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About Khylian

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    Skyrim and DA Origins
  • Favourite Game
    Skyrim, Morrowind, Oblivion, The Withcher, DAO; DA2

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  1. I have been busy with my new presets for the Eyes of Glass...Skyrim does not need much modding!
    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Lazysheepherd


      I'll wait for your mods Khylian! I'm very exited to hear that. After saw what you've done for DA, I think you good at drawing. Would you mind to upload drawings as concept art?
    3. Khylian


      I am not sure actually, now with my computer gone is going to be a resting season for modding.

      I am enjoying playing Skyrim now! It is such a great game!!

    4. Khylian


      I am not sure actually, now with my computer gone is going to be a resting season for modding.

      I am enjoying playing Skyrim now! It is such a great game!!

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