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Posts posted by naab007

  1. sure if you find all the correct models and stuff, and then edit all the files required for them to actually get implemented.. It's basically the same engine with a few upgrades so I don't see why they wouldn't be cross compatible.

  2. Item("Craftplan_DevExcalibour", CategoryType_Collectable) //rename this
    Name("&Craftplan_DevExcalibour_N&"); //this will try to name the thing ingame, using the localisation file.
    Description("&Craftplan_DevExcalibour_D&"); //this is the description also in the localisation file.
    ItemType(ItemType_CraftPlan); // ignore this
    Price(200000); //buy price without modifiers
    Mesh("blueprint.msh"); //this is the 3d model, it is not used.
    Skin("default_hl"); // ignore this
    RequiredItem("Craft_Electronics", 5); // this is the requirements to build it, the number afterwards is the amount required
    RequiredItem("Craft_MetalScrap", 10); //same as above
    RequiredItem("Craft_PlasticTube", 10); //same as above
    RequiredItem("Craft_PrimeTissue", 1); //same as above
    RequiredItem("Craft_TinCan", 10); //same as above
    RequiredItem("Craft_Alcohol", 10); //same as above
    Color(Color_Orange); //Tier
    CraftedItem("DevCraftExcalibour", 1); //this is the item you get when you craft using this recipe
    CraftplanType("Weapon"); //Crafting class
    HudIcon("blueprint_b"); //this is the 2d texture used in the shop.

  3. Didn't even realize that the game had a flashlight, mostly all we can do atm is tweak the numbers, that is if you're not insanely familiar with the code and hooks, wait for the modkit to come out if you want it to have new features.

    if you want to tweak whatever options exist, it should be in /scripts/inventory/inventory_special

  4. 2 files of note here, scripts/trading/shop_item_sets and scripts/trading/assortment_sets

    All you need to do is edit either of those, with shop_item_sets you can add all the weapons to the shop and is basically per level inventory, note that low level weapons don't go above a certain level and will have low damage comparably.

    The assortment_sets you can edit minimum level and maximum level items the shops can have, this has the potential of dicking you over sometimes though.

  5. use Winrar or equivalent software to open steam/username/common/dying light/dw/data0.pak, extract it to documents/dying light/out/data and whatever sub folder the file is in.


    get a proper text editing tool like notepad++ and start sifting through the files, in this case it is default_levels.scr in skills we're after, then you start looking through the code, you basically guess most of the stuff, and that's totally fine.


    the features i mentioned I've actually seen in the code, maybe not all in the default_levels but around.


    if you want to mod all you have to do is read, read, read until the text start to make some sense.

  6. Well, first you need to create some dummy art, then go to data/menu and edit the required files, then find the calls that handles it all and edit that to include the stat/skill you want toggleable.. since the code for doing this is hidden in the millions of lines of text you're pretty much starting from scratch..

  7. most things you are requesting are never gonna happen you know.. adding surpessed weapons and such is a whole 'nother ball game, maybe when we get actual mod tools but for now not a chance, too many files to edit and simply too much work.


    as for disabling virals, that's all up to me and you seem to never have been neck deep in a never ending horde of zombies, it isn't boring.

  8. I am currently looking into this, now the spawning is easy, it all done in common_spawn_presets however disabling the noise script for the virals seems to be hidden somewhere among the many thousand lines of code somewhere, i'll find it eventually.

  9. I've been looking at the spawn presets and it did disable the spawning but thats just a small part of the script, the script itself is still running and you still get the tiresome noise of the screams everytime you pull the trigger.

  10. Preferably I want to disable the gunshot script that spawns them, but i'm not forgoing disabling them all togheter, or worse only spawning them.


    So any tips will be helpful, thanks.

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