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  1. Is there any mod (I must have overlooked) that makes the elven keeper robe look like the elven scout armor? I like the way Merrill's robe in DA2 looks, and think that probably fits the female elven inquisitor better as well. Either that or a mod that makes the elven keeper robe look Keeper Hawen's robe (not just the pyjamas version). Both female and male versions.
  2. Oh, I am sorry to hear that. But thank you so much for the effort nonetheless! Most appreciated. :-) There are 3 things I would change with DA:I 1) spells and special attacks more similar to DA2 (and also DA:O) 2) a hotbar with at least 16 slots 3) level cap raised to at least 35 - I suspect you can easily get so far even by playing the game with the DLC straight through... and perhaps even higher, if you take your time.
  3. Actually, any @moderator out there, this thread probably belongs here: https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/forum/2774-dragon-age-inquisition-mod-requests/
  4. I've been running DAI again for some days now, and I always find that I would like to play DA:O or DA2 again when I do. The reason? DAI is a damn good game - but it ain't Dragon Age, in my opinion. :-) I miss Arcane Shield, Glyph of Paralysis... Crushing Prison, Glyph of Repulsion... Heal, Misdirection Hex... to name a few. A mod that could bring out these again would be awesome, but that mod also probably would need to circumvent the utterly stupid limit of 8 hotbar actions (where some actually only in reality have 6, if they want to use any focus powers). Ah well. One can dream, right?
  5. Right - this mod: https://www.nexusmods.com/dragonageinquisition/mods/3655/? Clearly states its for Frosty. No big deal about that. But is removing the level cap (27) at all possible with the DAI ModMaker - has anyone tried making a mod like the one mentioned above for DAI ModManager? As I said; I probably know the answer (were it possible, there would be at least 1 such mod available already)... but as I said, I try to be an optimist. :-)
  6. My mod is now available again, after I ran into some trouble earlier this summer. You can get it from my OneDrive. Please make sure to download the Word document and Excel spreadsheet, as they form the documentation for the mod, in addition to the .dazip file. Hope you like it. :-) -fk-
  7. If these are core items, the right place for them should be \packages\core\override, yes. You might want to try \modules\single player\override as well, though. Remember that you must right-click the file after you have made your changes and choose "Export". When I edit vanilla items in the toolset I generally do NOT check them out, only "Make local copy". Then I do my changes, and do NOT save, only "Export" and normally put in the \packages\core\override folder if it is a Core item. You should also check if you have duplicates of the files installed. If the item you try to edit is in an override folder already, chances are that the game picks that instead of yours - in such cases I tend to save my edit in a different folder, and then add .bak to tilename of the original item.
  8. If the mod you are using is based on hdhd's additem script, https://www.nexusmods.com/dragonage/mods/1131 , the syntax would something like this: runscript additem [resourcename].uti x where x is the number of copies of that item you want. E.g., runscript additem gen_im_wep_rng_amm_far.uti 67 which would add 67 fire arrows to your inventory. See DA Wiki for item codes.
  9. All problems have been fixed, new features added, and local testing of everything is fnished. When external testing is done, the mod will again be available. Thank you for your patience. :-)
  10. Skip the Fade isn't to my knowledge an override, it's a mod that should be installed using either DAUpdater, DAModder or DA:O Modmanager. The armor mod you point to may require the Proportions Fixes from tmp7704, depending on which file/s you downloaded. Also, as balmz says, try using Dain's Fixpack. GT is somewhat outdated, unfortunately.
  11. Read this :-) See an example using some of Nezroy's tints in the attached image. New colours for first enchanter (black) and grand enchanter (white) robes.
  12. Oh darn. OK, thanks anyway. :-) I'll leave the others as they are for now, then.
  13. Ah, yes - but if we are to believe the DA Wiki (which bases this on material from David Gaider in 'Asunder') the colours given in the toolset are wrong - see the links I provided. :-) I haven't read 'Asunder' (to the end, at least) nor any other books than 'The Stolen Throne' and 'The Calling' - and it's been, what... 10 years since I read them? - but I cannot remember if the colours of the robes of the Circle were described there.
  14. Just found this: https://dragonage.fandom.com/wiki/Grand_Enchanter "Grand Enchanters wear white robes as a symbol of their position, as opposed to the black robes of First Enchanters.[3]" And then this: https://dragonage.fandom.com/wiki/First_Enchanter "First enchanters traditionally wear black robes.[1]" This of course does not match the colours given DA:O, but I guess it could be fixed... But does anyone know what the correct colours for the other robes are (senior enchanter, mage, apprentice)? I am thinking of using the apprentice robe model as base for all.
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