) Ive managed to find a sexy bikini armor that I try to wear, but it seems the "underwear" on my player char bugs out, and doesnt get removed properly when using the bikini. So it shows a brown color where the underwear would normally be. WHy is that? Ive seen people on youtube using this exact same outfit without texture bugs. Anyone know how I can fix this? I guess I need a body replacer without underwear to replace the original bodY? (also why I think some of my mods doesnt work, because I already have a female body replacer installed) Shojo Race replaces bodys too right, when I choose Shojo at the birth? 9 ) Is there a guide out there that covers many of my questions and gives beginners advice on modding Fallout 3? As you probably understand from many of these questions, yes Im a perv :D , and I wanna learn how to use the Fallout 3 mods to have tons of sexy girls following me around as companions while I complete the game a second time. I really love Fallout 3 and New Vegas, and I wanna complete them both again, but with a nice distraction when things get boring. ^^ On beforehand thanks :smile:
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