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About illidari1221

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  1. Modders could always start making mods that ruin save games as a last ditch form of revenge. they could even bloat your hard disk till its full of fallout saves.
  2. Thats true. And I'm sure people where stealing mods before this console issue poped up. I have always considered Mods as sort of a freebie when it comes to digital media. The only thing that bothers me is a author that produces high quality and original materials, should get proper recognition. since I'm really lazy I would be happy if someone did the work for me as long as they posted the source link. and as a consumer, If I really like their product I would like to look at there other works as well. IT's the least anyone can do. but reupload mods again and again and trying to hide them by not uploading pictures and changing the name slightly so it wont get taken down is straight up theft because the uploader Knows what they are doing and are trying to avoid detection.
  3. well I'm mostly looking for a way for modders to protect there mods. maybe there is a less DRM route? at least a function to give the proper people credit for there work. I actually found this cool topic that seems like a good solution. https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/4505510-vaporware-drm-a-solution-in-a-technique/
  4. I think that using FS4E would be fairly easy to defeat assuming the mod didn't actually need F4SE to function and the dependency was only a means of protection. Except most people copying mods, can't mod themselves, nor can they script... They wouldn't be able to defeat that as easily. They'd need someone that could actually mod. All you'd have to do is making it depend on F4SE functions. Set a string to the F4SE version but leave it blank, if the string is blank then the mod is rendered useless, otherwise, the mod continues to load. and F4SE is a pretty standard thing for most modders. I think it's a bit silly to have to place DRM on mods, but the fact that mods are being uploaded without permission and those uploaders claiming them as their own makes them look really bad to quite a few people, and for a reason.
  5. what if Modders make PC mods only work with a special launcher and void console compatibility? NNM could have some future like that.r maybe have all mods read from a program that sits in the background and without that there is a script that disables all the in game assets so its useless? In fact I'm sure something could be done with F4SE since that will not run on console I know how much work it is to create digital content and I hate seeing mods being stolen. but instead of ranting and hating on console players we should find a good solution.
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