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About Teaguy

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  1. With this settled, shall we now discuss the matter of improving the system? I fully agree that the way it was implemented previously was far from perfect. Though, removing a flawed feature is always worse than fixing it or just letting it be, most of the times.
  2. And... you can't do that through the regular comments...? Which I can add, most people who do have something constructive to say, do. Also, I was under the impression that one of the reasons for the positive endorsements is to help YOU downloaders find the good stuff faster on the top lists? That backfires horribly when a mod that corrupts saves 50% of the time gets a considerable amount of positive endorsements from half the people who used it, with the other half not being able to downvote it. Judging by the amount of positive endorsements is also a bad idea. There is a handful of mods that were extremely useful to me but had only three or five positive endorsements. For a mod to corrupt a save it would have to pretty much be deliberately done to sabotage your game. And those mods get removed quickly. Was a hypothetical situation, friend. I am pretty sure you understand the point I was trying to make.
  3. And... you can't do that through the regular comments...? Which I can add, most people who do have something constructive to say, do. Also, I was under the impression that one of the reasons for the positive endorsements is to help YOU downloaders find the good stuff faster on the top lists? That backfires horribly when a mod that corrupts saves 50% of the time gets a considerable amount of positive endorsements from half the people who used it, with the other half not being able to downvote it. Judging by the amount of positive endorsements is also a bad idea. There is a handful of mods that were extremely useful to me but had only three or five positive endorsements.
  4. For the same reason telling someone their kid is adorable is a minor compliment that is quickly forgotten and telling someone their kid is ugly is a major insult that may end with bloodshed. Or the same reason telling your girlfriend she looks great will get you a quick smile and maybe some attention for a few hours, but telling her she is ugly will end it forever. There is a double standard because the two are not equal. And telling your uncle his cooking is bad before he spends twenty grand to open a chain restaurant? Baseless praise is JUST as a bad unwarranted criticism. Complacency breeds mediocrity. You just destroyed your own argument extremely well :) If you tell you uncle his cooking is bad to stop him opening a restaurant, why would you immediately book him to cater at your wedding? If my mods are so bad that you think I should not be modding, why do you care if you can or cannot download any more? If his uncle knew that his cooking is not that good, he'd surely start reading books about cooking and improving. Then I'd book him to cater at my wedding. Then you would essentially be removing your thumbs down, and I am sure his uncle would once again agree to cater at your wedding :) No. I would be adding a thumbs up, not removing a thumbs down.
  5. For the same reason telling someone their kid is adorable is a minor compliment that is quickly forgotten and telling someone their kid is ugly is a major insult that may end with bloodshed. Or the same reason telling your girlfriend she looks great will get you a quick smile and maybe some attention for a few hours, but telling her she is ugly will end it forever. There is a double standard because the two are not equal. And telling your uncle his cooking is bad before he spends twenty grand to open a chain restaurant? Baseless praise is JUST as a bad unwarranted criticism. Complacency breeds mediocrity. You just destroyed your own argument extremely well :) If you tell you uncle his cooking is bad to stop him opening a restaurant, why would you immediately book him to cater at your wedding? If my mods are so bad that you think I should not be modding, why do you care if you can or cannot download any more? If his uncle knew that his cooking is not that good, he'd surely start reading books about cooking and would improve. Then I'd book him to cater at my wedding.
  6. To be fair, a rate down would be almost unwarranted in this particular situation. In a perfect world where downrates are attached to comments and moderated, it would be removed. Downrating a beta because it crashes and is buggy isn't acceptable. Downrating a mod because it's a finished product and causes characters to occasionally blank states, or corrupt a save? That is downrate material. You are right. I should have thought that through. Still, I am against such a thing. Denying someone access to your mod for mere criticism? No sir, I don't like it. My point is, if you don't like a mod at its current state, that doesn't mean that you won't like it when or if it improves with time.
  7. And what if he downvoted your mod saying that it has potential but doesn't work because of one critical error that pops up on quite rare occassions? Will he get banned from your mod and all of your future mods?
  8. So let me get this straight. Because it had the capacity to hurt your feelings, it was a "troll feature"? And you seem to be counting the people who dislike the change in this topic vs. ALL the members of the website. That's not very rational. Yes, it was a troll feature. None of the options offered constructive criticism, being that you weren't forced to comment about it. If it doesn't fit into your own personal tastes? Well, thats great for you, move on to whatever you like. To just download it, wait three hours, and come back just to thumbs down is just being a troll if you don't say why, which, may I add, most people didn't. I have nothing against the feature, since I've never had a negative endorsement, so "meh." And how many of the positive feedback was constructive? I'm willing to bet most of it was "cool stuff kthxbai". Should we remove those too, then, if that's your arguement? Something doesn't add up here. Lets just be honest here. You wanted that feature removed because of your hurt feelings. Positive feedback doesn't require a constructive response. It's just that; a pat on the back. If they so choose, they can give some constructive thoughts on the mod. Why so? Seems kind of unfair. Unconstructive praise can also do damage. Like, for example, deluding the contributors into thinking their work is perfect when in reality it has some noticeable flaws.
  9. So let me get this straight. Because it had the capacity to hurt your feelings, it was a "troll feature"? And you seem to be counting the people who dislike the change in this topic vs. ALL the members of the website. That's not very rational. Yes, it was a troll feature. None of the options offered constructive criticism, being that you weren't forced to comment about it. If it doesn't fit into your own personal tastes? Well, thats great for you, move on to whatever you like. To just download it, wait three hours, and come back just to thumbs down is just being a troll if you don't say why, which, may I add, most people didn't. I have nothing against the feature, since I've never had a negative endorsement, so "meh." And how many of the positive feedback was constructive? I'm willing to bet most of it was "cool stuff kthxbai". Should we remove those too, then, if that's your arguement? Something doesn't add up here. Lets just be honest here. You wanted that feature removed because of your hurt feelings.
  10. I think we should be concerned about what is the best outcome for everyone, not what the majority wants. Different things.
  11. "Crawled out of woodwork"? Seriously? How about "People who use your mods"? People for whom you make your mods? And don't give me that "I don't actually care about them / I don't do it for them" crap. If that was true, you wouldn't be publishing them. You have problems with that? That's, like, their opinion, man. People should stop getting angry at people over the internet. Someone doesn't like your mod because of something? Take note of that. His criticism is worthless? Ignore it. No reason to get hurt. How about you guys stop caring so much about red and green colored numbers? A voting system should always serve the user's interests, not the contributor's e-peen.
  12. Whether you contribute or not. If you're paying me, you can expect some level of support, catering to your whims, etc. Until then you will take what I give, no matter how little or how much that is, and like it, or you can wait outside by your mailbox for a full refund of your purchase price. I'm gonna step out of this thread now because it can probably only go downhill, anyone feel free to PM me if you want to discuss further. Actually, no, I should not. If the content is of low quality I will not feel blessed at all. Following that logic, I could go around Africa flinging feces at starving children and say that they should feel blessed that they got mouthful of excrements because they don't have anything better to eat.
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