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Everything posted by SaidenStorm

  1. 1st custom creature for FO3 - Particle Elemental http://www.bethsoft.com/bgsforums/index.ph...;#entry13483867 As for the skeleton its not usually the skeleton that gets messed up its the mesh skinning data, but there are instances where a skeleton import got funked up because the transform controllers in the skeleton were set to a different neutral position then the bone transforms -> but I think Tazpn nixed that problem as I have not run into it but then again I have not needed to import but 4 FO3 skeletons for testing.
  2. If you having an issue with bones all that is required to import the proper skeleton.nif is to open the skeleton in nifskope and just delete every instance of an extradata block and all of the havok data and it will import without any problems. -> this is exactly what I told Jaysus to do when he asked me how I did it... And you SHOULD be importing the skeleton and mesh in two different steps the skeleton first then the mesh without a skeleton !... the Importer almost never screws up the skinning data when you do it that way.
  3. I was looking over the Ripper and it too can have its TransformControllers deleted as well because that weapon is directly controlled by the 1hmidle player anim... Just for people who like to optimize their install...
  4. No I am right because I have already cleaned out all of the wasted data within my install and my 10mm still works perfectly this can also be proven just take a look at the animations them selves the 10MM is run on the 1hpattackright, 1hpjama and 1hpreloada animations if you remove that data it will make zero difference in-game. The one exception being the Ripper of course because its running a looping animation on the teeth but even those can have thier data deleted if I wanted to make an animation to control those nodes. Did I mention that I have created well over 3-4 thousand animations alone for Oblivion and FO3's animation engine is nearly identical -> the only weapon animation that will play are ones set to be looping and that is it -> this was identical in Oblivion. Once an object is equiped onto the player or any actor it becomes part of thier scene and not targetable by any animations unless those animations target the actor holding that weapon, and besides there are not even any Controller Sequences inside of the weapons for the game to make a playcall to play them...
  5. Actually this is incorrect -> just like in Oblivion the player animations control everything (with very few exceptions) and this is easily proved -> just open any weapon and completely delete all of the NiTransformControllers and all of thier data (since this is the only anim data contained within the weapon.nif's) this by your statement would make the weapon specific animation cease to function -> they will all of course continue to work perfectly and even your game will run better because the weapon.nif will be lighter without all of that worthless data -> Bethesda has a habit of bloating thier files with worthless data 95% of all of the extra data blocks within every .nif can be safely deleted as well as every bit of the anim data contained on the weapons themselves -> I deleted all of this for my Oblivion install some time ago and my instal directory shrunk by 30 odd megs not alot but it is something, and it seems this time around is seems the files are bloated nearly 2 times worse then the oblivion ones were.
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