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Everything posted by nikashubaiton

  1. Hey guys, I've never done any scripting before and have no idea where to really start, but I need to learn how to do two things: I need to enter a load door to a room (one interior location to another) and have that door disable permanently after the first use. EDIT: I've placed a trigger in the cell to disable the door the moment you enter, now I just need to make it automatically teleport you upon using the item In said room, I need to make it so when I select a custom item, it gives a pop up message, then runs the script to "add perk points" (https://www.creationkit.com/index.php?title=AddPerkPoints_-_Game found here), and teleports the character back to the previous location (or outside, if possible). Not only do I not know all of the scripts I'd need (I have researched, just no luck) but I don't know the way you actually write them to make this happen. Any help would be appreciated!
  2. Thanks, guys! I think what Blue offered is a little bit closer to what I'm looking for, I have a fair bit of modding experience (mostly in Fallout 4, but the CK is pretty much the same) it's mostly figuring out how the scripts work. I don't want the items to be placeable or right where I am, I just want them to appear where I have them pre-set. Best way I can describe it would be how the author of Heljarchen Farm has it set up, or even how the Hearthfire additions work to add things (but instead of recipes requiring different parts like hinges and locks, it would just be gold)
  3. I'm making a home mod and I would like to have an option for upgrades to be purchased for the home (i.e crafting table, beds, smithing equipment, etc.). I essentially want to be able to click a book, a menu pops up and asks "which upgrade would you like to buy" and then when you select it, the object appears (i.e you wanna buy the smelter, you click the menu option, it takes your money and the smelter appears). Could anyone tell me how to do that? I'm sure it has to do with activators, maybe some items being initially disabled, (who knows, I literally have no idea what I'm doing) and a bunch of other things I've never used, I'm just wondering if I can get some help or linked to a tutorial to get started. Thanks!
  4. I was actually coming back to update this, I did already have it linked with workshopitemkeyword but it fixed by just removing the keyword and then re-adding it lol
  5. Hey guys, so for one of my mods I want to turn a welcome mat into a bar, since the location doesn't permit placing a regular stand. I figured out how to make it work partially- I've changed the mesh of the bar into that of the welcome mat, and in game if I command a companion to walk over to it and use it, they'll stand on it and put their hands on the counter that is already there. This shows that the animations correctly line up. The problem is, if I go into workshop mode and try to assign a companion to that bar like you would with a normal stand, it simply cannot be highlighted. Are there certain keywords I may be missing? Something to make it highlight-able? For reference, it does already contain the workshopobjectscript (as it is a duplicate of the existing level 3 bar in game, only with a new model) Any help would be greatly appreciated!
  6. the model and the animations for said model are both appearing to be correct, but it is also 6am and I'm not close to having the place ready as a settlement to assign someone to it, I'm gonna sleep and pick it back up another time, I'll message you to see if it works though. You may have helped answer a lot of my questions!
  7. That's definitely a lot more than anything I've ever done before, but I'm gonna give it a shot lol thanks for the advice, I'll give it a shot and update this when I find out
  8. Sorry you're right, I included it in the tags but forgot to add it in the post, it's for fallout 4
  9. Hey guys, So I'm trying to find a way to turn a static item into a vendor stand in fallout 4. The location in question already has a bar, but I want to be able to place a glass/bottle on it, and make that into an assignable vendor stand, if that makes any sense. Any ideas?
  10. What ended up fixing this was literally duplicating the duplicated cell and trying again, issue was resolved. Thanks though!
  11. Thanks for that, I've been using Stuyk's guide but it was that extra step you gave me that I was missing, I'll test it out
  12. Hey guys, Does anyone know how I'd go about dismissing a companion to an interior workshop? I've made a few playerhomes and I'd like to be able to send followers there, but I'm not sure how I'd go about doing so. I've read all of the tutorials for creating a functioning workshop, but those are for exterior and the details are different, and lacking in certain connections. Would anybody know of a script, or any other ways to send a companion to a playerhome? EDIT: I'd still like to keep the map marker outside, if possible. If it's not possible, it'd still be manageable
  13. Hey guys, (I feel like I only come here for help, so sorry for not being much of a community member) I've made a few interior playerhomes now, and although I'm satisfied with my progress they still feel incomplete, because of one issue- I can't send my companions to them to hang out. I've looked into registrator2000's "companions go home" script, but as I've pretty much never done any scripting, I can't make heads or tails of what I'm supposed to do with it. I want to take the script they have, and simply input my own locations into it, but I don't know if that's entirely possible. Here is the portion of the script I'm assuming I need to use Function Plate()Actor CompanionActor = followersscript.GetScript().Companion.GetActorReference() If (CompanionActor)HomePlate(CompanionActor)ElseDebug.Notification("You don't have a companion right now.")EndIfEndFunction Does anyone have any idea? I'm not sure if I'm even right, or how I'd get it done. If there's a way to simply make an interior workshop accept settlers and followers, that would also be really cool too. Thanks for any help given!
  14. As said above, the message when I try to make a new script is: the parent script doesn't exist please choose one that does I get it when clicking "OK" on the image below, no matter how I fill any of the text boxes. In fact I'm not even sure what goes in the "namespace" area. Any help would be appreciated! The script I'm trying to add to it after by the way, is to make the cell itself immediately count as "cleared" for workshop purposes. It's: Scriptname LocationClearedScript extends ObjectReference Location property LocationToClear auto AUTO STATE Waiting Event OnCellAttach() GoToState("Done") LocationToClear.SetCleared() EndEvent ENDSTATE STATE Done Event OnCellAttach() ; EndEvent ENDSTATE
  15. ISSUE RESOLVED: Now just for figuring out how to do the script Not sure, but I'll give you a look at the screen I'm on. If I click "Okay" on that screen, I get the popup: "the parent script doesn't exist please choose one that does". It happens whenever I try to create a new script. I've read and watched tutorials, this is simply an error that isn't supposed to happen. Any ideas?
  16. It's a player home, yeah. I've made two now with the interior workshop, I just want to make a player home where you can still build on the inside, the cell has been duplicated and wiped of any reference of enemies or anything else, for that matter. I've already changed the scripts for the workbench in the way described, it didn't work out, issue stayed the same. This was on a save from before I had initially installed, as well. the question about scripts kind of stands regardless, because that's just gonna cause me errors in the future so it'd be good to know lol
  17. Don't know if this holds any relevance, but when trying to make a new script I receive the error: "The parent script doesn't exist, please choose one that does" - the only tip online did not work, because as far as I know the file path is correct... I mean I think? I'm a f*#@ing idiot who knows
  18. I added it to the default clear location script, that didn't work, I'll just wait until someone gets back to me so I don't f*** it up lmao Additionally, you're talking to a guy with literally NO SCRIPTING EXPERIENCE AT ALL so if you can simplify it I would really appreciate it
  19. so for the top script, I'm not actually sure how to add it as I've never done one before. In the scripts section I clicked add and then new, is that the section? Sorry for all the basic questions Edit: I'm trying now for the default clear location script, am I getting closer?
  20. See the setting it as owned already with the true false flags doesn't fix the issue, but I will definitely try the other steps and let you guys know, thanks!
  21. Hey all, I'm making a mod that involves putting a workshop in a cave, so you can create a base underground. What I would normally do is just use the interior workshop, but since I want the player to be able to build a little I've opted to use the regular one. The problem with this is, when trying to use the workshop I am given the immediate popup "you must clear all enemies from the location" even though the cell is void of any living things. I know there is script work to make it so the cell itself is set as clear, but I have no idea how to do that. Can anybody help? EDIT: I followed what Lisselli said, here's another way of showing their example Scriptname ClearLocationScript extends ObjectReference Location Property myLocation Auto AUTO STATE WaitingForPlayer Event OnCellAttach() ; This will fire when the player enters the cell. ; Note: It will NOT fire if the player is already in the cell on game load. ; The Player will need to leave the cell first and then come back, if so. GoToState("Done") myLocation.SetCleared() EndEvent ENDSTATE STATE Done Event OnCellAttach() ; empty event. Will not run anymore. EndEvent ENDSTATE So just fill in "myLocation" with your location, and you're good to go
  22. Wow I didn't even specify, my bad. Weirdly enough I duplicated the duplicate, and the issues went away. Not sure how that happened
  23. Hey all, so right now I'm making a mod that involves a cave, so I duplicated Virgil's cave and removed everything inside of it. Problem is, when entering the cave, a copy of Virgil and 1 of his turrets (that I'm absolutely sure I remember deleting) is still there! Checking in the CK I see absolutely nothing left, although I do get certain masterfile errors when loading the file, one of which being Masterfile: Unique ActorBase *Virgil's info* has more than one reference in the world. Data access when unloaded my not work correctly. When I actually check the actors themselves, both forms of virgil (human and mutant) both show they only have one reference, and I've confirmed that his spawn points are gone in my new cell, why does he keep coming back? How can I fix it? (By the way if this is in the wrong section I'm real sorry and will get to the right one if someone tells me where to go)
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