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    Skyrim and DA Origins
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    Skyrim, Morrowind, Oblivion, The Withcher, DAO; DA2

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  1. I miss the black emporium in Skyrim....so far we just have the showracemenu command to survive!
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. aisnor


      Before used showracemenu, put tgm in console and do not lose levels and skills ;D

      Then remove the tgm , of course -,-

      I recommend using fov 50 for showracemenu, too :)

    3. Khylian


      Lose levels....What?!. Wasn't aware of that!!. Thanks aisnor. I will try everything!
    4. Khylian


      Hey Spaceritual good idea, If somebody makes a Black Emporium mod I will love him/her forever!! This is far out of my skills as a modder!
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