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Nexus Mods Profile

About zsdf

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  1. I find that the default female running animation has too much hip swinging. I also noticed that the backwards running animation looks very similar, but with much less hip swing. So, could someone please reverse the backwards running animation and mod it as the default running animation? That would be awesome for CotW characters.
  2. When I look at an object that is below the water surface from above, there are weird artifacts around the edges, However, looking at the same object from below the surface looks great. Here's some pictures to show what I mean: http://abload.de/img/screenshot22isrr.png (Notice the jagged edges) http://abload.de/img/screenshot3v2s3p.png (No jagged edges here) A similar issue exists with alpha on objects like hair. Looks horrible when the camera is above water and the hair is underwater, but great when the camera is underwater and the hair above. Why is that and how do I fix it? I tried messing with the INI settings but nothing worked. Edit: Found someone with the same problem here, but no solution.
  3. Not actor shadows, I mean shadows cast by static objects such as tress, buildings, cars, etc. In case you haven't noticed, those things don't have shadows in FO3.
  4. I've seen screenshots of object shadows in FO3, probably as part of an ENB. I'm not interested in any of the other stuff that ENBs add, but I would like some shadows. What is the best method to get shadows in my game? Is there maybe a minimalist ENB that only adds shadows?
  5. Basically what it says on the tin. I would love a mod that removes the switch to first person for scoped weapons, so that in third person view they are aimed the exact same way as ironsight weapons. I know I can do this in an esp for individual weapons, but obviously that is a huge compatibility issue. If there's a way to do this with scripts then that would be really awesome. Pretty please?
  6. It seems that Fallout 3 will only ever draw grass in the cell you're in and the adjacent 8 cells, so if you set the draw distance high then grass will pop in and out along the edges of cells. Nothing has any effect on this, not even uGridsToLoad since the default 25 cells won't be filled with grass anyway, only the middle 9 cells. There is an NVSE plugin called NVAC that increases grass render distance by one additional cell (so all 25 default cells will be rendered with grass) but I haven't seen anything like it for FO3. Has anyone ever fixed this problem, other than by setting the grass draw distance really low?
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