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Everything posted by charrzarr

  1. the mod is currently on hold due to me moving. Will be without internet for awhile so I don't think collaborating will be possible until i get net
  2. I am the cofounder of the Facebook group, Buffout Addicts Anonymous. We are planning to make an official BAA mod featuring custom armor, weapons(maybe), unique raiders(the BAA) and a questline to destroy them. The armors will probably just be reskins so that I can figure out(Retexturing experience with other games). What I am hoping for is that we can find an experienced modder to assist in the other aspects of the mod. My initial plan is to start the questline with a holotape and progress it via a series of dead drops containing morre holotapes(so custom audio without worries of lip sync). A group member has suggested making the mod have 2 potential questlines, 1 to destroy the BAA and 1 to befriend them. The idea sounds cool but I have no freaking idea how to do it nor do I have the time to complete such a task alone. Feel free to visit our page. The group is a closed group due to some problems with a number of people causing drama so just click join and you should be added in a matter of minutes. https://www.facebook.com/groups/602683493195174/
  3. Interesting idea. I wouldn't want a mod like this but still could be cool. A quick way to get the same effect might be to set the magazine size at an absurd number. Do not know the max but if it is possible to set it to 10000 Actually filling it would be challenging without the console
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