Bear with me... 511. Gods can be killed by other gods 512. There is a magical thing called the "console" that can make all you troubles go away 513. Music continuously plays in the magical world in Cyrodill 514. There are some people who will adore you. Always. 515. Your fatigue, wounds, and "energy" will be restored by magical potions. 516. Weather is comepletely random, with nothing that causes it at all. No evapiration(sp?) whatsoever. 517. There is no such thing as sickness, or "dieing of old age" 518. Eating and drinking is a pleasure. Do it whenever you want! Never get fat, bony, hungry, or thirsty! 519. There are no natural disasters. 520. A minute goes by in a second. 521. Outisde of Cyrodill is pure black. Don't fall in! I would think up more, but I got bored. =P