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Nexus Mods Profile

About wishdamume

  1. I already did all this~ does anyone know for sure if the most recent version of SKSE supports Dawnguard?
  2. Hey, I can still run SkyUI without SKSE, which I think is my only SKSE requiring mod, but it's still annoying that it thinks it's incompatible. Any help? Thanks, Donald
  3. Hey, I Don't know if this is technically a corrupted file problem, but you guys seem to be the experts on recovering games. So, I had several mods and such, and I keep to save games, but I usually save at the same time. So I saved both games, and later I downloaded a ton of mods and tried playing. Well, it wouldn't load. Like, I'd choose my character and it just would stop loading on the bar, either almost all or halfway through or just at the beginning. So, I turned off all the new mods, but it still did that. SO I turned off all mods except Knights, Oblivion (of course) and Shivering Isles, and loaded one of my saves. Of course it said some of the stuff I was using was now gone, but I loaded anyway, and it worked. SO I saved outside of where I was, and tried adding one mod on, and boom whole thing doesn't load again. I thought it was just that, but now it seems like any mod! And this only affects one of my characters. Help!
  4. Thank you for everything! I think I can close this topic now!
  5. If you want to upload it now I'll get it, but first I'll get used to using the other skeletons.
  6. I don't even have a _Male folder in the characters folder that I unpacked =P and it's not in my normal one. If you could attack it I would be forever grateful! And will it work for both Khajiit and other races, or just one or the other? Thanks so much! You are amazing!
  7. Thanks for the quick reply, but there's a problem. When I unpacked it, it was unpacked into a separate folder. So I have Oblivion/Data/Meshes and then I have Oblivion Meshes which has distantlod, meshes, and trees. Under Meshes there's characters but that just has races and under those races are face skeleton stuff. Under male_ I have nothing except a folder called Idle something
  8. Hey there, I'm new here, and I have a question. I'm trying to make a character, and I understand I'm supposed to use a Creature skeleton for my Khajiit. So I unpacked the Oblivion - Meshes bsa file, and I have a bunch of nif skeletons, but I can't find any character skeletons! I go to creatures, and there are no Khajiits. I go to characters, not khajitts. And even under the other races there are no skeletons, only head skeletons or eye skeletons. So where are the body skeletons?? Thanks so much
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