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Everything posted by jags78

  1. Oh.... that's something I didn't think about. In his case he changed the pure esp file I sent him to a esl flagged esp for testing purposes and I worked. I guess my mod got corrupted when he download it, since no other user out of 350 downloads complained about this problem.
  2. OK. I'll ask him to test it again with the flagged esp. Thx for the feedback.
  3. Someone contacted me about my mod not working for him. Like, not at all... After some correspondence with him I figured out that he installs all his mod manually. For testing purposes I changed my esl flagged esp to a pure esp and it worked for him... Anybody else had this issue with manuall installations of esl flagged esps?? If confirmed, why is that so? Installations with mod managers (in my example Mod Organizer 2) always work flowlessly. Do mod managers change something with the esl/esp when creating the virual envirement?
  4. Hi Genamine could you give an explanation on who you to the whole segmenting stuff and what it is you figured out? apparently the segments have to do with the sleeve removal with the pipboy to, right? maybe some screenshots or links to read up on this stuff? Thx jags
  5. After some more research and testing I can confirm that there is a problem with two perks firing when they are triggered with "Apply Combat Hit Spell". Even when they have different match conditions, one will overwrite the other (if the target is the same, not sure about that)... has something to do with the "Apply Combat Hit Spell" priority and stuff... Skyrim's Ordinator mod seamed to have the same issues. I'll try to remodel the mod to use only one perk per target type and handle the conditions within the spell... I'll write a feedback in here if I remember to. In the meantime, if someone has any experience with this problem (and/or a solution), I'd be glad for a post.
  6. Hi guys and gals It's me again... I'm having a problem. Here my setup: Perk --> Perk Entry Point: Apply Combat Hit Spell --> Spell --> MagicEffect --> Script I've created two separate perks, one to explode limbs and one to knock back the target... Everything is separete - different formlists, different perk conditions, different spells, different magiceffects and different scripts The perk gets triggered if the player has a weapon from a specific formlist. If the weapon is only in one formlist but not the other, the right "perk-effect" triggers... but if that weapon is in both formlists only one of the "perk-effects" fires instead of both together. Does someone know what to do so that both "perk-effects" are applied?? Is this by design or is there some hidden logic I don't know about... Thx in advanced. jags78
  7. I got the OnHit() Event working on a minimal state (no filtering appart the akTarget). I've added a eventhandler script to the second quest (the update quest): Scriptname test:EventHandler extends Quest ObjectReference Human ; copied this method of passing a script from 'Stealthy Takedowns', I really like his approach EventHandler Function GetScript() Global return (Game.GetFormFromFile(0x00000F9A, "jags78_aliastest.esp") as Quest) as EventHandler EndFunction Function RegisterHuman(ObjectReference akHuman) Human = akHuman RegisterForHitEvent(Human) EndFunction Event OnHit(ObjectReference akTarget, ObjectReference akAggressor, Form akSource, Projectile akProjectile, bool abPowerAttack, bool abSneakAttack, bool abBashAttack, bool abHitBlocked, string apMaterial) Debug.Notification("OnHit()") RegisterForHitEvent(Human) EndEvent And here the the RefAlias Script: Scriptname test:Human extends ReferenceAlias Event OnAliasInit() ObjectReference oRef = GetReference() test:EventHandler.GetScript().RegisterHuman(oRef) EndEvent I diminished the timer on the update quest script to 1 second... IMPORTANT: DieFeM was right, you have to remove the "Run Once" flag on the alias quest... Works for me, thx to you two for your help. :thumbsup:
  8. Your snippets are VERY usefull. Thank you very much!! To be honest, I already failed much earlier in the process... I didn't realize that there was an entier ReferenceAlias functions collection. For some reason I thought the ReferenceAlias within the CK was just a Placeholder for the Object-Type given to the RefAlias Script. I thought it just had to match the defined conditions. I was wrong. Some reading and playing around later and I found following functions that triggered an action on the raiders found close to the player: OnAliasInit()GetActorReference()GetReference()Here a working code example Event OnAliasInit() Actor Human = GetActorRef() as Actor ; cast probably not needed Human.UnequipAll() EndEvent 1 second after spawning the raiders, all stood there in their undies... :smile: I'll post my finding about the grenades in here if I remember to...
  9. BTW - Thanks for the hint with the RegisterForHitEvent... I didn't know that Event-Registration existed. Makes somewhat more sense that it didn't work now.
  10. Hmm... Never had a problem to restart a quest although this flag was set. I'll remove it and try again. I'm actually using the Perk Entry Point ApplyCombatHitSpell on the mod I'm writing... It works for Melee, Guns, Bashing... but NOT for Grenades, right?? That's why I even started testing with the dynamic script attachements... If I'm right with the Grenade thingy, I'll have to wrap my head around your suggested "pain in the arse" approach... Do you know of any example online? I'm not really grasping how to approach that method.
  11. Hi guys and gals I'm making some tests with dynamic script attachments. I chose the 2 quest method, but I stuck somewhere... I'm simply trying to punch a dude in the face and trigger the OnHit() event notifying me "I hit a human..." Here is what I got: Quest 1 - Alias Quest Human02-10 where duplicated from Human01 Human01 Reference Alias test:Human Code Scriptname test:Human extends ReferenceAlias Actor Property PlayerRef Auto Const Event OnHit(ObjectReference akTarget, ObjectReference akAggressor, Form akSource, Projectile akProjectile, bool abPowerAttack, \ bool abSneakAttack, bool abBashAttack, bool abHitBlocked, string apMaterial) If akAggressor == PlayerRef Debug.Notification("I hit a human...") EndIf EndEvent Quest 2 - Update Quest In the Script tap I added a script called test:updatealias... here the code Scriptname test:updatealias extends Quest Quest Property jags_aliasquest Auto Const Event OnQuestInit() StartTimer(0.5, 42) EndEvent Event OnTimer(int aiTimerID) If aiTimerID == 42 jags_aliasquest.Stop() ; loop prevention Int c = 0 While !jags_aliasquest.IsStopped() && c < 50 Utility.Wait(0.1) c += 1 EndWhile Debug.Notification("aliasquest stopped") jags_aliasquest.Start() ; loop prevention c = 0 If !jags_aliasquest.IsRunning() && c < 50 Utility.Wait(0.1) c += 1 EndIf Debug.Notification("aliasquest started") StartTimer(10, 42) EndIf EndEvent All properties are "attached" to the CK-Objects and the scripts compile fine. Test-envirement is an empty cell (from the mod 'white test room') console commands: killall player.placeatme 20749 10 (spawns 10 raiders) Here the problem... I only get the notifications "aliasquest stopped" and "aliasquest started" in a loop as intended, but never a notification "I hit a human..." when I punch or shoot a raider. Forums read for this test-mod: http://www.zombiewalkers.net/2016/09/dynamic-script-attachment.htmlhttp://forums.bethsoft.com/topic/1349649-dynamically-attaching-scripts-to-actors-near-the-player/https://www.creationkit.com/index.php?title=Dynamically_Attaching_Scriptshttp://www.gamesas.com/dynamically-attaching-scripts-actors-near-the-player-t255702.html Has anyone have a clue what I'm doing wrong?? Thx in advanced.
  12. Was struggling with the same problem. Thx for the reference.
  13. Hmmm... interesting approach. I'll have to try that one. Thx for the hint. I'll give a feedback in this post. And thx for taking your time to answer :)
  14. hey hereami thx for the info. so nothing to do there, to bad... what about the sorting? do you know how to sort the menu? about the muzzles, I made a keyword per barrel-lenght. 2 different barrel-lenghtes = 2 keywords
  15. I agree with SKK50. Been reverse engineering regi's script myself back and forth, looking for a way to inject weapons and armor into those arrays without success. Inheritance doesn't work when trying to change private variables and CastAs neighter, appart that the latter has an additional private variable that locks the procedure of adding data to his arrays when conditions aren't met. I wrote to regi asking if he would add a kind of API function to his mod allowing us to inject weapon<->armor information without the need of manually doing so, but he didn't anwser until now. I was thinking of writing a similar mod as 'Visible Weapons'... What's your overall goal? Maybe we could help eachother.
  16. I'm playing around with some new approaches for my Simpel Weapon Apparel series. I'm adding a Keyword for the muzzles when adding a Object Modification using the 'Attach Parent Slot' with contains the muzzles for the requested barrel-lenght. It works fine, the barrel resets the muzzle and the option to choose the corresponding muzzle for that barrel appears. What bugs me, it's that the selection menu disappears when selecting a new barrel (those who have a parent slot attached) and you need to go back one step in the crafting menu to see the whole menu again. What am I doing wrong? I there a way to cirumvent that effect or is it a engine problem? And while I'm on it... how do I sort the sections in the crafting menu?
  17. Reset sadly doesn't do the job... but thx for your feedback.
  18. "Reset"? I'll have to try that one out... That's the example on CK Wiki, which is a mistery to me. I went through all ENAM's in the Vanilla Idle Animations with xEdit and none had the string "Reset" to my knowledge, so either I don't understand the logic of Idle Animation (very probable :D) or Beth used a non-existing example for their Wiki. WeapDraw or WeapSheath are present on Idle Animations ENAM's and you can trigger something when registering for them, so I'm a little confused on how this animation-thingy works...
  19. Hi guys and gals As the title says, I'd like interrupt a animation the moment it wants to play. This is how far I came in my head. Here a SAMPLE code: RegisterForAnimationEvent(self, "AnimToInterrupt") Event OnAnimationEvent(ObjectReference akSource, string asEventName) if akSource == self && asEventName == "AnimToInterrupt" InterruptAnim() endIf endEvent Function InterruptAnim() ; WHAT NOW?!? EndFunction Maybe I just sat to long in front of my computer am I'm just not seeing it... But I cannot find a function/call/script-magic to interrupt the animation. Is it even possible to interrupt/stop an animation the moment it starts without noticing to much? Thx in advanced jags78 P.S.: It's not an endless looped animation... If that should matter
  20. Hi guys and gals As the title says, I'd like interrupt a animation the moment it wants to play. This is how far I came in my head. Here a SAMPLE code: RegisterForAnimationEvent(self, "AnimToInterrupt") Event OnAnimationEvent(ObjectReference akSource, string asEventName) if akSource == self && asEventName == "AnimToInterrupt" InterruptAnim() endIf endEvent Function InterruptAnim() ; WHAT NOW?!? EndFunctionMaybe I just sat to long in front of my computer am I'm just not seeing it... But I cannot find a function/call/script-magic to interrupt the animation. Is it even possible to interrupt/stop an animation the moment it starts without noticing to much? Thx in advanced jags78 P.S.: It's not an endless looped animation... If that should matter
  21. This kept me awake a while last night. I think I'll go back to the drawing-board and go for Formlists. A purely scripted approach sounds like a fun challenge... but not for now. Must be at least 15 years since I last coded something in C++. 15 years!! Damn I'm getting old :D... All the missing functions aren't what pain me since you could code them yourself and pop them into a "library" or work with what papyrus deliveres. The limitation is what pains me since I didn't know about it before making the concept for my mod. Oh well... Makes no sense complaining now. Thanks to everybody for the exchange.
  22. Dang it !! No multi-dimensional arrays and a limit of 128 entries... what where they thinking! I'm working with an Entry[] in one of my mods and I was afraid that there would be some kind of problem sooner or later when trying to expend it. Formlists and ReferenceCollectionAliases aren't the solution, I would have to change the core-script fundamentally. I'll have to find a way to script around that limitation. Thank anyways guys.
  23. Hi Guys and Gals I heard something along the line that formlists have a 128 forms limitation... Does that apply to script arrays to? Is for example an Entry[] or an Int[] limited to 128 entries? And is it a fact that formlists have that limitation? Thanks in advanced for the reply. Greetings jags78
  24. hi scrivener07 You're script is extremly interesing. Clean, elegant and simple to read. +1 Kudos from me. Really learned something. Thx jags78
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