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Everything posted by idirex

  1. Are you serious ? If i Have to add balance by myself than it means the developers didn't do their job . A game should stimulate you to get better not nerf your intellect and skills . THe dificulty slider is just for this . Master is Only for the really crafty ones , not first time players like myself ( it was challenging but doable) . <= They should be ashamed of themselves if players want to change ALL aspects of the game simultaneously ! Mods add things , they are optional not necessary . If we put it that way why not just release just art and construction sets so we make the game by ourself ?
  2. I am of the opinion that this game is way more unrealistic and unbalanced than oblivion . Some simple observations include , but not limited to : Magic is messed up ! Why ... because if i need a stronger spell at early levels i have to dualcast . Spell effect damage/duration could be managed more effectively by combining charging/longer click and combining different basic effects to get the rest (exept special spells) and maybe add some more..... ( http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/498514-new-magic-dual-casting-system/ ) Master of all trades . Pure cheat mode ! Master skills should be limited to a specific group , if not a specific perk tree . The rest max out at 50 or 75 . Otherwise everyone else has to be a half-god being like you in a matter of weeks ! Smithing is overpowered . An acceptable solution might be that improvements degrade And are a bit less powerful ( others have posted about this , a Lot ) Enchanting IS Overpowered . You must not surpass unique / relics in power ... They are unique for a reason . Total MAX protection / cost reduction / whatever mustn't be greater than 50% / 25% . We have all seen the exploits .Shameless cheat. Potion color code is confusing / nonexsistant . Some recepies to make ingame standard potions based on skill Endurance is useless . If it dries up it must cause some visible effect , maybe you continue but loose health until replenished , or cant attack at all / cast spells / you are slowed down...and such. A.I. is Pathetic . It must be changed , especially the sneaking part . If someone is Stabbed/Pierced/Ignited to death in real life , he usually Does not assume it is the wind inside a god forsaken dungeon / inside his home. If it was , he would dress something else and get the hell out of that "wind" . By the way , they don't give a F**k about their loved ones . Crime is...less criminal...You kill the Royal family and get a pathetic fine , cross the border > instant death sentence . Guild Master of all Guilds? Get real . You have to control at most one guild . You are the Hero not The Emperor ! Some guilds must conflict with each other ( Dark brotherhood / Thieves guild with the rest) . Some competition/challenge to be recognised guild master otherwise someone else more experienced/familiar with the guild gets the job . ( Constructive comments are welcome / New ideas more appreciated / Mods and solutions Most Wanted )
  3. THX . I think simpler is better , but logical is the best .
  4. (Sorry for double post , but i set the previous description...non descriptive...) I have been thinking about a dual casting variation . Combine different basic spell types for different effect . Es : 1h fire = flamethrower thing. 2h fire + telekinesis = fire bolt/ball etc based on level / how long you hold . 2h fire+fire = fire whirlwind ( blizzard ) fire+oakskin = firecloak fire+ward=fire rune/trap soultrap + fire/frost/lightning/conjure familiar = atronach / reanimate, oakskin+muffle=shadowform (ebonymail effect ;p) and so on . Most if not all spells can be made this way ( simple logic , right?) ... and make magelight harm vampire / dragur and the sort or Disband daedra... In my opinion it is better (more simple ) than the standard dualcast thing and players can experiment for "new" combinations . some "difficult"/ master or unique spells can freely stay as they are . What do you think ?
  5. ....I have heard others say the same , before i took an arrow in the knee...
  6. I have been thinking about a dual casting variation . Combine different basic spell types for different effect . Es : 1h fire = flamethrower thing. 2h fire + telekinesis = fire bolt/ball etc based on level / how long you hold . 2h fire+fire = fire whirlwind ( blizzard ) fire+oakskin = firecloak fire+ward=fire rune/trap soultrap + fire/frost/lightning/conjure familiar = atronach / reanimate, oakskin+muffle=shadowform (ebonymail effect ;p) and so on . Most if not all spells can be made this way ( simple logic , right?) ... and make magelight harm vampire / dragur and the sort or Disband daedra... In my opinion it is better (more simple ) than the standard dualcast thing and players can experiment for "new" combinations . some "difficult"/ master or unique spells can freely stay as they are . What do you think ?
  7. I have been thinking something similar . Combine different spell types for different effect . Es : 1h fire 1click = firethrower thing. 2h fire + telekinesis = fire bolt/ball etc based on level . 2h fire+fire = fire whirlwind ( blizzard ) , fire+oakskin = firecloak , fire+ward=fire rune/trap conjure familiar/soultrap + fire/frost/lightning = atronach , oakskin+muffle=shadowform (ebonymail effect ;p) and so on . Most if not all spells can be made this way ( simple logic , right?) ... and make magelight harm vampire / dragur and the sort . In my opinion it is better than the standard dualcast thing and players can experiment for "new" combinations . some "difficult"/ master or unique spells can freely stay as they are . What do you think ?
  8. I have been thinking something similar . Combine different spell types for different effect . Es : 1h fire 1click = firethrower thing. 2h fire + telekinesis = fire bolt/ball etc based on level . 2h fire+fire = fire whirlwind ( blizzard ) , fire+oakskin = firecloak , fire+ward=fire rune/trap conjure familiar/soultrap + fire/frost/lightning = atronach , oakskin+muffle=shadowform (ebonymail effect ;p) and so on . Most if not all spells can be made this way ( simple logic , right?) ... and make magelight harm vampire / dragur and the sort . In my opinion it is better than the standard dualcast thing and players can experiment for "new" combinations . some "difficult"/ master or unique spells can freely stay as they are . What do you think ?
  9. Some permanent magelight trick with soulgems alla Archmage's room or such... Jars filled with glowdust or fireflies... Plain lanterns alla Morrowind... Mod modders Mod ! Mod !
  10. I thought of some mod to craft automatons out of dwarven armor and gears, or conjure up my naked coppy as a permanent follower
  11. I would prefer that potions were standardised . (meaning that i have recepies and make "standard" ones based on my skill , effects +/- are together , "spoiled potion , inperfect poison"
  12. I want that , (and optionally buffs that actively consume mana , until recast/dispelled or mana finishes up)
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