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About JonnyThunder26

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  1. I hadn't considered checking the MO profiles because this is a new computer, but now that I think about it all of my modded saves from back then were magically still there. I'm starting the process over now. I'll keep that in mind.
  2. I first got into modding Skyrim a few years ago and I used [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrimmods/wiki/beginners_guide) guide to get me started. I found it really useful and wound up using it as my main resource. I've referenced this guide dozens of times, but now I'm noticing a few changes I'm not familiar with. 1. If I have all the DLC but I did not buy the legendary edition, can/should I use the unofficial skyrim legendary edition patch with USLEEP? I was tempted to skip USLEEP altogether and just install the individual patches like I've done in the past, but i've noticed that some mods actually recommend the legendary edition patch (specifically SMIM). 2. After following the guide to completion (I went with the usleep/legendary option) I fired up the game and everything went smooth, except I had this error message in the top left corner: ''error 1 bfloatpointrendertarget=1 is not set in skyrimprefs.ini or you have multiple locations for skyrimprefs.ini'' I found two skyrimprefs.ini; one in my documents folder, and one in my skyrim directory. I changed both from 0 to 1. That did not work. I then editted the skyrimprefs.ini folder through mod organizer and that did work insofar as it got the error message to disappear. However, I noticed almost right away that something was still wrong. As I was riding the caravans in the first scene they started glitching out and getting stuck on the ground in certain places almost turning completely upside-down at points. Eventually the game crashed all together. So I've reinstalled Skyrim to a directory outside of program files again and I'm about to start the process all over again, but it's a bit of a commitment and I'm not sure what to do differently to avoid the same thing happening. Can anyone shed some light on this?
  3. Glad to hear it. LOOT is the newer version of BOSS, so that doesn't come as a surprise. Could you post your new load order? I'm curious to see what changes it made exactly.
  4. I find that both LOOT and BOSS aren't perfect. I usually run one or the other once, then make a few minor changes to load order myself. By looking over your own load order, I see that you have the RS kids master plugin way, way above it's associated esp files. You need to have esp files under their master files in load order. Sometimes BOSS and LOOT will make little mistakes like that which you need to figure out yourself. So, in short, you need to make sure that every esm is directly above it's esp files. Edit: Your load order is a wreck. You have Sky UI, which is an essential mod for most other mods to run, in the middle of your load order.
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