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  1. I would really like a mod to restore the Breton magic resistance back to 50%... the loading screens even say they have 50% magic resistance, however in the game it's only 25%.
  2. Regular booty calls even lol. You are my new freaking hero RandianHero!
  3. Thank you for working on this RandianHero! PsyckoSama, yes soooo many missed opportunities. What ruined the game for me really. If I hadn't encountered so many "ow come on, nothing, really?" moments I wouldn't have been so bothered... I could have accepted it as Bethsedia making the game more like Fallout 1. But they threw these situations in your face that do nothing but fall flat... totally ruined game immersion for me. *edited for spelling/grammar*
  4. Just saw downloaded a mod that adds a fade-to-black for Nova! Now just need something similar for other seducable characters in the game, some sound effects, and the ability for a female to sell herself for cash and this game may actually start to feel like Fallout...!
  5. Baelkin: Actually you could get the gigolo perk be being indiscriminate who you slept with. Like if your a guy sleeping with the uglier prostitutes in Klamath. Think it was even eaier to get as a female as they had more sex possibilities. Darkwolf Jr: Didn't know about the trappers giving gecko skins... might nee to play F2 again...
  6. Yeah, I was hoping my female character could earn some extra cash working for Moriarty too. Then there was Karl with the family. Thought my female character would finally get to use her charms, but all he says is something like "great, now I wont have to pay for it" then he gives the information out for free and simply tells you to come see him later....
  7. The PC really needs to get laid... come on, everyone else is, just listen to the NPC's talk... I'm not asking for porn, just something more blatant then the hooker going to sleep in the bed, or having to fill in all the blanks with my imagination... all I'm asking for is a fade to black and maybe some sex noises or something... Seduction options should lead to more then NPC's just giving you information or whatever and it unrealistic and ruins my immersion in the game that this was left out... maybe the character would need to have certain charisma or something... but it is only realistic that in the post apocalyptic wastes that sex should be currency you can use for information, for caps as even as a reward for saving the day... I'm not asking for porn, just something more blatant then the hooker going to sleep in the bed, or having to fill in all the blanks with my imagination
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