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Everything posted by OldBigfoot25

  1. AHA! Marksman! Thanks for the information! :)
  2. Thanks, I'll try that mod! I stupidly replied to my own post the first try. :-/
  3. Thanks. I've downloaded many mods from there, but I missed that one. I'll give it a try. :)
  4. I like to know what stats my followers have. For many stats I can find out (I'm on PC) by entering "GETAVINFO [sTAT]" on the selected NPC. So I can put HEAVYARMOR or TWOHANDED etc. for STAT and it works fine. BUT, if I try ARCHERY or BOW or BOWANDARROW or ARCHER or anything else I can think of, it "doesn't parse." How do I learn about archery anyway? Anybody know? Thanks in advance! :) OBF
  5. @mclericp I posted the original message in part because the note says nothing about who wants me dead, just "...somebody wants this poor fool dead...We've already received payment for the contract. Failure is not an option." Signed by Astrid. OBF
  6. Thanks for all the responses folks! :) I'm not aware of anything "bad" that my character did to anybody, but maybe she did somehow. I'll be curious to see if she gets any more assassins trying to do her in. She's pretty good at defending herself! Thanks again. :) OBF
  7. My character was walking down the road heading to zap a dragon to convince Delphine that she's really Dragonborn when she was attacked by an assassin carrying a note calling for her assassination by the Dark Brotherhood...it was signed "Astrid." My character is not a member of any factions at all and is very early in the game. I'm curious as to why someone would hire the DB to assassinate her...she is, so far, a "good" character who attacks anyone or anything only in self defense. Any ideas? OBF
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