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Posts posted by Ryze

  1. Hi everybody ;]

    I've played Oblivion for the last couple of years and just started on Morrowind, so I am quite a noob. I installed a lot of mods after 1 hour of playing, and now Morrowind crashes at the first door I use. I am not interested in reverting to vanilla; I just want to know how to uninstall Morrowind completely. After that I'll reinstall. As to the reinstall I am going to select mods that change the looks. If anyone has any recommendations on graphics, anything is apreciated. I apologise for this topic as it is completely newbish and probably asked over a 100 times.


    this link can help if ur new to morrowind modding (good suggestions here): http://forums.bethsoft.com/?showtopic=1060141


    In terms of uninstalling, I don;t understand what problems ur having, go to uninstall programs on your computer find morrowind and uninstall. other than that you can go to your program files (C drive etc.assuming this is where you installed it to), Bethesda Folder and you can just delete it manually i guess... hope this helps m8y! :thumbsup:

  2. this def should be in spoilers section... :biggrin: err in ''My game'' let me emphasise that, for spoiler purposes, due to choices made, eerr the... Loghaine's last words to his daugter before ermm... well if you made that choice u know wot follows... :whistling: anyhoo sad part...
  3. I have finished the main quest several times, but never finished playing. One of the great things about Oblivion is it really never ends. There are always new mods to play thanks to all of the great modders who make them.


    The same for me! I started switching between oblivion and morrowind, both modding communities are great! :biggrin:

  4. I started playing this game when it was just released, sometime in 2002 I believe. I played for several years, it kept me hooked due to its vastness, lore, amazing modding community and creativity. Now I can run it on my laptop easily, I came back to it recently as I found it lieing around on my shelves, as soon as I saw the cover of it a nolstalgic feeling hit me right in the face, the kind that only Morrowind can hit you with; the countless hours of exploration, the music, the places, the lore aah..., and I relised that I never had such vast experience with any game (even Oblivion - still a great game) and thought what the heck, installed it. Enjoying it again, appriciating it even more as it aged actually, very good for its time. Hard to fogive Some of the issues with this game at times the bits that Bethesda could have fixed initially just to make it a bit more superior than it already is,... But u learn to look pass em and really enjoy it for what it is and what it gives you, plus the number of mods that are easily available now; can keep you glued to your screen, esspecially if you let your imagination flow with this game. Great Game!:thumbsup: Enjoy it, the community is definetly there mate! :biggrin:


    Ohh and this is my first post just relised hehe:smile: , I lost my old account that I had years ago here! Had to create this one to download mods :tongue: So hello again community :wink:

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