No I am right because I have already cleaned out all of the wasted data within my install and my 10mm still works perfectly this can also be proven just take a look at the animations them selves the 10MM is run on the 1hpattackright, 1hpjama and 1hpreloada animations if you remove that data it will make zero difference in-game. The one exception being the Ripper of course because its running a looping animation on the teeth but even those can have thier data deleted if I wanted to make an animation to control those nodes. Did I mention that I have created well over 3-4 thousand animations alone for Oblivion and FO3's animation engine is nearly identical -> the only weapon animation that will play are ones set to be looping and that is it -> this was identical in Oblivion. Once an object is equiped onto the player or any actor it becomes part of thier scene and not targetable by any animations unless those animations target the actor holding that weapon, and besides there are not even any Controller Sequences inside of the weapons for the game to make a playcall to play them...